Supreme Naruto

Chapter 427

What is the most stupid thing on World?

If someone asks Naruto, Naruto will definitely answer the body that entered Akira.

So more stupid?

He is now accompanying the dog to make a special training.

The train (ing) field of the Konoha canine family.

The dog hands are pressed by the whole person in the shape of an animal in the snow, and the red pill changes into the shape of a dog’s fangs.

This is the imitation of the beast and the imitation of the law.

Then, Chakra surrounds the body and rotates! Teeth through the teeth!

The dog’s fangs and the red pill are transformed into two tornadoes, hitting a tree surrounded by a trio.

The tree trunk was hit by the storm formed by Chakra, and the snow and ice on the branches were instantly shaken, and then the tree trunk was torn into pieces with a squeaking sound.


The tree trunk smashed, and the red pill, which became a dog’s fangs, was also disintegrated.

“Good red pills, you finally found the state!”

The dog’s fangs are very happy to roar Naruto’s dog’s head.

Good? Yes, it’s good!

Naruto had forbeared three days and finally learned the lame Ninjutsu.

Then he finally can safely occupy the body of the canine.

Naruto licks the capsule hidden under the tongue and smashes it.

The white gas seems to be spit out from the mouth of Akira, and it squirts the face of the dog.

The stupid dog fangs thought that his dog was playing with him, and he also took a sip from Naruto.

But the gas just spit out half, then Byakugan (roll eyes) lie in the snow.

Then Akira also fainted.

Naruto’s Spiritual Body took advantage of this opportunity to easily enter the body of the canine.

At the same time As early as last night, when the dog’s fangs were sleeping, the curse was planted.

It is a bundle of curses for the sake of insurance.

After half an hour, the dog’s fangs regained consciousness after the efficacy, but the owner of the consciousness has been replaced by Naruto.

Canine tooth decay.

Favorite foods such as beef jerky, cartilage, and other chewy things.

Take a walk with Akira in daily activities.

Mother The dog’s claw is the patriarch of the canine family.

It is strict and rigorous, and it is necessary to say that no matter what the dog has to do, even the time of eating can not be delayed for one second.

Otherwise, according to his mother’s dogma, people who don’t get up on time and go downstairs are not eligible to eat!

Mother’s beast is a one-eyed black canine that speaks human words and looks like a wolf.

The character is more arrogant, and every time I see the red pill, I have to educate a few words.

The tone is often accompanied by a careless aloof and remote tone.

It’s a bit like the past nine lamas.

In addition to mother, important members of the family also have elder sister canine flowers.

Unlike the strict and even the old-fashioned mother, the elder sister of the dog’s fangs is a gentle person.

Occupation is a vet, at the same time shift to participate in Konoha patrol work.

The elder sister has three heads, referred to as the gray ball three brothers.

Um… I can also speak people.

The above is Naruto’s daily information on canine disgusts collected in addition to the mystery of the canines.

With this information, at least Naruto will not be discovered while pretending to be a dog.

“Take my body for a few days, and I will finish the matter and guarantee that I will return it as it is.”

Naruto, who has a dog with a fang, sits up from the ground.

Then take out a card in the mouth of Akaru.

Wash it with snow first, then wipe it clean with the dog hair of the red pill.

Then stick to the body, Chakra injects the card and then deforms it to stick to the skin, then fades away and disappears, leaving only a symbol of the curse.

After three more seconds, even the symbol of the curse disappeared.

System Tip: “The Spirit network is reconnected.”

System Tip: “Please enter an account number.”

This time without the nine-tailed verification, Naruto logs in directly to the sub-user set up under the five-star card name.

Upon logging in, Naruto received a message from Hinata.

“Naruto Jun, is your plan completed?”

Naruto just suddenly got off the assembly line and made Hinata worried. She thought that Naruto had something unexpected.

Naruto Kaidō: “Ah, it’s a success, it’s going well.”

Hinata took a deep breath.

Then I was a little worried: “That… will not have a bad influence on dog fangs?”

Naruto promised: “Don’t worry, I use a variant of the four-image seal, only seal the consciousness, not damage to him.”

After listening to Naruto’s guarantee, Hinata sighed in relief.

After all, at the shinobi school, the dog has been taking care of her.

And… I also take care of Naruto.

Thinking of this Hinata feels that his fears are superfluous, how can Naruto Jun make a dog canine.

That is absolutely impossible.

Then Hinata stopped and said: “The Naruto Jun… I want to… see me…”

Naruto knows Hinata’s mind, and Hinata should have been homesick for a long time.

“Fangxin, give it to me, I will let you take a look at them.”

Hinata bit her lip and gratefully said, “Naruto, thank you.”

Naruto sighed: “Stupid girl, I should thank you, you left Konoha for me…”

Mentioning this, Naruto’s heart is inexplicably heavy.

The most difficult thing to suffer is the beauty, even if the beauty is still small, it is just a little beauty and it is hard to suffer.

This kind of love, except for the body, is difficult to repay.

Naruto couldn’t help but grow up.

At the beginning… If he didn’t bring Hinata out… would it be better?

I met Hinata’s parents, and then Haruno Sakura also came over.


Naruto understood that she also went around the Spring Family Ying Family.

However, this meeting is not sad, because… Chunno Sakura’s parents actually gave birth to a little doll.

It’s a boy, with the same pink hair as Haruno Sakura, with a handsome face and no wide forehead.

After seeing it, Haruno Sakura slammed the Spirit link in resentment and went back to her Sasuke.

Since Sasuke was assigned to the Mercenary Academy by the second-generation Hokage, Haruno Sakura has followed.

Then… is Kakashi teacher.

Kakashi met one side when Naruto was with Akira.

That was when I handed in Quest and made a Quest report.

Simply put… became the Kakashi of the six generations of Hokage… or hanged Lang Lang.

A dead fish eye all day, half-sleeping.

Look at at the time.

But… let Naruto feel that the big white teeth have been around Kakashi.

“Ah, Hokage.”

Naruto greeted Kakashi with a rough, wild and awkward tone.

Kakashi turned his head like a dead fisheye and replied with a weak answer: “Ah, the dog is fangs.”

The tone of the tone has a rhythm that is very similar to that of a dog.

This sentence can be guessed with the ass, but it is not directly copied by the brain.

People are lazy like this, and only Kakashi is gone.

Is Konoha handing him a problem?

Naruto was worried about the future of Konoha for the first time.

“You are taking a red pill… come out for a walk?”

Kakashi glanced at the red pill that Naruto had on his shoulder like a dead dog.

Naruto glanced at Kakashi’s gaze and glanced at the red pill on his shoulder. “Ah…the kid is tired and has gone to sleep.”


Kakashi raised his brow.

Did the dog walk to the dog and fell asleep?

This is really… unique.

Kakashi thought of her own group of dogs.

Um… the talking dog is very difficult to serve, so he doesn’t want to be jealous now.

For example, passing a fried chicken restaurant.

The dog suddenly stopped and yelled at me to eat fried chicken.

Are you buying or not buying it?

Fortunately, one street to eat from the beginning to the tail you try?

I have an old heart…

Moreover… he is a group.

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