Supreme Naruto

Chapter 368

Senju Hashirama 哼 : :: “Hey, it’s simple, shinobi’s family has passed down each other Ninjutsu.”

“More seriously, families like Kechiei Genkai, such as the Uchiha family, the Chiba family, the Hyuga family, are rarely married to outsiders.”

“The marriage between the thousand hands and the vortex family essentially inherits the Physique of formidable.”

“Because they don’t pollute the bloodline, they can get married to each other.”

Naruto corner of the mouth slightly curved, taunted with a smile on his face: “Why do you have to save the so-called bloodline? Because bloodline stands for Strength?”

Senju Hashirama stared at Naruto. “Because there is Strength to protect the village, this is why shinobi exists.”

Naruto brow raised taunted: “Then your size is no different. Your so-called village is just a big family.”

“Your peace is just a stronger Strength, with the strength of the enemy.”

“But the real Strength, the real shinobi, can only be nurtured in the war. This is an infinite loop. The war will never stop. The World Peace you are raving is just a bubble-like dream.”

Naruto’s words were a bit harsh, and Senju Hashirama’s brows were wrinkled, and the brows between the hands were crumpled.

For this person who dares to blame his brother, there is a lot of appetite… After all… This is also the little wish that he buried in the deepest part of his heart.

However, in a timely manner, it is still necessary to be a matter of time and to ease the stiff atmosphere. “Unless you have a solution to this problem, we say that too much is just a boring quarrel.”

On the face of a slap in the face, I laughed at Naruto in good faith today.

Naruto ignored the goodwill of the hand and asked: “What is the cause of the war?”

Senju Hashirama Kaidō: “Every country wants to expand its territory.”

Naruto continued to ask: “Why expand the territory.”

Naruto is so tight that Senju Hashirama doesn’t like it very much. Of course, if he changes someone, he may not care.

He is a person who has no shelf and goodness.

But… Naruto actually gave him a woman’s body… and let his younger brother see it…

This hatred is gone!

But the small village chief of Senju Hashirama is still there, took a deep breath, and the temperament that was once again caused by the guy who continued to be spotted: “Because of resources, bigger land means more extensive hunting grounds. More fields.”

Naruto smiled, the big thorns said: “I finally got to the right place.”

“Resources are the source of war.”

“If it is a beast, then in order to survive, it is necessary to guard the land of one side, the hunting ground of one side.”

“But people are wise, why can’t we do it with more intelligent means?”

“There are five countries in the east, west, and north, and the geographical location of the five countries will inevitably create different resource advantages.”

“For example, Sharon Village, Sharon Village is built in an oasis in the desert. They lack water and are agricultural products. If the population is not available, if food is not available, it will expand outward.”

“Of course, I am just an example. I have not looked at the example of resources. Actually, I have not examined it.” After an emphasis, Naruto continued: “At this time, the country of the neighboring country has abundant water resources and fertile land. What do you say about Sha Ren Village?”

Senju Hashirama looks at Naruto, a very simple question, but he still replies with the answer: “Invasion.”

Naruto nodded and continued to preach: “Yes, it is the invasion, I believe the same is true for the two villages.”

“Conversely, Konoha will also invade Sharon Village if there is a resource in Konoha in the country of Sharon.”

The first generation of Hokage shook head said: “No, Konoha is located in the most fertile land, we don’t need food.”

Naruto turned over Byakugan (roll eyes): “In your eyes, there is nothing but food and water? Is it a gem in Sha Niu Village? Are the rich people very fond of it? There are many minerals… Well, you No minerals were developed in those days.”

Say Naruto looked at Senju Hashirama with pity.

Senju Hashirama feels that something called self-esteem seems to be stinging…

Being despised…

At this time, I started to talk, “I understand what you mean, you mean that the country of the wind also has something for the country of fire, right?”

Naruto nodded again and again, praising: “Hey… you are much better than your big brother. If it’s not your big brother Innate bloodline, Strong is strong, but fart is not.”

Senju Hashirama This time, not only is the face black, but the whole person is black.

But no glare, but the mood suddenly fell.

It seems to have been hit hard.

Naruto comforted: “You don’t blame yourself. It’s not your fault. After all, the frog’s vision in the well is only a high blue sky with a big butt.”

MMP哟…Naruto is not comforted, but it is comforting to finish Senju Hashirama. The whole person has to go out again.

Naruto went on to say: “The Sharon Village has what Konoha wants. Konoha has what Sharon Village wants. Why don’t the two sides trade with each other? The ancient trade is a matter of exchange, and now there is money, and the transaction is better measured.”

The first generation of Hokage suddenly felt refreshed.

Next to the thousand hands, start to talk: “But the transaction also costs, and the invasion… is a non-existent transaction, so even if it can be traded, there will be transactions between the two forces of the same Strength, for the weak The forces still can’t escape the invasion.”

Naruto once again admired: “You really are the people who built the order of Konoha, even if it is a stupid thing to make the Uchiha family a security department, it is still remarkable.”

The moment between the hand and the brother of his hand finally resonated in his heart.

I want to resonate with the fat Naruto.

This awkward mouth… is really detrimental…

At this time, Senju Hashirama suddenly smugly replied: “I also thought about balancing the strength, so I convened the five-nation conference to distribute the beast to other countries.”

Naruto looks at the mentally retarded look at Senju Hashirama: “So then the war has subsided?”

The smugness of Senju Hashirama’s face was dark.

Naruto’s mood also faded. “That’s the demise of the Uchiha family…has not said the demise of the vortex…”

“According to my speculation… the reason why the vortex family died is entirely because of your decision.”

Senju Hashirama suddenly raised the head and denied: “Impossible!”

Naruto continued: “The vortex family is good at seals, right? Konoha’s first generation Jinchūriki is a whirlpool Mito, your wife, right?”

“How many villages did Konoha master when he mastered the strength of Tail Beast?”

Senju Hashirama Kaidō: “Sha Ren Village…”

Naruto asked: “So what about other villages? Will other villages wait for you to attack them?”

Senju Hashirama firmly said: “I never thought about invading other villages.”

Naruto taunted: “You have said that you must have the same force if you want to trade fairly.”

Senju Hashirama Kaidō: “So I gave them a bear.”

Naruto stares at Senju Hashirama: “But you didn’t teach them to seal the release of Tinch Beast to make Jinchūriki, right?”

Senju Hashirama’s confident Kaidō: “Let them do their own research, this will delay some time!”

After that, Senju Hashirama was shocked. “Is it… they are fighting for the seal… to deal with the vortex family?”

Naruto smiled.

Shake the shook head, he said: “I don’t know, this is a guess.”

Senju Hashirama has not experienced ridicule Naruto now, and the whole person is in a huge self-blame. “Is it… really me…”

Naruto doesn’t care, swinging his hand, start to talk: “I have said so much with you, in fact, I just want to express a meaning.”

“Yes, you are all wrong! The shit village you built is also wrong!”

“So don’t blame others on the standpoint of justice. 50 steps and laughs and 50 steps are quite boring.”

Suddenly thinking of what I was thinking of, I was very serious and stared at Naruto: “So… what do you want to do? Unify World?”

Explosion! Continue to explode! If you want the horse to run fast, give more to the small call to graze… I am! Give more to Xiaozhao subscription! Small call to be full! Want to reward! Brothers rush! Prove a small call! Prove that “Konoha’s Strength is supreme” written by Xiao Zhao! “Konoha’s Strength is supreme” is not a small call, it is everyone who likes this book, we have the same joy in this book, have the same embarrassment! In a word! Prove us, OK!

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