Supreme Naruto

Chapter 402

“Nine Lama teacher… Chakra manufacturing law system has failed.”

“Well… I saw it…”

On a planet completely wrapped in water, an Akago (Red Hair) Naruto stands on an iceberg.

In front of Naruto are twelve icicles filled with curses.

Twelve icicles form a ring, much like the twelve pillars used to make Chakra on the top of the Daxueshan laboratory.

“That… I can only continue to eat you?”

“Well, keep eating.”

Then he screamed from Naruto and said, “I am hungry.”

Kaidō, who is not very angry at the end of the nine-kid: “Eat and eat, don’t you let them eat, don’t bother!”

Naruto activates the core array that he learned from his left hand and then pours the nine-tailed Chakra into it.

For a time, the pupil in Naruto’s eyes turned into a red mullion, and the hair became more red.

After five seconds, Naruto stopped eating.

In the nine-tailed Seal Space, the nine-tailed eyebrow wrinkled. “Is it so delicious? Is it full? It’s not bad to eat it again.”

Outside the cage formed by the gossip seal, Naruto’s projection is with a smile: “Let’s eat less, keep eating slowly.”

Keep it slowly after eating, this sentence is quite hearty.

Naruto also noticed that the mood of the nine tails was even worse. He shifted the topic: “Nine Lama teachers, why do you think the Chakra manufacturing system has failed?”

Nine tails are not big fat, although I know a lot of knowledge about seals, but I am not interested.

Let the nine tails learn something that it is not interested in? It is impossible to use her character.

Unless she does not know that she needs a key before opening the gossip seal, she may be trying to break the seal.

“do not know!”

The answer from Jiuwei is very simple.

Naruto asked himself: “I think there are two reasons, one is…”

Nine-tailed mood is not good, this situation is like a female friend just ran with someone, you Mama to comfort you to tell you math problems.

I want to smoke the eggs that people can’t take.

“Don’t bother me, go up and study on your own.”

Naruto had to shut up.

But still can’t help but whisper quietly: “One problem lies in the planet itself, and one is the problem in the curse.”

Nine tails opened their mouths to Naruto, revealing the great white teeth.

Naruto’s neck jerk immediately exited the nine-tailed Seal and slipped away…

and then?

The planet Naruto has been swept through the directional perception barrier of the Big Fat satellite.

Although there is water, there is no living thing, let alone something that can be eaten. Or Naruto will not think about using the method of synthesizing Chakra to make Chakra instead of the nine-tailed Chakra.

Then, withdraw it.

Naruto bent his legs, a strange force, broke out!

Naruto took off again in the position of steel and iron man.

“Nine Lama teacher! Chakra support!”

Nine tails felt that their heart suddenly had an arrow.

But still sent Chakra out.

Nine-tailed mode three-tailed state, three-speed strange power, only listened to “咚!” in the sky, Naruto disappeared into the sky and disappeared.

After Naruto left, the twelve icicles and the icebergs that Naruto gathered with ice Attribute Chakra were re-formed into the water, as if there was an invisible big mouth that instantly swallowed Chakra.

Outside the planet covered by water, Naruto glanced around the all-big satellite.

“The next goal! That is the brightest planet!”

Unlike the nine-aimlessly looking, Naruto first looked for the location where the light source originated.

That is to find a star.

Even if you can’t find a home, it’s great to find a planet with life.

But unfortunately, although this World has many similarities with Naruto’s past World, there are many celestial bodies in the universe that are not still shining.

Frequently disrupting Naruto’s view.

Just like Naruto chose the second planet, the celestial body where the planet of the plant is located.

There is no star in this celestial system. The light that keeps the light is an unknown star. The light it emits is very soft, and it can even look straight up without glare.

Of course, the most gratifying thing is that Naruto found fruit on the planet.

“Are you sure this thing can be eaten? Don’t eat it and kill it directly.”

Naruto opened the large nutshell of the washbasin, which showed the flesh that seemed to be orange.

This kind of fruit was unheard of in the past, and Jiuwei questioned whether it could be eaten.

Naruto is very confident. “Although I have never seen this fruit, this fruit gives me the feeling to eat!”

I have to bite it up.

Nine-tailed shouted: “Wait! Let me know where you are confident!”

Naruto Kaidō: “I have a sense of closeness to plants after I merged with Attribute Chakra. I can feel the tree with this fruit inviting me to eat its fruit.”

Wood Attribute Chakra and this operation?

Say Naruto bite on it, the fleshy entrance, the taste is sweet and refreshing, some like oranges but also a kind of milky fragrance.

“good to eat!”

Naruto sighed, but then Naruto’s eyelids turned over and the person fainted.

This scene was stunned by the nine tails in the eyes: “Wo Wo!”

Naruto’s Spiritual Body is isolated, stupidly staring at his body, and dare not channel: “No? Never missed in the past!”

“Maybe… is this a sleeping fruit? When you wake up, you wake up and resurrect with blood?”

As he said, Naruto saw his lips swollen into two sausages…

“Wo Wo! It’s really poisonous!”

Nine tails could not help but urged: “I still do what I want! I want to detoxify!”

Naruto is also tsukkomi, in fact, after discovering the body abnormality, it has begun to observe the situation and think about the solution.

Time to prepare herbal detoxification is impossible, so use the simplest and most rude method of cell extraction in medical Ninjutsu.

The infected cells are directly extracted to achieve detoxification effects.

But now there is a problem, the Spiritual Body mode is not exposed to matter, and Chakra is not extracted.

I want to save myself…unless I find someone who can make a choice, then control that person!

How to do?

Before the planet came, he scanned the big fat satellite and found no animal creatures!

Naruto was in a hurry, and finally thought of one thing when she was desperate.

“Nine Lama teachers… The Spirit link between us is still…”

Nine tails do not know what Naruto means, continue to urge: “What is the Spirit link now! I feel that the toxin is spreading in the body! Hurry up and find a way!”

The Spirit link is here! Then you can pass Chakra with the Spirit link!

“Nine Lama teacher, give me your Chakra.”

Nine tails did not think so much, directly poured Chakra, and a magical thing happened, Naruto’s Spiritual Body actually began to materialize!

What is this operation!

I have never tried it in the past!

Naruto resisted the idea of ​​exploration, locked the toxin with Senjutsu, and then extracted the toxin with cell extraction.

“Nine Lama teacher, my past perception of plants has never been missed…”

As the toxins of Naruto within the body continue to be excreted, the heart that is about to collapse is stabilizing.

Taunted: “I didn’t miss it, I almost hanged it wrong.”

Naruto ignored the nine-tailed mockery start to talk: “I don’t think it’s my perception that the problem is that the planet is malicious to us.”

Nine-tailed, “Malicious? The planet is not alive… Will the stone be malicious?”

“Moreover, to say how sensitive to malice, I am better than you…”

When she said that half of the nine tails did not speak, she felt that the whole world was dark.

It is not black on physical light, it is an unknown atmosphere.

It is the Spirit fluctuation that only the living thing can be produced through the soul.

It is the pressure of soul!

Nine tails lost the tone: “Get out of here!”

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