Supreme Naruto

Chapter 367

In the laughter of Naruto’s joy, the anger in the eyes of Senju Hashirama is awkward.

“Hey… little devil… are you sure about me?”

Senju Hashirama has never been as violent as it is now, and wants to fly a person.

It is best to even cut your head with the head!

Naruto straightened up with her stomach and looked at Senju Hashirama for three seconds with her face, then moved down the line of consciousness.

When you see two bulging flesh of the two bulging sacs.

“pū!” once again laughed.

The face of the original Hokage became more and more gloomy. He ordered the hand to say: “Is this technique invented by you? You are now trying to break it for me…otherwise…”

Senju Hashirama released a resentful death gaze to the hand.

The dark face, because of the forced excitation of the cells between the columns, has been somewhat thin and looks terrifying.

He swallowed his mouth in a thousand hands, and he was the first time he saw it.

Naruto, who was subconsciously laughing, took a look.

Still laughing… It’s ignorant and fearless…

I hope that in the future, I will not let my brothers seize the opportunity, or the anger of my brother…

Suddenly there was a chill in the hand, and he thought of the day when he used Edo Tensei for the first time. His brother grabbed him into the mountains… he wanted to match him with the monkey…

Good terrifying…

Of course, after he finally promised not to use this Ninjutsu, his brother finally let him go…

But he has no doubt that if he would rather die than that… It is his end of the day.

After all, the clothes were smashed by the elder brother.

and then? Today he may have a large group of monkey monkeys…

Go to the Monkey Monkey Monkey of TM! GodTM’s Monkey Monkey!

“How is the problem?”

Senju Hashirama’s face is darker, and the teeth are struck together to make a sound of infiltration.

After a thousand hands and a sigh of relief, I quickly replied: “No problem! I broke this Ninjutsu!”

Some of the thousands of hands can’t control the sight of “chest (brother) long”, move down…

But the intuition tells him that if you look at it again… the consequences will be very serious!

So don’t worry too much to look at Naruto.

I don’t know why, at this moment, his heart is a little grateful to Naruto’s thoughts.

After all, it has always been the idea that he is buried in the deepest part of the bottom of the heart.

Think of the brother’s daughter…

I want to find a place where no one is going to make a loud laugh.

But even if you can’t laugh, you can die now without regrets.

Quick hand seal on hand in hand, speed is amazing, finger is windy, “solution!”

The laughing Naruto looked at the head from the ground and looked at it.

Nothing happened after three seconds.

Senju Hashirama 用Naruto 教训他的话教训二代Hokage 道:“你是猪脑子啊!等于10的并不是只有5+5,也不只有4+6,还有可能是1+9!2+8!”

The tens of thousands of handcuffs were smashed and asked, “What do you mean?”

The first generation of Hokage Kaidō: “The meaning is, as long as you know the principle of Ninjutsu, the fingerprint can be changed!”

Can the fingerprint be changed? How can I not know?

A thousand hands stunned.

“pū! ”

Naruto’s coagulated expression laughed again.

Then continue to laugh and get up.

Senju Hashirama is so upset.

Then Naruto summoned the handprint of the hand of the hand to demonstrate it again, “He is calling you with this handprint, you see if you can see anything.”

Thousands of hands and the original Hokage reacted the same as the reverse hand seal.

However, nothing happened.

Shocked by thousands of hands can not be attached, to Naruto shouted: “Is you changed my Ninjutsu?”

Naruto raised the head, didn’t smile for a second, then laughed again.

“pū! haha ​​!Hahaha !”

“Don’t tease me, let me breathe, I am going to be teased by you.”

The god of tolerance and his younger brother were mocked…

Suddenly, I found that the little devil in front of me was not cute.

Senju Hashirama: “…”

Thousands of hands: “…”

With this at the same time, in the wilderness.

The huge flying squirrel hit several rounds on the ground.

Deidara and I don’t know why, and the good looks are speechless.

Deidara: “That… you don’t have a stomachache? What makes you so happy?”

Naruto took a sigh of relief for a long time. “I suddenly remembered a joke.”

Then I couldn’t help but laugh again.

Deidara wonders: “What joke?”

Naruto perfunctors: “A ghost… ‘噗’ put a fart, dead! Hahahaha Ha!”

Then Naruto laughed again.

Deidara and the cold face: “…”

In the end, I came up with the idea: “Let’s make it smaller and laugh again.”

Then the giant squirrel begins to shrink to the size of the fist with a speed visible to the naked eye.

Deidara squatted into the pocket with a squirrel, ignoring the squirrels who continued to laugh, and the two continued on their way.

蝎start to talk: “Is this deliberately playing a bear?”

Deidara: “Ah… most of the time… but a long break is that it takes us, and it should be rested.”

The dialogue between the two fell into Naruto’s ear, and some of them were so touched that Naruto was very tired.

Then the laugh will stop.

I turned over Byakugan (roll eyes), “Don’t you laugh? I said, a ghost, ‘噗’ put a fart to death, this story is funny.”

However, Deidara suddenly stopped and was surprised: “Hey, you are going to tell jokes?”

Then Deidara, who was “pū”, smiled in her stomach and muttered in her mouth: “Hahahaha, hey, he will tell a joke, and he will scream? He laughed at me! Hahahaha…”

Deidara’s laughter spurred Naruto’s smile, and they laughed wildly.

For a long time, when Naruto finally stopped the laughter of the devil.

The Daxueshan Institute, Naruto, Senju Hashirama, and Qianshou began to re-chat.

Naruto’s intention was to finish the Uchiha family.

“The law enforcement department of the Ministry of Security is actually using a group of people. What do you think of your head? Is your intention to push the Uchiha family out of Konoha?”

After learning that the Uchiha family had been extinct, the expression of the hand was a bit heavy: “I just arranged for them to do what they are good at.”

Naruto retorted: “But the brain will think that the high weight is not the ruler of the village. Such law enforcers can easily cause rejection from other people.”

The mood is very bad: “Oh? Then you have a way? If you are, how do you do it?”

Naruto Kaidō: “Law of law enforcement such as the Ministry of Security, it is inevitable that it will be included in the various groups of talents, so that it will not allow the monopolized family to become increasingly arrogant, and will not allow the people under control to reject the different names.”

Senju Hashirama looked at Naruto unexpectedly, he could feel it, Naruto said… it makes sense…

But he will not express his position and will not praise Naruto!

He has vowed that in any case there is a chance to be fat and look at the little guy who knows the immensity of Heaven and Earth!

Thousands of hands fell into meditation, “You said… a little truth…”

“That… how do you feel about the relationship between the various families in the village?”

Naruto said with a smile : “This question is also very simple… as long as you don’t think of the family as a whole, treat each person as a single whole, eliminate family consciousness and strengthen individual rights.”

Take a chestnut: “Rocky lime water, the three are well separated, but when the rock is ground into sand and the lime and water are mixed together, it will form a strong cement.”

It is said that Naruto has used the image to simulate the operation of the layer.

This makes Senju Hashirama, who doesn’t know the cement is awkward, and understands what Naruto wants to say.

Thousands of hands are immersed in meditation, Naruto’s example is vivid, and it is naturally not difficult to dissect.

When you want to understand, you can’t help but shine.

“Interesting…but the family concept is ingrained… want to break the original family system… isn’t it simple?”

Continue to explode! I like the full support of this book! Thank you for the big rewards! I am writing the code first, and I am thankful for the completion of today’s writing! Get the full order! Seeking rewards! Tickets must also be at least in an imposing manner! Prove that Xiaozhao “does!” proves “Konoha’s Strength is supreme”!

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