Supreme Naruto

Chapter 425

Orochimaru Lab.

The first generation of Hokage lay flat on an iron bed, next to the original Hokage was a naked male body.

Both of them closed their eyes and the two men’s beds were connected.

Orochimaru stood in front of the two beds and carefully examined the curse.

After confirming the correctness, the hand seal begins, and the unknown ban is launched.

Then, the inscriptions inscribed on the iron bed lit up.

As soon as I saw the body of the first generation Hokage, it was ashamed, and the face of the inside was leaked. It seemed to relieve the practice of Edo Tensei.

But the ashes did not disappear in the Hollow air, but reunited on the person around them.

Soon, after a glimpse of the ashes of the man, the man became the first generation of Hokage.

“what did you do to me?”

The consciousness of the first generation Hokage recovered.

The eyes were not opened, but the process of recollecting the memory and telling him that he died again.

No, it is accurate to say that Edo Tensei has been re-released once.

He thought that Orochimaru might call him again when Edo Tensei’s body expired.

However, his originally body has a minimum of two months of survival.

He does not agree with the practice of trampling on life like this!

The first generation of Hokage slowly opened his eyes.

An imposing manner that is not angry is spread out.

At the same time Chakra responded to the rising anger in the heart, and naturally released the pressure in the temper.

Very terrifying, as if the Thai mountain collapsed in front of it, the sky collapsed and the school was dull.

And not just the impact of Spirit, even Orochimaru’s Base has shaken.

The dust stone huā lā lā was laid down from the crack in the roof.

However, Orochimaru smiled after a short stay.

The first generation of Hokage also reacted and re-sensed the body. He found that there was an unspeakable familiarity in the body.

this is……

The initial generation of Hokage’s imposing manner suddenly increased, and launched an Attack to Orochimaru.

It is like a thunder, and it appears in front of Orochimaru.

The first generation of Hokage felt the smell of the past body in this body.

Although not completely comparable, it is enough to play most of his strength.

So he wanted to take this opportunity to solve Orochimaru.

Orochimaru did not move.

The first generation of Hokage’s fist was smashed, and it was bizarre.

Rubbing Orochimaru a fist hit the wall.

The buzzing sound is like a thunder.

The base of the big snake… fell again.

One time, the first generation Hokage shot again, but once again crossed the front of Orochimaru.

The explosion caused by the explosion caused by the explosion caused the rock falling from the top to be blown out like a cannonball.

Only a deep pit with a depth of ten meters is left.

“what did you do to me?”

This is the second time Hokage asked this question.

However, although the two sentences are the same, the problem is different.

Orochimaru is very calm, “Since I can get you back to your Strength, it will not let it threaten me.”

This voice was made from the brain of the original Hokage.

To be precise, it is the body.

This body has a second will!

The original Hokage eye foreground changes.

Consciousness sinks into Spirit World.

So I saw Orochimaru…

That’s right, in his with the body of Orochimaru.

Orochimaru said with a smile : “This body is made up of cells from my body and cells in your body.”

“So… I also have some control.”

The first generation of Hokage’s brow stretched out, and suddenly a hearty said with a smile: “I didn’t expect you to be so powerful, ah Hahahaha!”

Orochimaru answered very calmly: “Thank you for complimenting.”

The first generation of Hokage smirked for a while, and suddenly the whole person fell into a great loss, muttering to himself: “I can’t even deal with a junior? It seems that my time has passed.”

Orochimaru comforted: “Your formidable is not to be questioned, otherwise I will not raise you.”

The first generation of Hokage raised his head: “How can your cells fuse with my cells? Are you mine?”

The original Hokage stared at Orochimaru’s face seriously, as if looking for Orochimaru’s face and whether he had a similar place.

However, it was found that there were no other similarities except that the hair was long and black.

Orochimaru explains: “Accurately speaking, it is the white Snake Sage’s cells… I merged the white Snake Sage cells, and then the cells fused with the white Snake Sage merged your cells again.”

The first generation of Hokage didn’t understand it, but it showed a stunned look: “Oh, it’s like this.”

Orochimaru continues to explain: “But this fusion is not perfect. If you don’t have the will to drive this body, this body can’t even move.”

The first generation of Hokage once again felt the lower body, very formidable, but… and Edo Tensei’s body looks a little different.

For example… the shoulder can’t be flipped freely at 360 degrees.

“This body… is it still resurrected with Edo Tensei?”

The original Hokage raised his doubts.

Orochimaru has to answer: “It is not true. This body can be said to be alive, or it can be said to be dead. It is a state of semi-death and half-live.”

The original Hokage still didn’t understand.

But seriously serious nodded, “Oh, oh…”

At this time, Orochimaru asked: “I have answered your question, then change me to ask a question.”

“How good is the temper of the three generations of Hokage and the four generations of Hokage?”

The first generation of Hokage stayed, and the subconscious replied: “Three generations and four generations? I don’t know… I am…”

Halfway through, the first generation of Hokage realized the trap of this sentence.

But it is too late to change the mouth.

Orochimaru’s face has been laughing into a yellow flower.

“Oh, that’s it, then I know.”

“Next, let’s go to Konoha. Haven’t you gone back and looked at it for a long time?”

“The last time you went, the light battled, and you didn’t have a good view of Konoha.”

The original Hokage still wanted to say something, but after taking a breath, the whole person fell into a great loss.

Where is the trap of Orochimaru?

Is to test Naruto whether there will be three generations of Hokage and four generations of Hokage Edo Tensei.

The first generation Hokage said that he had never seen it.

Then Orochimaru got the answer he wanted to know.

Say wit, or a bit of a heart, anyway, the original Hokage accidentally said.

Outside of the same time, outside Konoha Ninja, Naruto is making major decisions.

Who is going to be in the end.

Four people, Maitekai, Hyuga Neji, Li Locke, Tenten.

The soul of Matekai is definitely better than Naruto.

However, Spirit’s comparison of soul power is only one, and more importantly, will.

If Naruto learned the Illusion Technique, it might be able to break through, but it must be awkward now.

Unless… He’s the soul to launch Attack and wipe out the Maitekai’s soul.

Want to kill Mattekai? Certainly not, Maitekai is one of the few people in Konoha who today Naruto doesn’t hate.

Moreover, it can not be done.

Then you can only choose between Li Locke, Hyuga Neji, and Tenten.

Li Locke, if you are attached to him, it will be very troublesome.

For example, every day and Matteka stand up and run in Konoha.

Hyuga Neji Well, Naruto is not sure. After all, Byakugan (roll eyes) is coming from an alien. Maybe it will be a mess.

Tenten… Still forget, Naruto doesn’t want women.

So to speak… Li Locke?

In the perception barrier, Matteka suddenly gave a thumbs up: “Little Li! Let’s come to Konoha first!”

Xiao Li wolf said: “Good!”

Maite Kay fangs: “You must use your hands and run backwards!”

Xiao Li’s inverted position is ready, “Good!”

The scene in front of him made Naruto’s face black. Is he going to do this?

At this moment, there are a few more people in the perception barrier.

“Wang Wang!”

Dog barking? Then…

“Hey! You just came back?”

It is a dog tooth.

For a time his choice… seems to be a lot more.

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