Supreme Naruto

Chapter 374

The construction of the Arctic Base is much simpler than the Snowy Mountain Base.

White in accordance with Naruto’s instructions to change the shape of the ice, to build a large ball set ball, Level 3 spherical ice cover.

The innermost ice cover covers an area of ​​ten kilometers, and the outer ring is circled every one kilometer.

This structure is like a double glazing of a thermos bottle, which effectively isolates the temperature inside the ice cap.

It plays a role in keeping warm and cold.

In fact, originally Naruto is also intended to be more ambitious, but Chakra, which is provided by the Spirit network, is converted into an ice Attribute, which is much less efficient than using its own Chakra conversion. This project is now the limit that can be achieved.

But it doesn’t matter, when the Naruto body has time, it can be expanded.

The ice cover of the convex lens structure is very formidable for collecting light, and it is good at night. If Sun comes out, I am afraid that it will be directly grilled.

Naruto also used the small steel to control the steel and iron deformation in the middle layer with the level 1 steel film.

Not completely sealed, the top layer is sealed, the middle is honeycombed, and one circle is sealed for a circle of light.

Where there is too much light transmission, the inner layer or the outer layer is added to increase the light-shielding steel film.

In general, when the sunlight is sufficient, the internal lighting requirements can be met by diffuse reflection.

When the insulation layer is built, the next step is the living area on the inside.

Xiaonioni once again played, and all the Metal rooms in Chakra and the steel that was transferred from the country of snow, quickly formed without the cost of the intrusion.

The structure of the living area was designed by Naruto, a total of 30 six rooms, one in a ring and one in a distribution.

The exit of the room is all inward, connected to the public area in the middle of the circle.

Public areas include living rooms, temporary laboratories, kitchens, and other public facilities.

The main lab, which digs down, has now opened Level 4.

Negative Level 1, Armored Armor and other mechanical areas of the laboratory.

Negative Level 2, the signature lab.

Negative Level 3, Edo Tensei to creature storage room.

Negative Level 4, the core network room of the Spirit network.

With the convenience of Ninjutsu, the entire project was completed in six hours.

“I can’t do it… let me die for a while…” Little Jenny put the last room on the main film, and the whole person fell directly into the arms of Dazzini.

With this at the same time, the white original can still support a month of body and only the best breath.

“I feel that I am very weak now, this body is almost unable to support…”

The white body has begun to slag, and the pieces are ashes, like dandruff. From time to time, it will float down a few pieces.

Naruto comforted: “You have a lot of credit and one person rewards 1000 points.”

Byakugan (roll eyes) turned over. She was the person who lacked the most points. She quickly protested: “I don’t want this reward. I want to be delicious. I want to eat the pastry made by the summer elder sister.”

Summer made pastry?

Don’t say that Muni wants to eat, Naruto also thinks very much.

The refreshing promise: “When the arrangement is over here, call your summer elder sister to play for a few days.”

White is better to speak without asking.

However, Naruto also gave her a bonus: “The Arctic Base is very important in the long run, this time you remember to complete an S-level Quest.”

White one.

She wants Quest ratings more than 1000 points.

Because the identity card upgrade is required for this.

And an S-level Quest score… means that she is further away from the promotion of Samsung.

When she is promoted to Samsung, she can be resurrected and no longer adult.

The white heart is a little excited.

This excitement seems to be a lot faster than the gray spot.

However, she did not care, said: “Thank you very much.”

The Naruto coal boss looks like he is satisfied, nodded, and comes back: “This is what you deserve.”

Naruto will inform Dafei of the reward for white.

Dafei gave a reward to the white with five-star authority.

The white ear sounds System Sound: “Complete the S-level construction of the Arctic Base Quest, reward 1000 points, and the S-level evaluation.”

“According to the score accumulation, you can split an S-level assessment into three A(ji) assessments, and split it into 50 B-level scores to promote the two-star identity card with an A(ji) assessment. Is it split for promotion?”

White chose promotion.

Then the white S-class score medal broke into three pieces, and instantly became three A (ji) medals.

Then one of the A (ji) medals broke again.

At this time, the system prompts: “You have an 10 party upgrade package waiting for download. Is it download?”

Tip: “This download is a free download.”

White chose yes.

System Tip: “Download is complete, upgrade package starts installation, please ensure Chakra is sufficient during installation.”

Then the card carried on the white body suddenly heated up, and the upper line seemed to be alive. The distortion in the form changed and became more complicated.

It was no stranger to the scene in front of me. A few hours ago, when I installed the summoning function, it also appeared in front of this scene.

After three seconds, the runes on the card are shaped.

The front panel of Byakugan (roll eyes) changes.

This is followed by a newbie tutorial for the two-star identity card.

The two-star identity card has two more panels than the one-star identity card, chat and World Map.

However, for white, there is only one more World Map. After all, the chat permission was opened in the white to the North Pole, Naruto was opened.

World map unfolds, the most detailed is the country of snow.

Then Bai saw a straight line that went straight to the North Pole.

When he was familiar with the new identity card, Naruto received information from Yakushi Kabuto.

“Boss… what about you?”

At the Snowy Mountain Laboratory, Yakushi Kabuto found the top floor from Level 1.

Fortunately, he used the Earth Style to directly fish the fish, otherwise this down is enough to get rid of his half life.

The result of the search is that no one is there.

Naruto, Kaidō: “Ah, we just moved to the next home and built a Base in the North Pole.”

“Aurora? Where?”

Yakushi Kabuto apparently hasn’t seen the video updates in the entertainment area yet, nor has he called World Maps.

Yakushi Kabuto is crying and sulking. Kaidō: “Why don’t you tell me? I just found a big circle in Base…”

Naruto wondered, “Are you looking for a monk? Then you can talk to them.”

Yakushi Kabuto’s face is dark, and Kaidō is full of resentment: “Little Muni, the girl lie to me… say you are on the top…”

Naruto blinked and didn’t hold back the “pū” and laughed.

“This girl…”

“Then why don’t you have a big monk?”

Yakushi Kabuto’s face is darker…

Kaidō: “Dauni has returned to me and said that she is with Xiaoniuni…”


Datuni also lied? No way?

Wait a minute, Datuni said with Xiaoniuni…

Naruto looked at Dazzini, and at this time Datuni was indeed with Xiaoni.

Dawani did not sprinkle flowers, but the answer was misunderstood…

Wouldn’t it be intentional?

Datuni also learned badly?

Naruto asked Yakushi Kabuto: “Why are you asking her?”

Yakushi Kabuto’s group was in the corner. “I asked, are you with Little Minnie…”

Naruto: “Hey…”

“Cough, that… what are you looking for?”

Yakushi Kabuto Kaidō: “Their clones need to be compared to the original cells. I am looking for them to extract the cells…”

Yakushi Kabuto is blackened: “But I don’t think it’s right now… oh…”

Continue to explode today~ Xiaozhao is full of sincerity~ Big guys want to support Xiaozhao~

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