Supreme Naruto

Chapter 372

“disciple ?”

Look at Naruto in a thousand hands.

Naruto explained: “While the seals in the seal, the construction of the Spirit network has played an important role for everyone.”

The look that was questioned on the face of the hand was dissipated and replaced by a great appreciation.

After all, in his opinion, the Spirit network is really amazing.

Then ask: “Oh… who is loyal to you?”

Allegiance? Where is it…

The girls looked at Naruto.

Naruto is now a projection of consciousness, otherwise the face can definitely become a monkey ass!

“That one……”

Naruto didn’t know how to answer, the divine light in the brain flashed: “Ah, they are still on the way.”

Naruto thought of the Edo Tensei team going to the underground exchange to buy children.

Those people Naruto originally intended to invest in the construction of the country of snow.

But now I will replace it, and the dead horse will become a living horse doctor.

As for… What unified World, maintaining World Peace… Naruto didn’t think about it, and wasn’t interested.

So the second generation of Hokage can get a set of things for a day.

Then… he can squeeze the second-generation Hokage during this period, let the second-generation Hokage point to Ninjutsu, and even let the second-generation Hokage participate in the construction of the Spirit network.

Naruto believes that this Ninjutsu manufacturing machine is in, and his Spirit network is likely to usher in a qualitative leap.

This is simply a profitable sale!

Well, that’s it!

The small abacus was quietly collected, and Naruto shifted the topic: “That, since everyone has already known, then start to get to the point.”

Naruto glanced around and suddenly found that Big Fat was not there.

The Spirit network contacted Da Feidao: “To Level 1.”

Big fat was on the eighth floor, and after listening to Naruto’s instructions, he jumped and glided, gliding down in the circular vacancies in the mountain body.

Soon, the heroic and handsome fat appeared in the eyes of everyone.

Naruto didn’t introduce it anymore. “Well, people are all right, then I will start talking about the next research topic.”

Xiaonii suddenly raised her hand: “I know!”

Naruto, how can a little monk know? He hasn’t said anything yet.

Suspicious looking at Xiaoniuni, “What do you know?”

Xiao Nie Nixi said with joy: “It is right to study armed armor! Muni told me that our living limbs are already being cultivated.”

Hey… this big mouth of Muni…

Well, it is reasonable to say that armor should be armed.

But… who made Orochimaru feel uncomfortable at this time?

“That… Armored armor really needs to be studied, but not now.”

Xiao Niuni saw that he had guessed wrong, and the drums were drumming.

Senju Hashirama asked: “What about the living body?”

Want to let Senju Hashirama know that he is still in the human body?

Naruto quickly yelled: “Well… it’s also a new technology, I will introduce you later.”

After Naruto is in his heart for three months, you will go to worship, and when you go back, I will tell you about burning paper.

As for the tens of thousands of hands… or that sentence, how long it takes to fool.

After the first generation of Hokage was finished, Naruto quickly took the subject back.

“The next thing we want to study is the satellite. It’s simply a high-profile surveillance camera. We will find a way to send it to the sky.”

Everyone stood stupidly.

Telling the truth… they didn’t understand.

Then Naruto’s small class reopened, from the rotation of the planet, to the atmosphere, to the boundaries of space.

“The boundary of space, that is, the junction of the atmosphere and outer space.”

“This World is big, but the space boundaries are not very far.”

In Naruto’s memory, Earth’s space boundary is 118 kilometers.

The planet doesn’t know, but it shouldn’t be longer than Earth.

At this distance, the perceived barrier can be extended as long as the spherical expansion of the perceived barrier is changed to a single direction.

So there is no technical pressure.

The Naruto small class continues.

From the space boundary, it is said that physics knowledge is relatively static.

After the speech, everyone was shocked by the Naruto plan.

“What do you mean by launching a thing called a satellite, and then… monitoring the entire World?”

Chunno Sakura’s beautiful Boss, the most shocking and crazy plan she has heard so far.

Naruto Kaidō: “It’s not monitoring, it’s easy to collect intelligence.”

“If this plan is completed successfully, then this World map scan job will not be done manually.”

“This greatly saves manpower and material resources.”

“Second… I want to use this method to determine the whereabouts of Orochimaru.”

“Orochimaru uses Space Ninjutsu like Kuchiyose no Jutsu every time back to Base.”

“The disappearance position he left is also random, plus the positioning system of the card can only record the fuzzy position information without accurate map. The reason is to find the difficulty of Orochimaru.”

“But if there is a satellite, there is accurate map information.”

“As long as Orochimaru, leaving Base, we can link the identity card to the satellite and grasp the movements of his departure from Base.”

This time the girls understood.

Originally, Dafei still wants to question, although the perceived barrier can be oriented to a very long distance, but the cost of Chakra is huge, and it is impossible to open all day.

The significance of this satellite does not exist, but to hear Naruto’s commentary, after determining the location of Orochimaru, then use satellite positioning.

This is no problem.

So also nodded.

There are too many homework in the hands of a thousand hands. He can’t understand what these people are saying, but he can hear Naruto looking for Orochimaru.

Then start to talk: “Orochimaru is our next goal?”

Um… I think this is a World Quest to conquer World…

Naruto Kaidō: “Orochimaru is very threatening to us, so we have to find him first, then… kill him.”

There is another saying that Naruto didn’t say that Edo Tensei absorbed him.

It was the turn of Senju Hashirama to come here. “It’s a great pity that the three generations didn’t take it down.”

However, no one answered him.

Naruto turned to the crowd and continued: “A generation of satellites, built on the Spirit network and the perception barrier, but this is not a finished satellite. After all, this is too expensive and the effect is extremely low.”

“This shortcoming is left to be improved in the second-generation satellite. The second-generation satellite will integrate electronic technology with Ninjutsu. Um… It is necessary to develop an electronic eye that can penetrate 118 kilometers away. This matter… hand it over to the electronics manufacturer, pay attention to it. Under the jurisdiction of the relatively strong electronics manufacturers, I believe this technology … as long as there is demand, there are benefits, they will break the brain to carry out research.”

“It’s not working… if necessary, you can use extreme means to kidnap to the country of snow…”

Naruto saw the first generation of Hokage yelling at him and shifted the topic: “Well… let’s start studying.”

After seeing it for a long time, Senju Hashirama went to see Hollow’s realistic movie.

Just now, he shared a piece of hibiscus cultivation experience with Naruto’s suggestion and changed the 500 points.

500 points are enough for him to read the three movies.

The menu unfolds, and Senju Hashirama glances because the three movies have become four.

The extra one is called “The Light of the Arctic.”

At this same time, the nine lamas received a white call: “I have already reached the North Pole. There is really a multi-colored light in the sky that you said. They are beautiful.”

The nine lamas screamed, “Do you look for Naruto?”

White also squatted, “You are not Naruto?”

Continue codewords! Explosion!

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