Supreme Naruto

Chapter 375

After the construction of the Arctic Base is completed, it is the construction of the Arctic Spirit network server.

The original Daxueshan server continued to operate at the Daxueshan Institute, and the new Arctic server was connected to the original server.

At this point, the original single database, the star network is upgraded to a dual database, dual star network mode.

The advantage of doing this is to make the network more stable.

For example, if the Daxueshan Research Institute suffers from force majeure, the Arctic Base server can continue to support the operation of the entire network.

This kind of double-star network mode can also continue to be promoted upwards to form a mesh topology.

This is the bank’s network technology. This model is also called remote disaster recovery.

The construction of the Arctic Spirit web server took a total of three days.

During this period, Deidara entire group finally rushed back to the country of the rain.

“Come on? Take a shower together, um…”

Deidara launched an invitation to the squirrel.

Naruto wants to protest subconsciously, after all, he has always been a person to wash.

In Konoha is a person.

His small broken house was a bit simplistic, but it was barely enough to take a shower.

Later, I moved to the store manager’s house, not to mention the bathroom, the pool, but still one person…

Thinking of this Naruto suddenly thought that when the store manager’s home, the big swimming pool did not even see the spring and summer swimwear… cough.

Then after leaving Konoha, in the country of snow… just a man of his nature is still himself.

Um… I don’t need to take a bath in Edo Tensei’s body…

Then join the Mercenary Guild… or he is a man… then the spa washes himself…

When Naruto didn’t make a statement, Deidara had already picked up the little squirrel and walked into the bathroom together.

Naruto suddenly thought that he is now a small flying squirrel, a furry group, and it seems that he is not shy.

Into the bathroom, the Akatsuki Organization is not bad.

The bathroom is very complete, the shower head, the bath, everything.

Naruto walked over to the mirror and looked in the mirror.

Suddenly I heard Deidara complaining: “Ah? How to call this time!”

Deidara original has taken off his shirt, but he quickly put it back.

Then Naruto saw Deidara’s one-handed hand seal, and then the whole person did not move.

Naruto’s eyes fell on the ring of Akatsuki Organization in Deidara’s hand.

Obviously, the Akatsuki Organization is meeting through the ring.

This stuff…much like the Spirit network he got out…

Or, it is a Spirit network.

Just don’t know… can you invade the Akatsuki Organization’s Spirit network… and then take a bit of information.

But to get into the Spirit network of the Akatsuki Organization, you have to get the client of the Akatsuki Organization Spirit network.

That is the kind of ring of the Akatsuki Organization.

Naruto thinks that the big snake looks like one.

But it’s not good to trade…

Orochimaru definitely asked Naruto to change it with the other hand.

Um… Sasuke!

Naruto Spirit network link Sasuke, “What are you doing?”

Sasuke Cool Kaidō: “Cultivate, what?”

Naruto didn’t even talk about the purpose directly: “Orochimaru, there is a ring from the Akatsuki Organization, can you help me get it?”

Sasuke Cool Kaidō: “I haven’t seen Orochimaru have a ring on hand.”

Naruto explained: “Not wearing it…”

Naruto suddenly thought of a pocket.

It may not be possible to know the longest time around Orochimaru.

Naruto Spirit Link to Yakushi Kabuto: “Where does Orochimaru join the Akatsuki Organization? Do you know where to put it?”

Yakushi Kabuto Kaidō: “You said the ring with the word ’empty’? When I was at Orochimaru, I was in the No. 3 laboratory of Tianzhiguo in Orochimaru, but… Orochimaru knows that I am for you. Selling lives… He should have transferred the original labs.”


Well, Naruto admits that since he told Orochimaru about the existence of Yakushi Kabuto, he has taken a big advantage.

But it is difficult to buy “early know” when you have money.

He is also desperate…

It can only be said that making mistakes is also human nature… It is God who does not make mistakes.

Liver pain.

Naruto also inquired about the cultivation of several limbs in the next, and confirmed that the link had been broken after the successful start of cultivation.

“The ring is engraved with an ’empty’ word, um… pay more attention to it.”

“We can make a fake when we get there.”

Sasuke didn’t ask much, and the casual “hmm” didn’t talk much.

Although Sasuke insisted on staying at Orochimaru, there were indications on his side that he was still on his side.

Naruto also asked about Orochimaru Base, and Sasuke told Naruto a few, but those are not places where Orochimaru’s ontology often stays.

For the most important ones, Base Sasuke doesn’t know where it is.

After talking to Sasuke, Naruto hesitated to mention the ring to Orochimaru.

Um… I can’t make it.

But as long as it is mentioned, Orochimaru will notice that he needs the ring. At that time… Sasuke is less likely to help him steal the ring.

So… can’t mention, or don’t mention it in the short term, give Sasuke a free time.

Naruto is back, and Deidara is over.

Seeing Deidara stretched out and complained: “It’s annoying, but it’s not when I go to the bathroom, um.”

Naruto said casually: “Do you have any instructions on your head?”

Deidara reopened the clothes.

“I said that I will explore a stronghold in the near future, um.”

After Deidara’s clothes were taken off one after another, the small body that was not very strong but had even muscles leaked out.

Naruto glanced at the subconsciously and came to the conclusion that his money was not as good as his body.

Then Naruto thinks about another thing.

The body of the little squirrel can be multiplied… I don’t know if his body can…

If the ontology can be multiplied… then… some fifth limb… multiply then…

The slightly dim light of the bathroom illuminates the little squirrel, and the white squirrel is yellow.

Um… but it’s difficult to think about it.

After all, the squirrel is a Talent, and as long as Chakra and the body resonate, it can be multiplied. He has not learned the theory.

Or… What day is the observation of the Qiu Dao’s multiplication technique?

Cough, Naruto brakes as soon as his thoughts break through the sky.

“What organization? Is it amazing?”

Deidara opened the nozzle and tried the water temperature, starting to talk: “An organization called an underground exchange… um.”

Speaking of this, Deidara suddenly squirted the nozzle to Naruto as Naruto turned his head.

Naruto and Deidara were very close together, and they were not aware of the danger. One was left untouched.

Deidara sighed: “Hey? The hair is wet, why are you not getting thin? Are you a solid mouse?”

Naruto’s face is dark and black.

Turning around, Chakra and body resonate.

Immediately, the body was pulled up to two meters, and the head quickly reached the top of the shed. Looking down at Deidara, “What’s wrong with the solid? Do you have any opinions? Then I am a flying mouse, not a mouse!”

Continue to codeword~Let’s add some oil to me! (The code word power is insufficient…) [Please book! 】 [Seeking reward! 】

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