Supreme Naruto

Chapter 422

Country of Fire, Konoha Ninja Village, Hokage Building, Hokage Office.

Three Anbu Ninja waited at the Hokage desk.

Kakashi was listening to the news that the three were brought back.

The news has been released, and now Naruto’s choice is seen.

So… how would Naruto choose?

Is it ignoring this news, or is it…

If Naruto is the Naruto he knows… it will not ignore the news.

Kakashi retired three Anbu’s shinobi, and Jiraiya came in.

Jiraiya blinked at the direction of several Anbu Ninjas, starting to talk: “If Naruto is back, what are you going to do with Naruto?”

This problem is also a problem for Kakashi.

“Well… first grab it and talk about it.”

The vague answer made Jiraiya’s brow wrinkled. “Always shut him up, and then drag it out when Konoha needs it?”

“Until you die, then choose the next Jinchūriki?”

Kakashi replied: “No! But if you do something wrong, you must be punished.”

Jiraiya asked: “How do you plan to puniment him?”

Kakashi moved back the previous words: “Get it back first.”

It seems that I am being questioned.

Kakashi asked: “So you have a better opinion?”

Jiraiya turned her head and looked out the window: “No.”

Kakashi turned a Byakugan (roll eyes), so the two were so silently looking at the window.

With this at the same time, the Snowy Mountain Lab.

Naruto is looking at the body for Muni.

“There is no problem at all. As long as you don’t do strenuous exercise, the normal life alone will not affect the interface.”

Xiao Jinni was lying on the bed, and her face was joyfully said: “Really? Then… can the ring be solved today?”

Naruto raises his hand on the Metal ring, the spell is triggered, and the Metal ring is loose.

Then, Xiaoniini was surprised to find that she could feel the new hands and feet.

Xiaoniuni tried to raise her hand because the muscles have not been exercised, the movements are not flexible and there is some tremor, but the hands are lifted!

Xiao Niuni excitedly cried directly.

“Change me! Let me also solve the Metal ring on my body!”

When I saw Xiao Yanni’s hand, I really could move, and Muni couldn’t wait any longer.

Naruto presses on the knees of Muni, a line extending to the two Metal rings at the base of Muni’s thigh, and the Metal ring is released.

Muni’s toes moved with it.

Then there is Datuni.

The three limbs were transplanted, and the perfect picture was finished.

“Naruto big brother! Remember what I said, have we prepared a surprise for you?”

Little Muni has cried her face, crying and crying, laughing and laughing.

It’s twitching and it looks very painful.

Naruto Kaidō: “Remember, I have been looking forward to it, so I have cured you with the fastest speed.”

Xiao Muni was teased by Naruto’s words, but tears were still on his face.

Zero one handed over the paper towel and wiped it.

Little Muni looked at her two elder sisters.

The three exchanged their eyes and the gods secretly whispered.

Xiao Muni: “Who is going to demonstrate? I can’t wear that thing.”

Datuni looked at Muni: “Let her, don’t you see her tail shake?”

Muni is very happy, and her face is particularly splendid, and she promises: “Give it to me.”

Said that Muni took the room.

The new foot muscles are still very weak, but there is no problem with Chakra.

Naruto touched his nose and probed: “What are you doing? How do you feel nervous?”

Xiaonii wiped her tears away and wiped her nose again. “We have developed a little gadget on the day when Naruto big brother didn’t come back…”

Then I saw that Dafei had been staring at her.

I added: “Well, the big Senior Brother also participated.”

Big fat saw the nodded that he was finally satisfied with.

“I’m back!”

A human-shaped shovel appeared in front of Naruto with the sound of the boring Metal.

Full body Metal package, no color spray layer, pure Metal texture.

This is… armed armor?

The armed armor in front of him is much fatter than the steel and iron man, and it is somewhat bloated, but from the flexibility of mobility, the foundation technology is approaching maturity.

“You actually got this thing out when I was away! It’s amazing!”

“What about the data? Take me to see.”

Muni held the steel and iron armored waist: “Come and play with me, the data you feel is more intuitive.”

Want to fight?

Naruto is really eager to try, but he is not the rough nerve of Muni.

Today, Muni’s body is still in the cultivation period, and even strenuous exercise can’t, let alone fight.

“Well… if you really want to fight, then wait two months, and your current body can’t fight.”


The metal buckle was untied, and the face of Muni was exposed from the armor, pleading: “It’s okay, let’s just play it.”

Naruto raised her hand and knocked on the armor of Muni, and shook the shook head seriously: “Is this Metal is a small Muni that was drawn with Ability?”

“And I didn’t use the precious Metal, I couldn’t bear my punch.”

Muni does not believe: “You lie! This Metal can be hard…”

When I didn’t finish talking, I saw Naruto gaze at her where she looked at Naruto.

There is a handprint there…

This moment is not just a monk, all people are shocked.

Zero one by hand pressed the armor of the kneeling, very hard!

Use force! Don’t say that you press the handprint, you can’t even press it!

“Zero seven… your body…”

Naruto thought about it, and took a bitter out of the backpack with a waist and a waist.

Nothing to hide, Naruto did not move.

It’s the red hair that turns against Metal’s shiny hair.

Naruto’s hair was bitter and bitter, and it seemed like a piece of paper was cut lightly.

Everyone was surprised by the big eyes.

Zero one speculated: “You poured Chakra into your hair? It’s not difficult.”

Naruto bitter with a smile: “Then I take Chakra back and try again.”

Naruto took Chakra back, and the hair that was originally dropped to the butt suddenly fell to the ground.

Then I saw that the steel plate on the ground was cut by the naturally falling hair.

A hair did not float on the ground, still straight to catch up to know how many meters below.

“I used Chakra to infuse my hair to shorten my hair.”

“Now, let’s try again. Don’t cut your hands with your hands.”

The ladies found a pair of scissors, a scissors went down and the hair was fine, and the scissors were cut.

“Naruto big brother… hello abnormal…”

Naruto: “…”

Is this a compliment?

But Naruto has no way, his body has been alienated by the nine-tailed Chakra.

Muni said with a grin. “Isn’t that something that we have studied is not useful at all? It can’t help you at all…”

Naruto shook the shook head and said with certainty: “The things you have studied are very useful.”

Muni does not believe: “What use? You don’t need it at all.”

Naruto said with a smile : “But you can put it on, have this body, and the next time I can take you to space to play.”

There was a power outage during the day… I only called an hour ago (desperate) and the second one would hurry!

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