Supreme Naruto

Chapter 373

“Light of the Arctic” is a system borrowing the Function of System, recording and uploading what you see and uploading it.

The picture is in the night, the sky is full of stars, the ground is snow and ice.

The aurora of the hustle and bustle is like a colorful ribbon, which is indulged in the dark blue and the silver glory, and outlines a very beautiful fantasy picture.

Very broad, at first glance can fill the entire field of vision.

At the same time, the unknown songs sang in the ear.

Very sweet, is a female voice, there is a kind of faint sorrow, like a girl’s thoughts.

Well, at least Naruto listened and thought it was a girl’s miss.

There are also uninformed columns between the columns and the abyss.

The first generation of Hokage saw “The Light of the Arctic” and listened to the songs with affection. The eyes were dull at a corner, as if to recall the beautiful girl I met in my youth.

“Where is the Arctic? What song is this song?”

The first generation of Hokage muttered to himself, but no one left him.

Naruto is talking to white at this time.

White establishes the Spirit link, finds the account of the Naruto ontology, and finds the nine tails.

Nine tails were still enthusiastic, and told him about his white search for him.

Naruto has established a Spirit link with White.

I learned that I had reached the North Pole and recorded what I saw as a video.

Naruto looked at it.

At night in the Arctic, the aurora is so beautiful and the song is beautiful.

Don’t look at Naruto. When I talked about the head of Aurora, it was actually the first time Naruto saw the Aurora.

White start to talk: “The Arctic is beautiful. If you don’t want to see it, you can see it.”

Naruto whispered and then returned.

It’s easy to say that it’s a simple matter for him.

But… the return of labor is better, isn’t it?

If you don’t work hard, you can get it so easily, Naruto is afraid that white will not be cherished.

Is this true? fart……

The coal boss was concerned about the life and death of the miners.

Um… Of course Naruto is not that cruel.

Another reason is that there are more and more people who have recently reincarnation. Although he does not care about killing, he has to control it.

At least another delay.

Naruto encouraged: “When you are promoted to Samsung, you can resurrect yourself.”

The coal boss encouraged his employees to plan to evacuate.

But suddenly there was a movement.

Orochimaru has now guessed that their Base is in the country of snow…

Although there is no action at the moment, it will not be necessary in the future.

Why not take advantage of this opportunity…Build a stronghold in the North Pole?

There is no Hyōton (Ice Release) Kekkei Genkai, and there are few people in this world who can live to the North Pole.

There, it is a natural fortress for Naruto with Hyōton (Ice Release) Kekkei Genkai!

When this idea emerges, it can’t be contained in Naruto’s heart.

Plus Naruto wants to go to the North Pole.

“Wait until the next study, the trick is to go to the North Pole.”

The girls haven’t watched the white uploading videos, and they have a glimpse.

The first thing I said was Senju Hashirama. “I am going! Bring me!”

Naruto ignored it again.

Explain to others: “Because Hollow is planning a realistic movie, Orochimaru has already guessed that we have Base in the country of snow.”

“originally, I don’t care. We have a certain place in the country of snow. It is not difficult to deal with foreign shinobi.”

“But white has now arrived in the Arctic, the Arctic is many times colder than the country of snow, no Hyōton (Ice Release) Kekkei Genkai ordinary people can not arrive.”

“Well… I think we can build a Base there.”

“Right, Bai uploaded a short story of the Arctic in the entertainment area, you can look at it.”

The women are still in the confusion of their faces.

To be honest, they didn’t want to leave the Daxueshan Institute. Here they were dug out of a stone and a stone. It was emotional.

But after reading “The Light of the Arctic”…

“I’m going!”

Muni’s hand seemed to be a small flag pole that was straight and swaying.

The order of the latter is not easy to distinguish because it is almost at the same time.

Obviously, for a place that is as beautiful as a fairy tale, women and girls are not a little bit of resistance.

As for the originally unwilling homeland…the attitude has never been gone, it has changed, um, I will come back often.

The women are seconding, and the next is simple.

Naruto warned repeatedly, “It’s cold, I use Chakra to protect myself.”

Then turn around and tell the big fat road: “Give the white identity card a call to summon monks and nuns.”

Big fat led the operation and operated with five-star authority.

The white side quickly received the System prompt.

“You have a System update file for the 25 side. Is it updated?”

White is not sure, so the second System prompt sounds: “The resource download is successful, now it starts to update.”

Naruto only contacted Bai Dao at this time: “Give you a summoning privilege, and later you use this to summon the person specified above.”

White surprised: “Summon? How to do it? Psychic surgery?”

Naruto briefly introduced: “Well, the revised version of Kuchiyose no Jutsu is as simple as triggering the array on the card.”

The white ear system prompts: “System update is complete, this update adds summoning rights.”

The card is taken out in white, and the lines on the card are more complicated.

White point to open the summoning panel on the operation panel, summon the panel page, only one image of Moni.

Note: “The call requires a lot of Chakra, and the Chakra deficiencies want to use this Function, please switch the Chakra supply line to the Spirit network supply.”

“The Chakra supply line has been switched to the Spirit Undead supply.”

“Summon trigger, please summon the person to choose the summoning location.”

“Location confirmation, now start calling.”

A circle of light appeared in front of the white, and with this on the same time System account, the points passed quickly.

System Tip: “This call uses 20 party Chakra.”

Then the thick chuck of “bang!” in the aura of the excitement stimulated a large amount of water mist, and then the liquefied water mist became a small ice crystal.

Muni was summoned to the North Pole.

The first reaction of Muni was a chill, “It’s so cold…”

Immediately increase the thickness of the body Chakra defense.

Naruto’s projection flashed brightly and then flashed out.

“Munih, excited the sky-eye camera.”

This is not a big snowy mountain. The projection of Naruto is not only the visual sharing of the monks and nuns, but also the darkness around it. After all, the perception of the barrier is not enough for the stars in the sky, so I can’t see it.

The three-eyed camera was smashed by Muni, the little thing that big fat developed in Dafei.

The eye-eye camera was successfully activated, and the surrounding scenes were captured successfully, and then processed by Hollow’s realistic reality system. Stereoscopic imaging was in the eyes of Naruto.

This should not be seen as a witness to the Arctic scenery.

Naruto appreciates the beauty, and can’t help but sigh. If the body and he can come over, it will be fine.

Um… The body is good to summon, but his Spiritual Body is hard.

His current Spiritual Body is only active between the squirrel and the pufferfish.

But what surprised Naruto is that… White is not alone, she rides on the back of a big white bear.

Is this a polar bear?

Naruto pointed to the Big Bear Road: “Your pet?”

White Kaidō: “Okay, fight with it, this guy has been with me.”

Look at the delicate white body of the white riding on the back of the polar bear…

Naruto’s brain turns, this is… the Arctic version of Beauty and the beast?

Then there was a bold idea. Do you want to shoot a Hollow-based realistic movie with the Arctic as the background?

Uh… still build a Base…and then study the satellites, then…study the armor of the armor, then…have nothing to do before making a movie.

Naruto suddenly found out that he had to do a lot…

After writing two chapters, I slept, and then coded, a bit late. That… is it still fourth?

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