Supreme Naruto

Chapter 340

Does Sasuke disagree?

Naruto stared at Sasuke, and Sasuke looked indifferent with Naruto.

The two just stared at each other on the opposite side.


Naruto suddenly started to talk: “Spring wild cherry is also in the country of snow.”

Sasuke’s face is gloomy, cool Kaidō: “I guessed it.”

Naruto snorted. “Guess it? How did you guess it?”

Sasuke’s eyes shifted elsewhere, the cold Kaidō: “I know the news of your death. At the same time, I know that Chunno Sakura was killed in the accident. If you are not dead, then she should also not dead.”

Ok, Naruto admits that the little Sasuke’s small head is turning very fast.

“You are because Haruno Sakura is on my side, so you are not coming?”

Sasuke cool looking up at at Naruto.

Naruto grinned and turned to Orochimaru. “The previous transaction about Sasuke was void. If you want to occupy the body of this brat, continue to work hard.”

Orochimaru looked at the two people with a funny smile and said: “Are you serious?”

Naruto fangs with a smile : “Well, seriously, when you give me a hair for him, I will put this brat Edo Tensei, then… oh.”

How to punish? End footbath? That’s the work of Hinata… Well, Hinata didn’t give it to him, he just made up for it.

However, the end tea can not run.

Naruto stared at Sasuke with a smirk, and Sasuke looked cold and arrogant: “I won’t let you have this chance.”

Naruto turned a Byakugan (roll eyes) and didn’t bother to deal with this Idiot. On Orochimaru said: “Since this condition is invalid, then I can change another condition?”

Orochimaru nodded and said, “Yes.”

So what does Orochimaru do?

Not corpse reincarnation?

Naruto felt that it was very hard. If one day really hangs, he thinks Edo Tensei is easier.


It seems that there is nothing to trade?

Naruto’s eyes looked at the fragrant phosphorus around Orochimaru.

If you have a thought, do you want to change this girl?

According to the bloodline, this girl is a vortex family and is a member of Naruto.

Taking care of the same family is a matter of course.

However, Naruto found that the girl was staring at him with hostility…


Is it because of Sasuke? Uh… or because of Haruno Sakura?

If you remember correctly, Xiang Pho has always liked Sasuke…

Ok, okay, this estimate can’t be changed, even if Orochimaru agrees, but it doesn’t mean to exchange a hate for yourself.

Naruto has no tendency to self-abuse… at least he thinks so.

After thinking about it, Naruto found that he didn’t even think of a plan that made him feel excited.

“Or… this way, the condition is to establish long-term cooperation. After the First Stage cooperation is completed, I will also share some of the things I have researched. How do you discuss each other? Well… tell the truth, I also Studying the art of eternal life.”

“My initial thought was to restore the human body by cloning, then summon soul with Edo Tensei, and then transplant the soul to the new body through Ninjutsu, such as Spiritualization, to achieve the purpose of resurrection.”

Orochimaru’s face was ugly and laughed.

Unsightly, mainly caused by the pain coming out of the left hand, “very good idea, I have begun to look forward to cooperation between us.”

Naruto Kaidō: “I also look forward to the news about Tsunade as an ally. You can also help me pay attention.”

Orochimaru nodded: “That is natural. Compared with Tsunade and Akatsuki Organization, I am more than happy to take Tsunade with you, but…the girl should not want to see you abuse Edo Tensei, not necessarily, after all, the girl Resurrected the broken.”

Said Orochimaru shrugged and made a helpless expression.

Naruto said with a smile : “Nothing, I am not killing innocent people, I use… um… are some guys like prisoners, and… if killing is really evil, then each of us Is it sinful and wicked?”

Orochimaru laughed and agreed: “In a word, you are more lovely than those who are full of blood but full of morality.”

Datuni is still standing next to Naruto, and he seems to be holding a chicken in his hand.

Since Sasuke wanted to continue to be with Orochimaru and Naruto couldn’t force it, he told Datun: “Well, another person is not willing to go, you will go back with a guy.”

Dazzini nodded, triggering the reverse Kuchiyose no Jutsu on the card, an aperture rises, enveloping the big 咕ni.

At this time, the little white snakes with one finger thickness sneaked into the trousers of Datuni.

Naruto perceives the barrier to notice this snake.

At the same time Datuni also noticed.

In the Spirit network, Datuni asked Naruto: “How to deal with it?”

Naruto said very simply: “Kill it.”

The transmission array was opened, and a few small pieces of iron sand were spilled out of the big prosthetic limbs, shrouded around the white snakes, and then connected together to form a wire, and the white snake was broken in an instant.

“bang!” The white fog rose and Datuni sent back to Daxueshan.

Naruto didn’t look at the dead snake on the ground, and took out a one-star card and handed it to Sasuke: “That, drop a drop of blood.”

Sasuke hesitated to pick up or not.

Naruto threatened: “If you don’t pick it up… I’ll call you, I’m better than you, don’t want to be ugly…” Naruto gave Sasuke a look you know.

The two stalemate for a while… Finally Sasuke is still picked up.

“Blood binding.”

Naruto stared at Sasuke until Sasuke bound the card to divert her view and waved to Orochimaru: “The talks are here, you have more people, and the battlefield is cleaned by you.”

Naruto Fūton (Wind Release) Sweep away.

Like a gust of wind, blowing into the woods, disturbed a few leaves, but soon there was no trace of it.

Orochimaru stared at the dead white snake on the ground, but his face was not disappointed, but he smiled even more happily.


Orochimaru continues to operate System and sees an option for an 3D theater in the entertainment area.

I clicked in.

Then there is a list of rows.

“Princess 1”

“Princess 2”

The Last Sword Ji

The covers of the three films are very beautiful and dynamic.

“Princess 1” is a shy smile.

Very cute, can not help but make people feel excited, and even give birth to an impulse to protect it.

“Princess 2” is a bloody Princess, standing in the sea of ​​corpse and staring into the distance.

Not only does the picture look realistic, but it can even smell a trace of bloody rust.

This is the sensory information that works, like Illusion Technique.

The picture of “The Last Sword Ji” is even more shocking. On one side of the picture is the beautiful and amazing Chiba flower of the long sword, and the other side is shinobi.

The perfect combination of chill and glamorous.

Orochimaru is on the Last Sword.

The picture in front of the scene is changed by Hollow. The realistic 3D somatosensory movie is released.

But the movie only played for five minutes. When Orochimaru saw it, it suddenly stopped.

Pop up a window: “The movie is a paid movie. If you want to watch the full version, please use the points to buy.”

Orochimaru is on the purchase.

A reminder window popped up: “Your points are insufficient and the purchase failed.”

Then came a guide: “100 tips for earning points, Mama no longer has to worry about my points not enough.”

Orochimaru hesitated for a moment.

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