Supreme Naruto

Chapter 371

It’s a bit difficult to find Orochimaru’s Base, but Naruto has a bold plan in mind.

He wants to make a satellite out, and then scan the entire area from the sky, not to mention Orochimaru, even Tsunade can find it.

There is also the ability to scan the entire World map by the way.

Daxueshan Institute.

“what is this?”

Senju Hashirama opened the refrigerator and was shocked to find that it was cool!

Surprised: “Is this… Is there ice in the mezzanine?”

Naruto’s three-dimensional projection seems to be floating around Senju Hashirama, and by the way, “It’s a refrigerator… used to keep fresh, and… for cold drinks.”

When it comes to ice cream, Naruto suddenly thinks about something. “Right, Edo Tensei’s body can’t eat, but ice cream can still taste a little.”

Say Naruto floated back and pointed to the sweet cone inside: “Well…green is the taste of green apples, pink is strawberry, you can choose one you love.”

Senju Hashirama shined in front of her eyes and chose strawberries.

Then he took a small bite, and when the sweetness of the strawberry touched the taste buds that remained at the tip of his tongue, Senju Hashirama’s face showed a very satisfying expression.

The enjoyment of beauty zī zī, let the side of this scene feel a shame, “Brother…”

Naruto raised his hand and the Chakra of the Daxueshan Institute was called, dragging the remaining green apple-flavored cones to the hand: “Taste, tastes good.”

After a thousand hands, hesitated, but eventually he took it.

The coolness is very refreshing, and the eyes of the hand are bright.

But there is no such thing as Senju Hashirama.

Pretending to be very calm, but it is extremely careful to eat, as if eating too much to eat too much, it is also very cute.

“This…the refrigerator is also invented by you?”

Naruto shook the shook head: “The refrigerator is an electrical product that is a product of this era.”

Naruto took the two to the Level 2 lab in the Snowy Mountains.

These prosthetic parts are placed on the workbench of the Level 2 laboratory.

Picking up one of the prosthetic arms in a thousand hands, I was surprised: “This is… eh?”

Naruto said: “There is no problem with cockroaches, but this is a prosthetic, prepared for the disabled on the battlefield.”

Referring to the disabled, Senju Hashirama’s movements on his mouth stopped, subconsciously looking at Muni.

Muni’s legs are prosthetic, which he found at first sight.

Thousands of hands start to talk: “Konoha those juniors… just want these?”

Naruto pointed his finger at the stand next to him: “Exactly those are.”

“I developed prosthetic limbs first and solved the problem of the inconvenience of Konoha disabled people.”

“Continued and improved on its foundation, issued a fighting prosthetic, can let the disabled shinobi continue to fight … Konoha has a lot of disabled people, if they can turn waste into treasure, this will be no small fight for Konoha force.”

Put down the prosthetic in his hands and pick up the thing that Naruto pointed to, called the fighting prosthetic.

Because there is no reason to stick to the simulated skin rubber, the bare appearance glitters the shine of Metal.

But what surprised the hand was that this seemingly heavy object was similar to the weight of the previous wood.

The work of the prosthetic is beautiful, and every part and every finger is like a work of art.

Thousands of hands banged with a finger, not dare to self-channel: “Is this iron?”

Naruto explained: “Accurately speaking, it is an alloy with hardness greater than iron, corrosion resistance, wear resistance and light weight.”

Thousands of hands in the eyes of the colorful.

Then pick up a seemingly empty shell next to it. “Is this… not done?”

Naruto glanced at it, some accidents.

This is… Armored armor that was researched a long time ago.

There is only one wrist to the part of the palm.

Naruto eyebrow raised , said with a smile : “That is the higher level of the game, is for normal people, I call it armed armor.”

The development of armed armor still stays in a structure similar to the first generation of steel and iron man.

There is no folding Function and it is a separate part.

I tried to wear it on my hand and found that it was small…

However, when Chakra and the armed armor of the arm structure are connected, the touch will still exist through the Metal. As a shinobi, he certainly understands what this means.

At the same time also noticed that the connection touch is something like a seal rune… very magical.

Naruto continued to introduce: “The development of armed armor is still very simple, there is no weapon to build, and no set is made, but after a period of time, armed armor will be formed quickly.”

The living limbs of the monks and nuns are being cultivated, and when the cultivation is completed, their weapons should be replaced.

Simply strolling through Level 2’s lab, Naruto took two people and climbed a long staircase to reach Level 3.

Level 3, Little Muni, Dazzini, Haruno Sakura… are all there, but a few people are not doing research projects… but playing poker…

“Don’t play anymore, there is a new project to develop.”

As soon as I heard something new, the enthusiasm of the ladies came and they came together.

Haruno Sakura turned his head and saw the first generation of Hokage and the second generation of Hokage. The whole person, Spirit, stunned.

Konoha’s people are too familiar with these two faces…

After all, as long as you look up every day, you can see several large face plates on the Hokage rock… It’s hard to be unfamiliar.

Plus every face on the Hokage rock is Konoha’s Hero.

Haruno Sakura stunned his mouth.

The eyes were swept over on both faces, and Naruto said with disbelief: “You brought… the first generation of Hokage and the second generation of Hokage adults… Edo Tensei?”

Senju Hashirama turned around and looked at the stunned Haruno Sakura.

Senju Hashirama licked the strawberry-flavored cone on her lower lip and asked, “Hey? This little guy knows me too? Is it Konoha’s child?”

Haruno Sakura has come to the ceremony.

Naruto simply introduced the two sides, “The two, um… yes, Konoha’s two Founders.”

“The first generation of Hokage Senju Hashirama, known as the god of the world of tolerance, and the second generation of Hokage, which created countless Ninjutsu.”

“Where… the first generation of Hokage came to stay for a few days, and when Edo Tensei’s body is exhausted, he will leave.”

“Everyone will be entertained.”

“Thousands of hands are always living. After that, everyone is a family, so if you don’t understand anything about Ninjutsu cultivation, you can explore each other.”

Haruno Sakura has been stupid by Naruto’s words.

Senju Hashirama is awkward. It seems that the big boy scratches his head and is embarrassed. “I am not so powerful…”

In the middle of the hand, it is frowned, and I look at a few girls: “These people… are all people who help you? How are women?”

Huh? Sounds like… The second generation Hokage is masculine…

Haruno Sakura said strangely: “Assisted? What assistance?”

Naruto said haha: “Nothing, ah Hahaha… oh… these people… are my disciplines.”

Continue to explode today! Can be a few more violent! Explosive and more complete! Seeking rewards!

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