Supreme Naruto

Chapter 424

Ghost country, at the foot of the remote mountain, is holding a funeral.

Very simple funeral, there are only two people attending the funeral.

If you want to add more than one member… there is a pig.

Dig, bury, and build a monument.

Simple things are done with extremely fast speed.

There is still snow in the sky.

The snow is very big, very quiet, and soon the grave that has just stood up is tight.

The monument in front of the grave is a wooden monument. There is no carving on the wooden monument, and there is no inscription or blank.

The snow is bigger, and the person whose body is hidden in the black cloak is going to go.

At this time, the person who has been talking about it has finally started to talk: “Uncle confessed to bury his ashes together.”

The people in front did not pay attention to the people behind them, but they accelerated their pace.

The people behind picked up the pigs that were trembling in the cotton coat.

The worry between the face and the eyebrows is even heavier.

Determined to yell: “Uncle has forbidden you to resurrect him! And you agreed!”

The people in front finally stopped.

Looking back, I was bored: “The snow is so big, you are ruthless.”

Saying, turning your head again, the pace is faster.

Just covered in the cloak, holding the hand of the casket, the grip is tighter, more careful.

The people buried in the snow are Tsunade and silent.

Needless to say, the pig that is about to be frozen is a dolphin.

Silent sighed and ran up and chased it up.

Perseverance emphasizes: “You promise Uncle will no longer raise him!”

Tsunade’s appearance at this time is a man’s face, impatiently screaming Kaidō: “You don’t have to remind me of this! I will not do it if I promised it!”

Mute a little.

The two walked home silently in tandem.

It was a stone house burning with a bonfire. The house was not small, and it was 100 square meters.

There are courtyards and farmhouses outside.

“then you……”

Mute looking at the casket in the hands of Tsunade is a bit of a stop.

Tsunade is not happy said: “I can’t keep it!”

Silence has hit Tsunade many times today, and this month’s timidity has all been used up, and a narrow neck has escaped to the side.

Also in the neck is the dolphin in the arms.

After a long time, the stiff atmosphere eased a lot after the fire was baked.

Silently asked quietly: “Then we are going to… continue to live here?”

Tsunade is not happy said: “There is no casino here, what do you live here?”

Silent weak road: “You promise Uncle not gambling…”

Tsunade snorted: “He is dead, why should I listen to him?”

Silence is once again full of worry and look at the casket.

The snow was flying outside the window, only listening to “plop!”.

The half-foot thick snow on the roof slipped down and fell into the courtyard.

“The harvest next year should be good…”

Mute seems to mutter a whisper outside the window.

The dolphins around you are sizzling on the side of the fire.

Comfortable straight.

At this same time, Konoha is also snowing.

Outside the village of Konoha Ninja, at the bottom of the frozen river pond, Naruto sat in a homemade igloo and grilled fish.

Pure fire Attribute Chakra barbecue, zero emissions and zero pollution.

There is also a dog’s projection next to Naruto, which is the Shiba Inu.

The Shiba Inu was staring at the big tongue and staring at the steaming golden grilled fish.

Naruto said ill-humoredly: “You stare so seriously? You can’t eat it anyway.”

Kaida’s serious Kaidō: “I am filling the taste of the entrance.”

Naruto Byakugan (roll eyes) Turned over, too lazy to take care of this silly dog.

The grilled fish was done, Naruto took the plate and put the grilled fish in it first, and did not rush to eat, and took out a wok.

Add water, boil, then take Mana’s meat out and evenly cut a few pieces, put them in the pot, and then start the soup.

Seeing Naruto’s left-handed Fireball, he kept the soup and picked up the fish in his right hand.

The Shiba Inu is even more excited, and a pair of dog eyes are even brightening.

The excitement of the tail helicopter in general sōu sōu sōu can’t stop.

“Master…that…I heard Yakushi Kabuto say…”

The face of the Shiba Inu dog’s face is flattering.

Naruto added some spices to the fish and continued to lick.

“What are you talking about?”

The Shiba Inu licked his dog’s nose and whispered: “Yakushi Kabuto, he said, I exist, maybe I can get the flesh.”

Get the flesh?

Naruto suddenly realized that it was no wonder that the Shiba Inu stared at the fish, and the feeling was expressing that it wanted meat.

Naruto pretended not to know: “What do you want to do in the flesh? Do you want to make yourself a dog hot pot for me?”

“Oh…” The tail of Shiba Inu was shaken, and the dog’s face was stiff and his mouth was open.

He said: “Is it good for you to catch another dog into a dog hot pot? I will be…”

Naruto Byakugan (roll eyes) Turn over and catch other dogs? Is the dog so realistic now?

“Since it is Yakushi Kabuto saying that you can get the flesh, then you go to find him to go, I don’t.”

Then Shiba Inu left a sentence: “I will go.”

Said, the cockroach disappeared.

Soon Yakushi Kabuto’s call was dialed up: “Boss, the Shiba Inu said that you let me get a flesh for it? How?”

Naruto is speechless, and this dead dog has learned to tell the story…

To say that the wisdom of the dog grows too fast.

Or… add a dog hot pot later?

“Don’t ignore it, let him play with mud.”

Daxueshan Institute, the laboratory of Yakushi Kabuto.

The Shiba Inu face proud and pampered, “Hurry up! Boss said that you will get me a flesh.”

Yakushi Kabuto hung up the call and waved the image of the Shiba Inu.

The Shiba Inu wants to enter the lab of Yakushi Kabuto again. A reminder came: “The experiment is heavy and the dog is forbidden.”

The face of the Shiba Inu dog’s face was tangled and then turned into a skin whale.

Try to enter again, “Let your dog eyes, I am a whale, I am not a dog!”

However, there is still no permission.

Obviously the Yakushi Kabuto setting prohibits its identity card instead of its shape.

Yakushi Kabuto’s call hangs over: “Boss said that you are going to play with mud.”

Imposing manner The sly Pippi Whale was reborn as a dog, surprised Kaidō: “Have you ever gone to Boss?”

Yakushi Kabuto hung up the call.

Just leave a stupid dog alone and hurt: “How can you bully the dog like this…”

Outside the village of Konoha Ninja, at the bottom of the pond.

After eating two grilled fish and drinking a pot of snakes, Naruto Meimei rested on a homemade ice bed.

In the nine-tailed Seal Space, Xiao Jiu was impatient: “It’s been all day, how come no one passed by? The Konoha you said will not be destroyed?”

Naruto comforted: “Patience, just wait a day and you are impatient?”

“The last time I went outside to Kirigakure, I was outside for a little while.”

And… looks like it hasn’t entered yet.

Then I met the guy Orochimaru.

Orochimaru What is the guy doing now?

A few thoughts in Naruto’s heart flashed.

Naruto’s plan is unchanged, and as in the previous two, he entered Konoha with a spiritual approach.

Waiting now is the one that is convenient for Naruto to control with the use of spirituality.

Xiao Jiu was bored in the cage and continued to chase his tail bite. After he got tired, he stopped and said to Naruto: “You can promise me. After your Spiritual Body leaves, I can move freely.”

Naruto Kaidō: “You have promised me, don’t mess things up, I ask you to pick me up or arrange other Quest words to perform.”

Xiaojiu points his head seriously: “You can rest assured! I am absolutely obedient.”

I don’t know how long it took, and there was finally movement in the perception barrier.

A team of four people stepped into the perception barrier.

The team led by Mattekai, Hyuga Neji, Leroy, Tenten.

How many people? So who is Spirit invading?

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