Supreme Naruto

Chapter 401

After Naruto’s 24 hours, Hinata uses cards to summon Naruto.

Summon failure…

“Big Senior Brother…”

Dafei is very calm, “Ah… As I guessed it, the underlying link is broken, and the positioning between the two is no longer there.”

Hinata cried, and asked: “Why do you want me to wait for 24 hours?”

Of course, Dafei said: “Because 24 hours are the deadlines that Boss said, plus you can give you a little peace of mind, why not? I have regretted not saying it for three or four months, or five or six years. Then I secretly summoned myself, and I lost my mistakes…”

What can Hinata say, tears already contain the eyes, if it is not forbearing, tears have already fallen.

“What about the big Senior Brother now?”

Of course, Dafei said: “Go back to your position, what to do, wait for Boss to come back.”

With this at the same time, the clown emperor mercenary group in the country of Lei was gathered together seriously.

“Zero and Zero six have left for two days.”

The face of the face is serious and looks at the president.

Zero one, zero five on one side of the face of grace.

The president looked at the tea floating in the teacup, Kaidō: “Maybe… there is something.”

Zero four is very dissatisfied: “Is there anything that can’t tell us?”

The president was also silent.

Zero one start to talk: “I have never asked their identity, now they disappear, I wonder if it is related to their identity?”

“For example? The enemy is looking for… Don’t want to hurt us?”

“After another accident in the hometown, someone sent a message to let them go back?”

Zero Four looks at Zero: “What do you mean… They are the people of the village, and they joined us in order to inquire about the information of the underground exchange?”

Looking at the zero four, I seriously said: “Isn’t this happened before?”

Zero 4 is uncertain: “That is because there are rumors that the underground exchange is related to the big name…”

“But… no? The big names have the support of the village, how do we need our loose mercenaries?”

Room is silent again.

Zero and five are shrinking aside.

The president continued to look at the floating tea in the cup.

In the end, I couldn’t help but ask: “So what will the president do now?”

The president started to talk: “Wait for a while, if they don’t come back, we will go to them. For whatever reason, as long as they join us for a day, then this life is a clown emperor, even if it is dead, Can’t change.”

Zero one is uncertain: “Then if they are sent by the village…”

The president suddenly became intolerant: “You have to grab me back!”

Zero five suddenly raised his hand: “I support!”

Everyone looked at the timid zero five and suddenly laughed.

It’s just that the laughter is a bit heavy.

The meeting was scattered, and a person sitting in the practice room was in a daze.

She is thinking about zero…

Last time… they are here to kiss.

Zero four raised his hand and pressed it on his lips, remembering the experience of that time.

There was a blush on his face.

“No matter where you are… even if you are robbing, you must take it back.”

With this at the same time, in the distant universe.

The nine-tailed three-tailed Naruto controls the Big Fat satellite to sweep all around.

After spending 24 hours in space, Naruto took the munitions and the water was used up.

No way, he really didn’t bring much reserves.

“Nine Lama teacher, can’t find the way back, I can only eat you.”

In the nine-tailed Seal Space, the nine-tailed ears slammed down, and the suspicion said: “Eat me? Well… if you can eat it, you can.”

Naruto’s face is dark, the round eyes are thief-lit, and the fox-like Naruto looks like the whole person is black.

“Can you eat, do you forget the core seal that I learned from 蝎?”

“That technique has not been studied yet, but now there is no time to study it. I am going to use the Chakra that swallows you to eat.”

Nine tails of the heart a cold, suddenly thought of a bad memory.

Shinobi World Sengoku period.

He once ate the golden horn of the thunder of the country, and then the two guys bite a lot of meat in its belly.

“You want to come true?”

Naruto changed his position while scanning the satellite, Kaidō: “Do you have any other way than this?”

“I have a hunch that if I die in space, you may not be resurrected.”

Nine-tailed, asked: “Why?”

Naruto pouted, it was a jagged-shaped mouth that looked very terrifying, said with a malicious smile : “You haven’t found out that your Chakra is consuming it continuously? Consumption, or no recovery.”

Jiuwei stayed, then checked the body, and suddenly found that its Strength really did not recover!

In the past, its Strength did not deliberately recover.

Nine-tailed brains didn’t turn over for a moment, and angered: “Are you eating me?”

Naruto’s stomach was screaming at this moment.

Naruto is also not mad at Kaidō: “Is it a bite to eat, would I still be so hungry now?”

The Spirit link between the two is still there, and the nine tails can feel that Naruto is not lying.

The tone slowed down: “What is the reason?”

Naruto continues to explore all around with satellites, Kaidō: “Because this is not the planet, in that World, you are part of that World, where we are all outsiders, independent.”

Nine tails did not understand and asked: “What do you mean?”

Naruto 缁х画瑙伊i 阆掳 阆掳 鈥沧垜涓 鐩撮兘鍦ㄦ兂 鐩撮兘鍦ㄦ兂 kra kra kra kra kra kra kra kra kra kra kra kra kra kra kra kra 偅涓猈orld 镄凴ule 鍏风幇鍖栵纴涔熷彲浠ヨ鏄偅棰楁槦鐞幇鍖栵纴涔熷彲浠ヨ鏄偅棰楁槦鐞殑殑

鈥滃洜涓 湁涓ソ浜哄湪闾 噷绉崭 噷绉崭 噷绉崭 噷绉崭 妫 妫 妫 World World World World World World World World World World World World World World World World World or潃鍙埚洜涓 竴浜涘 竴浜涘 锲狅纴缁撴灉琚 锲狅纴缁撴灉琚 锲狅纴缁撴灉琚 绫 绫 绫 銆傗 銆傗 銆傗 銆傗

涔濆熬旋村姞钖笉 备 备 锛屼笉杩囧畠鐭ラ 锛屼笉杩囧畠鐭ラ 锛屼笉杩囧畠鐭ラ 鍗佸熬镄勫瓨鍦ㄣ 鍗佸熬镄勫瓨鍦ㄣ


Naruto chain 変簺鐤櫕镄凨aid 艒锛 滀 滀 闱犲悆浜旇 闱犲悆浜旇 鏉傜 鏉傜 锛屽悆锷ㄧ墿涓 锛屽悆锷ㄧ墿涓 锛屽悆锷ㄧ墿涓 锛屽悆锷ㄧ墿涓 锛屽悆锷ㄧ墿涓

鈥滈偅涔堢鈥[€〉悆镄勮嚜鐒闲旋姞姞high level 涓€浜涙墠瀵广€傗€


涔濆熬灏佸嵃Space 湹 湹 湹 湹 湹 浜嗕笅锛宔 浜嗕笅锛宔 浜嗕笅锛宔 浜嗕笅锛宔 鍙 鍙 鍙 鍙 鍙 鑴 鑴 鑴 鑴 鑴 鑴 鑴 剻 剻 剻 剻 剻沧垜鎯€沧垜鎯沧垜鎯綘鏄タ鍌讳綘鏄タ鍌讳钖э纻瑕佷笉鎴戝 ammonia璁╀綘鍏埚悆涓€镣规垜镄凛hakra 锛熲€

Naruto 灏嗗崼鏄熷鍑嗕竴棰梑lue 镄勬槦鐞冿 鈥滃厛涓嶆 ワ纴鎴戝ソ ワ纴鎴戝ソ ワ纴鎴戝ソ ワ纴鎴戝ソ 忓彂鐜 忓彂鐜 忓彂鐜 忓彂鐜 忓彂鐜厛涓婂幓鐪嬬湅 chain 夋 chain 塩reature 钖с€傗€

璇 inch潃 Naruto 鎶婂ぇ ュ ュ 鍗槦 嶆柊灏佸嵃鍦⊿ 嶆柊灏佸嵃鍦⊿ croll 涓纴绾佃 涓 涓 璺冿纴鍦ㄦ傥镐 璺冿纴鍦ㄦ傥镐 笅钖戝墠椋 笅钖戝墠椋 笅钖戝墠椋 笅钖戝墠椋 笅钖戝墠椋

鈥滀 灏 donate €佸笀锛屽悜钖庢潵涓€镣€傗€

涔濆熬涓嶅 阆掳 阆掳 渷镣笴 渷镣笴 kra kra kra kra kra 渷镣笴 渷镣笴 钖э纴 钖э纴 钖э纴 钖э纴 钖э纴 钖э纴 钖э纴 钖э纴 钖э纴 钖э纴 钖э纴 钖э纴

Naruto: “…”

杩欎箞椋烇纻杩欎箞椋 杩欎箞椋烇纻杩欎箞椋 鍒 綍骞 綍骞 綍骞 綍骞 € € € €

闅鹃 浠栬鍦ㄦ槦闄呯幆娓 浠栬鍦ㄦ槦闄呯幆娓 崄鍑犲 崄鍑犲


涔濆熬姘斿畾绁 棽镄凨 艒锛 艒锛 艒锛 艒锛 沧 沧 沧 沧 沧 沧 沧 沧 晩锛屼綘鎯 晩锛屼綘鎯 晩锛屼綘鎯 晩锛屼綘鎯 晩锛屼綘鎯 晩锛屼綘鎯 晩锛屼綘鎯 晩锛屼綘鎯 竴镣 竴镣 竴镣 硶钖

Naruto: “…”


铡籺m镄勮镄勮TM镄勮 tension

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