Supreme Naruto

Chapter 370

What should I say at this time?

Yes, I_do?

No, it’s a squad, that’s what the bride and groom said about the wedding celebration.

Naruto is now a little dizzy in her head, and she has a sentence: “Love Qing please.”

Then I almost fanned my own mouth.

What is your useless thing, where do you usually die?

Isn’t it the loyalty of a second generation Hokage?

Nervous ass!

I am not nervous about it!

Naruto had a sigh of relief, but still nervous.

How to say it, after all, is one of the great people who created Konoha.

Don’t look at Naruto’s head, but in fact he is a theoretical doctor.

Good at one person to brush a variety of stand-alone.

What team, what is the overall situation, what is it? Do you expect a otaku to turn into World and turn to become an emperor or an Admiral army?

As for Naruto’s shallow insights, it was just a more perfect and bigger sky than Naruto World.

Simply put, it is to use the experience of textbooks to install 13.

It’s different to say that coming to this World…that’s only the brain capacity is bigger now, and the thinking is more Agility.

Um… After swallowing shinobi’s soul, it’s more cold-blooded.

Naruto’s love of love is flat, so that the first generation of Hokage and the second generation of Hokage and Muni are all arrogant.

Didn’t understand…

After all, the difference between cultures is calculated in time and space.

Raised the head in the middle of the hand, looking at Naruto, “I…please ask you… leave me alone, rest assured, I can find the body used by Edo Tensei.”

Naruto finally came back and waved his hand.

“I don’t have a few lives in my body. The people in the Snowy Mountain Prison will come to the Six or Seven.”

Since the reputation of the snow country Hollow to make a reality movie, the country of snow is not bad for the invaders.

Naruto is very happy about this, not only for Yakushi Kabuto Edo Tensei is a trouble.

“You… get up, you will stay with me later, um…”

“That, cough, oh, don’t be too cautious, just treat it as your own home.”

Naruto felt that her mouth was a little bit awkward, how to listen to how the two aunts in the countryside once said to him.

But in order to cover up what you should do.

As soon as Naruto raised his hand, Chakra, the snowy mountain, surged and lifted the body of the second-generation Hokage.

Turning to look at the first generation of Hokage: “That… you don’t want to stay, right?”

Naruto nodded: “Nothing, I am willing to come to me, I welcome you when I come, um… I often come to my door…”

I bother!

It’s falling again… oh fart, everyone is dead.

“That line, come here today, that… The body between the columns can still be used for three months. You are having fun with me in these three months.”

“The shinobi World is not the same as yours at the time, um… and I have also invented a lot of fun.”

Speaking of this, Naruto finally thought of an identity card.

Spirit Network greets Dafeidao: “I have two cards for identity cards, one for a temporary one, one for…”

How many stars do you have for thousands of hands? Five stars are impossible.

The highest authority can only be mastered in the hands of him and the big network administrator of the Spirit network administrator, four stars…

I am a village chief.

Don’t take the village chief’s improper cadres.

Give a four star.

“A four more star.”

Things are arranged.

Big fat was ready soon, put two cards into a small box, “Boss, can summon.” Then suddenly thought of something, and quickly called the stop: “No… Wait, right, give Wrong, I gave you the ontology, now you use the body of Muni.”

“Well, Boss can be psychic this time.”

Naruto received a report from Dafei, controlled the body of Muni, triggered the identity card of Muni, and then randomly clicked a finger, “Hey!”

The smog rise caused by the high concentration of Chakra in front of Naruto, “bang!”, then the two cards were caught in the hand before landing.

At the same time there is a knife.

Naruto gave the two cards to two people and pointed out: “This knife can bleed on Edo Tensei’s body and then drop the blood on the card to complete the binding.”

Thousands of handkerchiefs indirectly passed the knife, and the knife ran out of blood in the hand.

I couldn’t help but wonder: “This knife can actually reverse the unique life form of Edo Tensei? It seems that your excavation of Edo Tensei Ninjutsu is no longer under me, even higher.”

For a time, I saw a little admiration for Naruto’s gaze, and I saw the enthusiasm of the companion.

Naruto arbitrarily waved his hand. “This is nothing. It’s just that the predecessors planted trees and the people took the cold. Compared with the one who created this technique, it’s a shame.”

I took a round of flattering each other and both of them were very happy.

Senju Hashirama is not happy, “The cruel Ninjutsu, it should not appear!”

The light of Senju Hashirama is shining.

However, they were ignored by the two.

The blood was dripped on the card in a thousand hands, and a novice tutorial appeared in front of him.

The eyes were as if Columbus had discovered the New World.

That surprise, that is unbelievable.

“How did this happen? Is it Ninjutsu?”

“Brother, you have come to see it.”

Speaking of the knife in the hands of the first generation Hokage, just the first generation Hokage holding the card in hand, the binding was successful.

This time the novice tutorial, Muni and several girls have been optimized.

Different from the original simple version, it is a living navigation wizard that is added to the foundation of Hollow’s realistic projection system.

Looks like… You can choose Xiaoniuni, Dafei, Laipi snake, and panda to roll.

Little Muni is the elf with small wings behind it, which helps to explain the control panel.

The big fat owl has wings and flies by itself.

Lai Pi snake and rolling originally intended to add wings, but how to see how the style is wrong.

It is also very cute to change directly into the underside with a transparent bubble.

Anyway, this operation page is to pursue seven words, “Visual cool! 耪ㄌ欤

Senju Hashirama originally still had some reluctance, but the moment that Minnie Nina’s soft loli sounded.

That Uncle heart was cured in an instant.

“This is Ninjutsu of this era?”

Senju Hashirama asked a question he had asked the younger brother.

Naruto’s proud Kaidō: “No, Ninjutsu of this era is similar to yours at that time. It is only for the sake of murder. It is monotonous to the explosion. What you see is what I and my recognizers have studied.”

By the way, I read the slogan: “Copyright, piracy will be investigated.”

The first generation of Hokage shocked: “You and your discipline? Do you have a discipline?”

What do you have a discipline, I have a lot of it, okay.

Naruto Byakugan (roll eyes) Turned over, “Go, now take you to the top to see.”

Four people walked together, Senju Hashirama asked: “So you just said that someone stealing your technology means this?”

Naruto shook the head: “No, Konoha wants to steal the fighting prosthetics I developed.”

“Edo Tensei just wanted to steal Hollow’s realistic cinema technology.”

“Right, there are three Hollow realistic movies in the entertainment, you can take a look.”

In the novice tutorial, the related entertainment section has been introduced.

The two did not get lost soon and found it.

And the navigation wizard is waiting to be heard at any time.

Um… I need to call the help panel, after all, artificial intelligence has not come out.

The brothers ordered a Hollow to look at the reality movie.

Five minutes later, at the same time, I looked at Naruto: “Need points.”

Naruto blinked: “Want to earn points?”

The two nodded again and again, and Hollow’s scene of the reality movie was like a kitten’s claws, scratching their careful liver.

Naruto finally returned to his true color, saisaid with a smile : “The points need to be earned by themselves, um… the easiest way is to share Ninjutsu.”

Naruto’s little abacus rang again.

Saying… The first generation of Hokage… Will you suddenly fall in love with this World and then don’t want to leave?

I thought that Naruto was pondering and thought that it was not enough to have Hollow to make a realistic movie. Let’s develop Hollow to make a real game…

But before that, there is another thing to do, just find Orochimaru!

Orochimaru dared to threaten him! Naruto can’t bear it!

Five outbreaks today! Get the full order! Naruto continues to break out! Here, thanks: “Happy 1”, “Wooden”, “Hanlin University”, “Tianshu”, “Chong Palace”, “Human”, “someone of the road ^”, “My Dragon Five”, “Hate the Moon,” “Book Friend 161113143818390”, “Funny burial, 1. ぜ”, “Book Friends 150210073526505”, “Jin Distance”, “Life is a few things to stop”, “violent old “Captain”, “耿直丶man”, “Nangong Ice Blue”, “真丶Ōtsutsuki 丶盖亚识”, you are rewarded! Xiao Zhao will thank you again! (Hey! Take the head to grab the ground) Tomorrow Xiaozhao continues to explode!

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