Supreme Naruto

Chapter 341

After leaving Orochimaru, Naruto went to the underground exchange on his own and released two Quests as vice presidents.

One is the news about “xiao”.

One is the message “Tsunade”.

Fortunately, all have been released successfully.

Just because “Xiao” is also a domestic mercenary on the underground exchange, the money to release Quest is doubled, but this is not a long time for Naruto.

Not to mention the one that Hinata earned, the income of the Snow Country is enough for him to squander.

After finishing this, Naruto returned to the Snowy Mountains.

Edo Tensei, the four-person of Yin Rencun, came out.

Like the previous Edo Tensei, the coercion tempted four people to choose to rely on Naruto.

“Trust me, you will be glad to have a chance to be summoned by me today.”

“And I promise that one day you will really be resurrected.”

The four looked at each other and then bowed to Naruto on one knee.

This is the first time someone has done such a big gift to him. It really feels really good.

There is a kind of white cloud, and the feeling of floating in the wind under the vast blue sky.

Fluttering… also fascinated…

“I choose you in addition to your combat Ability. There is another reason for you to have a certain foundation for seals. As you can see, the System you use is compiled by me. You can use the textbook when you have time. Redeem it and learn.”

In the learning panel, I found the “Functional Compilation Guide”, “Three-dimensional Symbol Compilation”, “Electronic Computer and Fu-Array Transcription”, “Four-Dimensional Array Encryption”…

Each type is also divided into four volumes, and the same price is 100 points.

The volume is not equal, most of them are five hundred points, but also level 2 star permission.

The next volume is more expensive, 800 points base, you need Samsung permissions.

Are these all the knowledge used throughout the Spirit network?

Do not! Of course not, Naruto didn’t plan to build a national programmer and his idea of ​​grabbing a business. He wanted to learn the real core knowledge. The last volume of “Super” required Naruto to open the permissions separately to learn.

In other words, I want to learn to become a talent line first.

The Yin Rencun four-person group completed the novice Quest and each sent 200 points. At this time, they listened to Naruto’s instructions and exchanged one.

In the operation of the system, the Naruto super-privileged dog wants to know naturally.

Naruto was very satisfied with the attitude of these guys, and then stopped talking about the last time the “ink” collected on the underground exchange was summoned.

“These four people will team up with you later, and you will build a mercenary organization on the underground exchange.”

At this same time, five people at the same time received the Quest prompt from System.

Quest Tip: “Receive exclusive Quest, establish a registered mercenary, and acquire children.”

Quest didn’t ask if it was accepted, it was a form that was directly issued down to everyone’s operation panel.

Quest: There is no need to pick the so-called latent talent. Some people may not be excellent shinobi, but they may have something to do in other ways.

Quest Completion Progress: Primary Reward: 0/50 People, Reward Points 50 Points.

Intermediate Reward: 0/1000 people, bonus points 200 points.

High level Reward: 0/10000 people, bonus points 500 points.

There is no upper limit reward, and every time you receive 10000, you will receive a high level reward.

Telling the truth, all five people were shocked when they saw the number to buy.

Ten thousand people? How much is that?

And there is no limit!

Ink couldn’t help but ask: “Is it really necessary to recruit so many people! How much does it cost…”

I feel that I can’t figure out how to pull my fingers.

If there is so much money, who is still a mercenary?

Naruto said with a smile : “You don’t have to worry about money, all the expenses are all public funds, we are not bad.”

At the same time, on the same time, at the same time, a message pops up at the same time: “The biggest pain in life is that people have lost money, then I ask you, do you want to live forever? You want to Resurrected relatives? Click here to fulfill your wishes. This event can be paid after service.”

For a time, all the wealthy businessmen who have identity cards can’t sit still.

At the beginning, most people held an unbelief attitude, but they still opened the news.

Then there is a variety of hesitations.

This is a fake! How can the dead be resurrected? Is that what God can do?

But what if it is true?

Think about your own property, think about the few beautiful young wives.

When he dies these sons will be passed to them originally.

This is a matter of course in the traditional concept.

But…if I can live all the time?

Then chew the sentence: “The biggest pain in life is that people have lost money.”

Some people have opened the news more than ten times.

Repeated reading, reading word by word.

Look at the person who sent the message: the most high level management.

I also sweared that the sentence can be paid after the service.

This day, one night, it is a torment for all those who receive the news.

Believing this kind of news may be regarded as a fool.

But if you miss a chance to live forever… then the TM is a big fool!

But… in case this is a trap…

Time passes by one minute.

The blood will also become calm.

Then some people with a lot of cautious thoughts looked at the news again.

I confirmed that I did not mention the idea of ​​sending someone to go.

Then I submitted my ideas to the appeal, and even opened the manual service with money.

After verifying that they can send people, some wealthy businessmen finally made up their minds.

This is the style of the steady school.

There are also people who dare to gamble and fight. Those people think that since they had not started to work on them in the snow country, then the opposite side did not want to let them die or arrest them.

How can this miracle of resurrection of the dead be missed?

This is Naruto’s mobilization plan for wealthy businessmen.

For the country of snow, it is much simpler. Naruto just tells Feng Xue that he needs money and plans for the construction of the country.

Fenghua Xiaoxue directly agreed to the board.

The Queen is full of fan.

Time to return to Naruto in the snowy mountains negative Level 2 to a few people.

“Right, you have another Quest. You go to the underground exchange to get the Quest of the Akatsuki Organization message, and the Quest of the Tsunade message, and then collect the people and pay attention.”

The Akatsuki Organization is awkward, others may not be very clear, but the four-person group of the original Yin Ren Village is no longer clear.

Looking at Naruto again, they suddenly realized that this is a major event!

This kind of big hand… is not weaker than Orochimaru, even bigger than Orochimaru.

Excited, everyone is also a bit guilty.

Naruto comforted: “Don’t be afraid of death, you are already dead, and I can raise you again if I die.”

“Of course, I have to pay attention to the seal. I don’t need to teach you this.” Naruto looked at the four people in the original Yin Ren Village.

The four people nodded in succession.

Naruto said with a smile : “If you encounter a difficult opponent that has been sealed, just send me a message before being sealed, I will be able to save you back.”

Edo Tensei’s Quest was released, Naruto took a deep breath.

He is going to go to the country of the rain.

It is the home base of the Akatsuki Organization. What is the news, there is the point.

As for the previous preparations, it is only a preservation policy.

“Nine Lama teacher, we are going to see God, afraid of not afraid?”

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