Supreme Naruto

Chapter 423

After seeing the abnormality of Naruto, Muni finally gave up the idea of ​​challenging Naruto.

At the same time Technical data on armed armor was also sent to Naruto as a document.

Data Display.

Armed armor control technology used a regionalized Spirit network.

Simply put, it’s the Spirit connection, and the super brain’s data processing function.

Armor itself is an extension of prosthetic technology.

Naruto nodded, the technology itself is mostly ready-made.

The most troublesome thing is the control system writing, this part… is the big fat finish.

Another part is the construction of the exoskeleton, which is based on the drawings drawn by Naruto in the past and then combined with the actual situation.

“Don’t look at it… Actually there is nothing… not a great study.”

Originally, Muni, who is in a hurry to offer treasure, is shy and red.

Naruto shook the shook head: “Although it is not as powerful as expected in actual combat, it cannot erase its value.”

“And there are plenty of places to optimize.”

Muni whispered, “How to optimize?”

Naruto organized the language a little and then said what he had imagined.

“First of all, you can try to carry a roller on your foot.”

“This way, when you are on the ground, you can achieve high-speed movement.”

“Do some design on the wheel, such as spikes to adapt to snow and ice.”

“Besides, remember that I said last time I added a connective pseudo limb bone in the armor?”

“With the pseudo-human bones, you can complete the driverless.”

“In addition to linking the Spirit network remote control… it is extremely suitable for risk detection.”

“With Kuchiyose no Jutsu, signing with the mech, it is still very good.”

Some of these words were also said by Naruto when he first proposed the Armed Armor Project, but last time these were just paper talks, castles in the air, and now it will be a reality soon.

The girls who were depressed were once again beaten by Naruto.

In the eyes of Xiao Ni Ni, the little star said: “So let’s continue to study?”

Muni nodded: “Continue.”

Not far away, a handful face is serious.

After the girls and Naruto finished speaking, they started to talk: “Since it can be controlled remotely, cann’t the minor person of shinobi control this kind of weapon?”

Xiaodini Kaidō: “There is theoretical feasibility, but the duty of the ordinary person is not as good as shinobi, and it will be greatly reduced.”

After a thousand hands, I asked: “So after a long training?”

Xiao Muni did not know that Qiandeng was pressing for a step by step, and Kaid, who was not very happy: “That can pull, the pig is eager to get on the tree.”

Can pigs get on the tree?

Watching the lively Naruto think about it.

However, there was no free time for Naruto to think about it. “Boss! I strongly recommend mass production of this weapon, and then add the method of manipulating this weapon to the Mercenary Academy course!”


Naruto glimpsed, but… this seems to be a good suggestion.

Well, I can always make good suggestions in order to complete the so-called hegemony World.

Naruto Kaidō: “Yes, isn’t Danny Don’t want to be a teacher?”

“Come on, you can be a mech teacher in the future, then you are also the developer Hahaha.”

Naruto’s sentence smashed the little monk.

Because there was no help to Naruto, the unhappy little monk was happy again.

“Okay! Just say this!”

Then I said again in a thousand hands: “I still have an idea.”

Naruto promised: “I have an idea.”

After a meditation, I seem to have made a decision. “The person you said that is called a scorpion can only control a variety of cockroaches, then… can you also give this kind of armor? Plus?”

This one……

Naruto meditated.

The fusion of flesh and blood and armor… is it difficult… to engage in EVA?

But is it feasible to criticize armed armor…

If it is really feasible…it seems to be possible… can accommodate soul.

That would make up for the shortcomings of Edo Tensei.

“This proposal…interesting.”

In fact, Naruto also thought about it at the beginning.

But at that time he did not think that he could get the method of making the core.

“This idea can be established, but it is only an extension of the armor and is studied separately.”

“The project name… first call the live mech.”

“Where you are, please come here.”

“Right, have you learned the cursing knowledge? Even if you don’t learn to have a super brain system, you don’t have a problem.”

After a thousand hands, I replied seriously: “There is no problem with the mantra, but… other aspects…”

In the millennium, I looked at the armor with a confused look.

Naruto said with a smile: “Since it is an extension of armed armor, there is no need to study it yourself. You can learn from the results of their research. In other words, you can work together to complete it. Is this okay?”

Thousands of hands are pointing to the head, suddenly seeing a person slipping on the side, proposing: “Since it involves living, I think it is necessary to let Yakushi Kabuto also participate.”

The person who slips out is Yakushi Kabuto.

Yakushi Kabuto is preparing to refuse, Naruto starts to talk: “Well, you are the project leader, you can grasp it, if there is something I can help, you can also find me.”

Reject it? Boss said that he was going to get involved… he was still uncomfortable.

wait! Boss said that he needs help or even find Boss?

Yakushi Kabuto’s hand suddenly lifted up, “That… Boss, I have a place that needs you.”

Naruto nodded and promised: “Say.”

Yakushi Kabuto said with a straightforward heart: “That… can Boss come to my lab? I want to study your body again!”

what? Go to the lab of Yakushi Kabuto? Research body?

Naruto blushes: “You don’t want to slice me?”

Yakushi Kabuto repeatedly shook head said: “No! It… give me a hair, nails, blood, cells…”

Yakushi Kabuto is about to see Naruto when he is ready to say his teeth.

“Well, let’s do it first.”

Naruto turned a Byakugan (roll eyes) and turned it in his hand. The grass sword appeared in his hand.

Then cut it on one of the hairs, “Hey!”

A sound of Metal impact.

But still cut down a section.

The hair is cut, and the shortened hair is like a life with a red light. It is repaired and begins to grow at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In the blink of an eye, it grows as long as other hairs to stop.

“The hair is taken first, and the rest will be given to you later.”

A few people are surprised at the look at this scene.

Thousands of hands spoke first: “Boss, do you want to let others use the same method to devour the nine-tailed Chakra?”

What should I do? Making super soldiers?

But it seems quite interesting too.

“Well, find someone from the death row of the Snowy Mountain to try it out.”

In the nine-tailed Seal Space, Xiao Jiu blackened his face: “I haven’t agreed yet…”

“There is also the guy called the day… I remember… don’t let me find the chance… otherwise I won’t kill him!”

Naruto comforted: “A little test, then he is dead.”

Nine tails: “…”

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