Supreme Naruto

Chapter 403

The sound of the nine tails exclaimed Naruto’s jump.

Quickly asked: “What’s wrong? Is it dangerous?”

At the same time Turn around and watch out for enemies that might come out.

Nine-tailed Kaidō: “I don’t know, I feel a very dangerous atmosphere.”

Dangerous atmosphere?


Nine-tailed voices are low: “The whole World.”


Naruto looked at all around and he didn’t feel the danger of nine tails.

But… there is some speculation in my heart.

“Nine Lama teachers, maybe in this World can synthesize Chakra!”

Say Naruto passes Chakra back to the nine tails, and the materialized body reverts to the Spiritual Body.

Then drill back to your body.

After the toxin was excreted, Naruto woke up after regaining control of the body.

This process is like a broken computer rebooting after repairing the hardware.

“Earth Style! Twelve Pillars!”

Naruto was also a little nervous because of the nine-tailed reminder, so I couldn’t help but shout a slap in the heart.

Being hostile to a World!

This kind of thing is exciting when you think about it.

Naruto soil Attribute Chakra is integrated into the land under the foot, and then twelve stone pillars rise in a circle around the city.

Naruto takes out the traits of the ink and puts it into the line. The highly skilled control lines are outlined on the twelve columns.

All around Quietly, only the wind blows the shā shā sound of the leaves.

Nine tails did not speak, and the solidified atmosphere did not ease even a little because of Naruto’s scorpion.

On the contrary, it is even more tense.

Ten minutes, twelve stone columns have been covered with runes.

The Chakra Synthetic Array was once again moved by Naruto.

“Nine Lama teacher, is there nothing to come over?”

Nine-tailed Kaidō: “I don’t know, the whole world in my perception is black.”

Nine-tailed and swallowed, it first discovered that it was a bit afraid of black.

Naruto licked his lips and started the battle.

The runes on the twelve stone columns lit up, but nothing happened.

Nine-tailed urged: “How is it? If you can’t leave, the planet will give me a strange feeling.”

Naruto Kaidō: “The ruling didn’t work…”

“Wait, I see if I am nervous and wrong.”

Naruto checked the twelve columns one time and found no errors.

Then I checked it again without reconciliation, and I still found no mistakes.

“It seems… the law is ineffective.”

Nine-tailed urged: “What are you still doing here?”

Naruto looked at the tree before, raised an ice blade between his hands and cut down a dozen fruits.

Nine-tailed now panicked and urged: “What else do you want to do?”

Naruto Kaidō: “Take a few fruits and go, go back and analyze the ingredients.”

Speaking of taking out a Scroll and sealing a few fruits into it.

Then this uses the power of the monster to burst out and vacate.

There was no enemy. After Naruto left the planet, a gust of wind blew and twelve pillars disappeared.

It is no different from the scene above Mercury.

It seems that there is a big mouth in the invisible swallowing one of the Chakra.

“Nine Lama teacher, I have a little thought about the failure of the synthetic Chakra.”

Nine tails were scared once. At this time, Naruto talked to him and made him feel at ease. Therefore, he did not drive Naruto directly as he did last time. Instead, he asked: “What did you find?”

Naruto slightly indulged in the language and explained: “originally I thought that the fusion of the Chakra array was taking vitality from the surrounding plants or microcreatures and the Spiritual Force fusion Chakra, but now I have denied this idea.”

“The fusion of the Chakra array should be to collect the free vitality of World and the Spiritual Force.”

Nine tails did not listen to understand, subconsciously asked: “Hey?”

Naruto continues to explain: “Our originally World is also without Chakra, no shinobi right? Since someone planted a tree.”

“That is to say, the god tree extracts the origin of World, like a bloody wound, and there is a wound before blood can flow out.”

“And the role of that array is to collect blood.”

Nine tails still didn’t understand. “Can you say something simple? What do you want to say?”

Naruto Byakugan (roll eyes) A ​​turn, sometimes he really thinks that the nine tails are a stupid fox, a purebred Idiot.

“I mean, for the World that is not started to talk, I want to propose Chakra only God Tree can do it.”

“I want to get a god tree, and then we can come back for revenge!”

Nine tails are completely forced, how come to the magic above?

However, revenge is still very good, the planet shocked him, which made him feel very faceless, then Kaidō: “If you can take revenge, count me.”

Then nine tails asked again: “You said that the array can collect the free vitality? So Spiritual Force? How is the collection method?”

Naruto surprised Kaidō: “Don’t you just understand?”

Nine-tailed meditation, “I feel as if I can understand it.”

what? What?

How long is this reflection arc?

However, Naruto still explained: “Dead, our original World I didn’t find the system of reincarnation. If a person dies, he will die. Edo Tensei can prove this. If there is a reincarnation, the soul of the person will be reincarnation. It is definitely not possible to be released by Edo Tensei.”

“Therefore, after the death of the soul, the soul floats in the world, and the remnant of the dead is the Spiritual Force that meets the requirements.”

Nine tails: “…”

The nine-tailed brain is thinking…

After a long reaction, I couldn’t help but ask: “Is the reincarnation? Is it related to Rinnegan?”

Uh… It’s really hard to explain the faults across the knowledge level of civilization.

Fortunately, Jiuwei gave up thinking. “When I didn’t ask, but I just said that I want to build a tree that can extract Chakra? Well… this idea is good.”

There are some doubts in Jiuwei’s heart. Does Naruto know the ten tails?

It doesn’t know much about the ten tails, only some of them are known from Old Man’s words.

Or is he talking to Naruto? How can this memory not remember?

Isn’t that going to disappear with Chakra’s consumption?

“When you come out, let’s come again.”

“Is it right to be a logo again?”

This reminds Naruto.

Naruto looks around a week to select a stone star not far from the planet, and then builds a space array on the stone star that locates the Space node.

Outside the squad, something like a pyramid was built to protect the squad.

Nine tails reminded: “Is this method useful?”

Naruto is a little bit guilty: “This is a simple server similar to the Spirit network. Is it useful? It is definitely useful in a certain range, but it is hard to say far.”

Nine tails couldn’t help but tsukkomi said: “We are still confused? Do you think you can find it?”

Naruto thought about it and suggested: “Would you like to build one at a distance?”

This is indeed a method.

With this at the same time, Lei Zhiguo, the clown emperor hot spring hotel base.

A few women get together.

Zero-one face is sad, “In the past week, there have been zeros and sevens and six have not returned yet.”

The president answered with decisiveness: “Wait another day, if they haven’t returned yet tomorrow… we will go to the country of fire.”

The first four eyes are bright: “The country of fire? We are meeting them in the country of fire, it is a good direction.”

The president did not speak. She did not go to the country of fire because she first knew it in the country of fire. She had some speculations about the identity of the zero-seven, but she never explored it.

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