Supreme Naruto

Chapter 366

In the rain, the rain of pattering continued.

The pufferfish lie on the sofa in the store and take a nap.

The salary is low and the difficulty of the work is low. Yao Jie also said that Naruto can work as a handyman for the work of the waiter.

For example, the end-end tea pours water and drags a fruit bowl or something.

But they were all rejected by Naruto with a lazy word.

Outside the rain, the giant flying mouse walked silently.

But from time to time, my face will silently laugh out of two dimples. This inexplicable smile looks unusually strange.

The Snow Mountain Institute, is Level 1.

Regardless of the original Hokage, Senju Hashirama pleaded, no matter what promises.

The second generation of Hokage, the younger brother of the original Hokage, opened his eyes.

It was similar to Senju Hashirama’s waking up, but the face of the hand was showing a cruel smile. “Interesting, this is the technique. What’s even more interesting is that this time I didn’t limit my personality.”

There is a great difference in appearance between Senkaya and Senju Hashirama.

Senju Hashirama’s hair is black and straight, and the hair style of Hyuga Neji is a bit like, but the hair is scattered, and the bangs comb from the middle to the sides.

It also looks very cool.

The skin is the kind of bronze that has been sunburned by Sun.

Thousands of hands, short hair, thorns, white skin, the lines on the face are very tough, standing like it is like an unsmiling soldier.

The position of the thousand hands is facing away from Senju Hashirama.

So the first thing I saw when I opened my eyes was Naruto’s projection and Muni.

The eyes of a thousand hands paid more attention to Naruto’s body, and then started to talk to Muni, “Is you calling me back to this World?”

Muni’s big eyes slammed the fan and looked at the tall, handsome man in front of him.

However, pointing to Naruto with your finger: “Not me, it is my Patriarch.”

Look back at Naruto in a thousand hands.

The brow could not help but wrinkle. He saw that Naruto was laughing and laughing. “Is there anything funny?”

The Spirit projection is much more controlled than the body, and at least you can laugh without making a laugh.

Naruto held back the smile in her heart, and said: “Cough, that… first welcome you back to this world again, I just… I’m talking with your big brother, the first generation of Hokage, your big brother is very kind to you. Missing, so… I will summon you out.”

The expression of a thousand hands stunned and unexpectedly said: “Is this my brother?”

Then there was a feeling of Strength that broke out in the first generation of cells remaining in the air, which was indeed the breath of his big brother Chakra.

Thousands of hands suddenly turned his head and saw Senju Hashirama, who was kneeling in the corner and holding his head Orz.

Senju Hashirama’s head is carrying Naruto’s face, so what I saw in my hand was a raised butt.

Very pretty round…female? Not a brother?

Turning his head in the middle of the hand, he asked: “Where is my brother?”

Naruto raised his hand, his face was already laughing (funny), the corner of the mouth was curled up, and his finger pointed at Senju Hashirama and said, “That is your brother.”

After a thousand hands, I turned my head again and again.

This time Senju Hashirama looked at it more carefully.

He is sure that it is a girl who is preparing to swear Naruto, but from the woman’s body, he perceives his brother’s breath.

what happened?

Thousands of hands step by step toward the woman who is holding her head in the ground and frustrated the body.

The “girl” had a hair that blocked her face and could not see her appearance.

“you are……”

Halfway through the words of a thousand hands…

At this time, the “girl” suddenly shot, speed is too fast to sneak around the behind, and a hand knife is ready to poke straight into the back of the head.

Senju Hashirama had listened to his younger brother when he was alive, and Edo Tensei’s photo was in his head.

This is also the only way Senju Hashirama can think of avoiding embarrassment.

Solve the problem!

However, the body that Senju Hashirama uses today is not only his own, but he can’t call Chakra yet.

Although the body is not his own, there is no limit to Chakra.

Once they have played, they will judge.

The Thousand-Handed Blink Instant disappeared in place, but instead appeared in the early Hokage’s behind, and then Body Technique backhanded.


After seeing the “woman” face outline, the serious face of the hand was gradually replaced by disbelief.

“You turned your head!”

Thousands of hands screamed.

Was scolded by his own younger brother, this is still a lifetime, it is not right whether it is before or after death.

But Senju Hashirama has a face to see his younger brother.

At this moment, I can’t wait to find a place to sneak in!

Strength was enlarged during the thousand hands, and the hand was about to be broken, but the opposite side was still a rather unyielding posture.

Thousands of hands turn to press.

The “girl” was in the arms, and the face was very vividly seen in the next thousand hands.

That is the face of his brother!

After a thousand hands, he lowered his head and looked at his chest. He raised his hand and poked it.

Senju Hashirama was furious and waved his hand to open the hand of the hand. “Poke an egg!”

This scream is low and rough, the voice of Senju Hashirama originally.

“Really my brother! But… but this…”

The sight of the hand was on the chest of Senju Hashirama.

Senju Hashirama A high-lifting leg, from the bottom to the top, a very straight word, kicked to the chin between the hands.

Perhaps it was because it was too shocked, perhaps because he did not dare to scream with his brother. This time, there was no hiding in the hands of a hand, and he was kicked out by a kick.

“pū! ”

Naruto’s projection has no image and is happy.

With this at the same time giant, the flying mouse suddenly licked his stomach and twitched on the ground.

This makes Deidara, who is boring on his shoulders, still a little hung up and down.

When they landed, Deidara was amazed and cared: “What happened?”

Naruto couldn’t help but laugh and endure hard, huge mouse pouting, banging a drum, adjusting a few times, finally start to talk: I have a stomachache…Hahahaha…”

Then the nervousness laughed.

Mmp If you meet someone who says that your stomach hurts, then haha ​​laughs, this person is not a madman or a fool.

At this time, this huge flying squirrel is one of the two in Deidara’s eyes.

“Ah Hahahaha!”

“pū! ”

“Suck… Hahahaha!”

“pū! ”

Continuously resisted and laughed a few times, the giant flying rat laughed and rolled on the ground, then held his stomach with one hand and smiled with one hand.

Deidara’s speechless at home at home, said: “I suddenly found this child’s brain seems a bit abnormal…”

Look at the serious look at the flying squirrel on the ground: “I didn’t feel it was Attacked… or… I changed it into a cockroach… I laughed, I think I might laugh at it…”

Deidara: “…I don’t want to bury a bomb on it…”

With this at the same time, the Snowy Mountain Institute.

When the second-generation Hokage stood up from the ground, Naruto also reluctantly controlled his projection to stand up again.

But at this time, the second generation Hokage said to Senju Hashirama: “Brother…not right…big sister…not right…”

“That… I should call your brother now… or big sister?”

“pū! ”

Naruto is happy again.

The first generation of Hokage’s face was full of expressions.

I have an old heart…

Start to burst! Seek full support!

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