Supreme Naruto

Chapter 342

“See God? See what God?”

Some of the nine tails did not agree, Naruto tiger said: “A guy with Six Path Rinnegan, you said he is not a god?”

After the nine-tailed stay, I dismissed it. “Although I don’t know how you know Rinnegan’s, but I have only seen that kind of thing Old Man has, now? It is impossible.”

Nine don’t believe, Naruto grinned with a smile: “When I wait for you to see, tell me the truth, I am suddenly nervous.”

Nine tails straightforward: “Where are you going?”

Naruto’s Spiritual Body takes a deep breath and wants to ease the tension, but the Spiritual Body is not like a body, there is no bones, no meat, no internal organs, and this breathtaking golden Naruto blows like a balloon. It’s funny and funny.

But then I waited for the exhalation and my stomach went back.

After all, Naruto inhaled not the air, but the free soul power in soul world, and those soul forces were directly absorbed.

The soul is integrated into the Spiritual Body, which is warm and comfortable, and it is also a relaxing effect.

Kaidō: “I am going to a place called the country of the rain, you… continue to stay with a few gimmicks, take them as Quest, and then continue to eat delicious tonic body, but! You can’t just eat it, you have to let them practice, if the pig raising incident happens again, you will not have the opportunity to breathe out in the future, this I said to do it!”

Nine tails want to top Naruto, and I have a lot of garlic in front of me, but I still think about it.

Good fox does not lower oneself to somebody’s level, this time let him pretend to be a B and so on next time… um, pick him up next time.

The inner activities of Jiuwei are very exciting. Naruto sees the nine tails and does not answer and asks: “How? Have opinions?”

Nine tails made a pretty kind expression, the hair was soft, the teeth were put away, and the corner of the mouth was slightly upturned.

“How come there is an opinion? The last time was completely unexpected.”

Naruto greeted the mutated singer Shiba Inu.

The ability of the Shiba Inu to sell 乖 is much higher than that of the nine tails. The fat big face plate sells Meng’s eyes, and the tongue head is like a real dog.

His face smuged out its swaying skills.

“Hey!” The more you shake, the Shiba Inu takes off…

Naruto speechless looks at this scene.

It’s really nice to talk about it, especially the looks at the yellow golden hair and the white face of the big white face.

But also a bit 2B.

This is definitely not my avatar… it must be mutated!

Naruto comforted herself so much.

“Okay, you become a whale.”

The Shiba Inu led the life and fell back to the ground from the air. When the body touched the ground, the surrounding soil gathered from the Shiba Inu, and a big dog became a fat skin whale in stretching.

The little buttocks twisted and twisted, the tail shook and shook, and there was a little cute.

Naruto is black, this is not his avatar…

The whale trumpet opened a portal, and the earth waves rolled over a perfectly simultaneous step extending to the foot of Naruto.

Naruto’s Spiritual Body leaves the body and drills into the body of the whale.

The whales disappeared into the underground and disappeared.

Half a month later, Naruto came to the country of the rain.

Naruto was not in a hurry to enter, and the country of rain looked in from the outside, very strange, because all around is sunny, only the clouds covering the country above the rain are raining.

Naruto knows that this is Heavenly Dao Pain’s Sensor Type Ninja, the rain tiger’s free technique.

It is to integrate Chakra into the heavy rain and use rain to perceive a country’s every move.

This is very similar to the perception barrier, but the difference is that the general perception barrier is a combination of several people and even dozens of people, and the rain tiger is free, and it is done by Heavenly Dao Pain alone.

“Afraid of hair, Lao Tzu can also produce dozens of kilometers of perception barrier.”

Naruto muttered to himself.

Afterwards, the technique was re-applied and waited for the shinobi of the rain country to pass by.

This time Naruto was much more fortunate than at Kirigakure, and on the third day of Naruto’s sneak, a group of people rushed back from the outside.

Four people were wearing a convenient shinobi costume outside, and they returned to the rain country before putting on a raincoat. Of course, some people also wore umbrellas.

“This bad weather, when is the head.”

Next to it, he said: “Pain is also thinking about the safety of the whole village. If the rebel party is cleared, then it will not rain all day!”

That person is obviously a bit of Ability. He feels good and dissatisfied with the discipline. He is going to open his mouth and rebel against a few words. His expression is suddenly a stiff, and his body is agitated.

Perhaps it is because the popularity is also poor, and the people next to them don’t even care about the inquiry.

At this time Naruto has successfully entered this body.

As for the whale whale…

If you go in like this, you will definitely find it on the opposite side.

Naruto arranged for the whales with the Spirit link: “You should wait for my news outside, remember not to step into the rain country. If the rain of the rain country has an expanding trend, you will get into the ground and understand. ?”

The Whales quickly promised: “Understand! Clearly.”

Naruto is the only one of the few who has an umbrella. Everyone walks into the rain. When the rain hits the umbrella, Naruto can clearly perceive the fluctuations of Chakra.

Rain Tiger’s free technique… I didn’t have a great deal. When I go back to the country of snow, I will come to a snowy and comfortable way. When I arrive, don’t say that I will maintain it for two days. It will be fine for one and a half years.

Well, I am not worse than him… just a pair of Rinnegan.

Into the country of the rain, Naruto learned the name of the person from the words of his teammates calling him, called the puffer fish.

Very image is that this guy’s hair is also a hedgehog, the roots of the blast, coupled with the temperament of the temper, is a humanoid pufferfish.

Naruto followed the squad and arrived all the way to Quest, the rain outside continued, and no one came to him for trouble, which made Naruto more relaxed.

It seems that he should not find his existence.

“Blowfish, go? Go to the end of the bar and have a drink?”

bar? Because there has been no adulthood, Naruto has never been drunk, and is preparing to refuse, and counts his heart.

Going to the bar is good. I don’t know any other information about this body. When I go to the bar for a while, I will drink a meal and then get drunk.

This way someone should send him home.

Even if he doesn’t send it home, he can also get drunk and forget where his home is.

I really am a genius! This strategy is perfect!

“Okay, I treat you!”

Naruto laughed a little, and the man who shouted Naruto stayed, then took Naruto’s shoulder and said: “Well, brat, finally played! You have been waiting for your wine for 16 or 7 years! Not easy! It’s not easy what!”

Then he continued to take a few vigorous shots.

Naruto was slightly shocked, and the person I was taking this time was originally a miser?

Uh… Fortunately, this guy’s friend is also a bit 2B or it’s exposed.

Um… I have to set the opposite side when I drink.

You have to ask this guy what else to pay attention to.

Naruto was a little nervous and a little irritating, and he didn’t realize that he seemed to like to pretend to be another person.

This feeling is very fun, looks like, and has a sense of accomplishment.

By the way, I have to find an opportunity to bind an identity card, and then contact Muni, who is the gold medal winner of the Oscar.

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