Supreme Naruto

Chapter 404

In the country of rain, the squirrel has been sleeping since Naruto flew into space.

The juvenile-looking cockroach came to Deidara’s room, gazing over Deidara, and his eyes fell on a bed parallel to the Deidara bed.

“Is it still asleep?”

The brows of the brows are wrinkled, and the things that can be compared with the beggars are really not much.

Deidara pretended not to care: “It’s good to sleep all the time.”

But even though I said so, I can see the worried expression from Deidara’s face.

“Maybe… because I have eaten too much… is digesting? Um…”

In the lap of the rain country, they killed a lot of people, and most of them entered the belly of the little squirrel.

This explanation is also passed.

蝎nodded: “So today’s Quest doesn’t take it?”

Deidara just got to the head, but shook the shook head again. “I still take it… In case I suddenly woke up and found out that this big brother was not around and suddenly cried, what should I do?”

Deidara found that he was looking at him, his face was inexplicably red, and some heart Hollow said: “What are you doing with me? What expression are you?”

A rare smile on my face, “Nothing, I suddenly found out that this guy is very interesting.”

He said, he turned around and urged: “Hurry up and pack your bags. I don’t like and the others.”

Deidara argued: “I am definitely not worried about this guy!”

蝎 Kaidō: “I didn’t say you worried about it.”

Deidara is inexplicably angry and is about to scream but thinks that the little guy is still sleeping and banned.

嘀嘀gū gū said: “How can you understand the complex mood of the shovel officer without raising a small animal…”

Deidara thought of a few birds raised in the past.

It is a pity that the bird did not come back when it was released.

Deidara and 蝎 Quest are also somewhat related to Naruto.

It can also be said that it is directly caused by Naruto.

Out of the rain, Quest is missing the four-person group.

At this time, several people have been transferred from the Arctic Base back to the cell of Daxueshan.

From the periphery of the rain country to the Arctic Base, from the Arctic Base to the Daxueshan Institute all borrowed from Space.

And after half a month has elapsed, the temporarily constructed Space Transfer Channel 24 hours will close.

Want to find? Totally impossible.

So… this time it’s another Quest for the two.

Deidara was neatly dressed and carefully transferred the sleeping squirrel to the small hammock that was added to the clay pocket.

When the little squirrel was picked up, he stretched a lazy waist, and the cute snoring, and then continued to sleep.

Deidara originally thought that this guy was going to wake up, his body was stiff, and he couldn’t help but lose with a smile when he slept. “It doesn’t look so annoying after falling asleep.”

Out of the room, Deidara was fighting, and then went out with the donkey.

On the way, I met Hidan and Kakuzu, the undead duo who traveled the same way.

“Hey, have you just left?”

Deidara raised his hand and said hello.

Kakuzu’s recent mood seems to have been poor and I haven’t ignored Deidara.

Hidan Kaidō: “No, we are just going to pay tribute to the evil spirits.”

Hidan looks at him: “Isn’t it repaired? Do you want to transform the torrents into a means of transport and give it to me?”

I didn’t talk, but Kakuzu was a little impatient. “You don’t know what to do, you can’t use it for you.”

Hidan doesn’t matter: “Although I don’t know how to do it, but I can’t let the ecstasy of the ecstasy make it move?”

Said to take out a Scroll, Scroll is a long roster, and the joy on Hidan’s face is a little crazy: “So many sacrifices to the sacrifice of the evil gods, the evil spirits are happy, do not know what will give me It’s just a little meaning to give a reward.

Kakuzu sees Hidan to expand the roster, not joyfully said: “Hey! Don’t expose the Quest goal at will!”

However, Hidan didn’t listen at all.

Appreciating the portraits on this roster, I suddenly saw a moment when I saw one of them. “Hey? This woman… How do you feel a little familiar?”

Said to look at the face and read the above name: “The mercenary guild called, small … ugly … emperor … emperor?”

“The name sounds familiar.”

Also looked at the brand on the tiling noun, the first “21.”

Suddenly said with a smile: “Since you are familiar… then you decide to solve this first!”

Kakuzu’s irritated shouted: “Hey! The Quest goal is sorted according to the efficiency maximization! I am messing with my plan and believe that I killed you!”

Hidan was not afraid at all, smiled and said: “Slaughter me? Come?”

Seeing that the two people quarreled, he passed it directly.

Deidara saw that the louder the two people, the faster they couldn’t help but speed up their choices. The little master was still asleep, and it would be awful if he was woken up by two Idiots.

At this same time, the big snow mountain laboratory Yakushi Kabuto is listening to Orochimaru’s avatar about the cursing.

“Simply put that Xiaoyu, which is extracted from the squad, is in the body, let it change? How big is the success rate?”

Yakushi Kabuto couldn’t help but ask after listening to the theory of cursing.

Orochimaru Kaidō : “For the first vaccination, the probability of successful mutation is 0.5%, but if the dioxin combined with the ordinary person is extracted again and then applied to the ordinary person, the chance of success will rise to 5%. Repeated 50 times, and the chance of success has now increased to 50%.”

Yakushi Kabuto is in silence.

At this time, Orochimaru sighed: “This kind of stone is turned into a treasure. I originally intended to teach you. After all, my boss hands were taken away by the three generations of the guys. ”

Orochimaru looks at Yakushi Kabuto.

Yakushi Kabuto said with a smile : “That’s a pity, but unfortunately I am working for someone else.”

Orochimaru said with a smile : “Working? The word is good, then… Have you ever thought about coming back again?”

“This kind of technique wants to achieve the filial piety of the body. I only promise to give you the knowledge about the mantra, and I have no promise to provide filial piety.”

Orochimaru observed the reaction of Yakushi Kabuto.

Yakushi Kabuto start to talk said: “This way, that’s a pity.”

Very plain answer, let Orochimaru know something about Yakushi Kabuto’s current thinking.

As he was pondering, Yakushi Kabuto asked: “The state of Orochimaru-sama looks good these days? Your hand… doesn’t hurt?”

Orochimaru was shocked. Did Naruto have discovered it?

However, the appearance did not reveal the same, plain Kaidō: “Ah, found a way to shield the pain of the hand.”

Then probed: “Naruto? Haven’t seen him for a long time? I want to talk to him about the transaction of Xiaosu.”

“I don’t know if I will use your trading filial Naruto to promise.”

Yakushi Kabuto smiled humbly. “Orochimaru-sama loves me. How can a dead person compare with such a precious thing?”

“As for the movement of Naruto adults… is it that I can work for someone who works?”

The smile on Orochimaru’s face disappeared, staring at Yakushi Kabuto’s face and asking: “Is this your choice?”

Yakushi Kabuto laughs and doesn’t answer.

Orochimaru’s avatar, the “嘭” sound was lifted.

In the next few days, Orochimaru’s head was darkened and it didn’t light up again.

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