Supreme Naruto

Chapter 339

Yakushi Kabuto is so vocal that the name “wolf grass” makes Orochimaru very unaccustomed, brow raised, but did not say anything.

Turned and looked down all around.

Naruto This video call is very interesting.

You can see each other on the opposite side of the scene, or you can pull it into the scene where the other party is.

This one is to pull Orochimaru into the scene where Yakushi Kabuto is.

Simply put, the impact information of the space where Yakushi Kabuto is located is specially edited and projected in Orochimaru’s System in a three-dimensional style.

It is like the Illusion Technique.

Orochimaru looked at the medical equipment and the familiar feeling came to life.

These equipments are all used by him, then…

“Is this the No. 9 experiment?”

Naruto didn’t intend to tell Orochimaru about the existence of the Snowy Mountain Lab. He said vaguely: “No, it’s another place, but the equipment is still in your lab.”

Orochimaru nodded wants to go when I walked over, but the hand passed through the influence, and it was only the projection that I remembered.

“Interesting… very interesting.”

In order to conceal the ambiguity, Orochimaru shifted the topic: “Is this something you made? Although it is a little worse than the ring of Xiao, it is already very good.”

Naruto smiles Kaidō: “Not all, there are some… like-minded people, if the cooperation between us is stable enough, I will introduce you.”

“Right, you can do it if you want to operate the instrument. There is a system for renting System in System. You will rent out your avatar, and then Yakushi Kabuto will be able to summon your avatar with points, and then System will automatically split your avatar. Linked to your consciousness, you can manipulate the instrument by manipulating the body.”

Orochimaru began to experiment with surprise.

Naruto turned to Yakushi Kabuto and said, “I will bring Orochimaru-sama over and let him point you to the problem of cloning the project. You can ask Orochimaru if you have anything.”

The Orochimaru trial detached from the System, agreed to the rental option, and said strangely: “Clone is?”

Naruto replied: “It’s an artificial person… um… just a codename.”

“You know the usage of System. We can pass it after we communicate. How? Is it convenient?”

Yakushi Kabuto leased the Orochimaru avatar, and then Orochimaru appeared in the Snow Mountain Lab in the form of a shadow.

When the hands touched together, Orochimaru couldn’t help but scream: “It’s so interesting!”

But soon I noticed the potential threat to the card, shook head said: “With it, you can master my movements at any time?”

This sentence is to ask the idea.

To some extent, Naruto can indeed locate Orochimaru, and not only can it even get images.

It can be said that people who bind this stuff, as long as Naruto wants to be live broadcast of Orochimaru all day.

“It still can’t be done. After all, most of the maps on World have not been scanned yet, so I can’t locate your location.”

This sentence is not a lie, but it is true.

Orochimaru looks at Naruto, Naruto is playing with a smile: “You don’t know my secret too. If you tell Konoha about the information I am still alive, then I will also have big troubles.”

Orochimaru pondered, “That… keep in touch during the deal.”

“You want to let Yakushi Kabuto learn? Then I can teach now.”

Naruto shook his head: “Don’t worry, cursing and man-made things, you will talk later.”

Naruto is a ringing finger and the call is over.

Yakushi Kabuto is still in a state of arrogance.

Do you trade with Naruto and Orochimaru? Are the two still talking and laughing?

These are not important… The important thing is… I called the Orochimaru directly… I also took the word two words…

The word for the grass is Naruto’s pot because he learned with Naruto.

But telling the truth, suddenly feels so good.

After breaking the conversation with Yakushi Kabuto, Naruto came to Changjuro.

The Naruto eyes are tight, if smelt… I don’t know what good things will be broken down.

The last time Kubikiribōchō let him earn Pottery (bo).

Naruto grabbed the double-knife (ping two dice), and Chang’s hand still held the knife tightly.

The whitishness of the bones grip seems to grow up.

Naruto wrapped his hand in the hands of Senjutsu, and used the electric field to influence the nerve system of Changjuro to relax the skeletal muscle.

Then Naruto found that Changjuro had not yet died.

Originally Naruto intends to grab a few hairs and turn back to Edo Tensei, but the use of it is different.

He can… control the body of Chang Juro to sneak into…Kirigakure!

Orochimaru saw Naruto healed Jiro, and couldn’t help but think of Tsunade, start to talk: “I have an interesting news, I think you will be interested.”

Naruto didn’t return the head: “Say.”

So casually talking to Orochimaru, there is only Naruto at the end of the day.

No, Yakushi Kabuto is more cattle than Naruto, and people still say that it is a grass.

Orochimaru didn’t care about Naruto’s attitude. He appreciated the sights at Naruto’s medical tactics: “I know some things about Tsunade’s rebellion from the village. At the same time, I also know a message. The Akatsuki Organization’s people are staring at Tsunade. She joined.”

The action on Naruto’s hand stopped.

“When is this news?”

Orochimaru Kaidō: “Yesterday, it should be the latest news.”

Naruto took a deep breath, although the Tsunade rebellious village escaped and surprised him a bit.

But Naruto believes that Tsunade should not join Xiao.

Will you stop at the time? I am afraid that it is not strong.

Naruto sighed: “How did the Akatsuki Organization look at Tsunade? In the past, Tsunade was not in the village.”

Orochimaru wrinkled the pain on his left arm and made him laugh. “Because the identity is different, now she is rebellious.”

Naruto doesn’t understand this truth, he just wants to complain.

Naruto’s action on Changro’s hand stopped, and Changjuro had a movement. The finger twitched to wake up. Naruto’s backhand was a slap and it was stunned directly.

“Do you know where Tsunade is?”

Orochimaru Kaidō: “If I knew, then the Akatsuki Organization had already found Tsunade.”

This sentence… no problem.

Then you can’t go to Kirigakure for the next trip.

Naruto first seals the double-knife in the Scroll, which is definitely something to take away.

As for Changjulang… Naruto decided to look at the snowy mountain first.

The Naruto Spirit link shouted in the Spirit network: “Someone is idle now? Come and bring two people back.”

Muni Kaidō: “I am applying a mask.”

Naruto took the opportunity to say: “It’s you.”

Muni did not follow the road: “There are no clothes for people, so take a bath.”

Xiao Nie Lima recommended: “She didn’t… she just took off her clothes, or the clothes that I took off after you said it.”

People can be lazy to be like a monk, Naruto is also served.

“Hurry up and put on, call you after a minute. I have a lot of people here. If you don’t want to come over naked, just hurry.”

Xiaoniini replied: “No, she just unlocked a button.”

Muni Shouted: “Little Muni!”

Don’t think that there is definitely a battle with Muni in the snowy mountains.

At this time, the big monk started to talk: “Call me.”

Naruto said righteously: “You can’t always follow her, you will be spoiled.”

Datuni Kaidō: “But they are tearing each other…”

Naruto is nothing, this is called 啥? Mastering the stick, but aiming for the yard?

Naruto summoned Datuni, and under the instigation of Naruto, Dazzini wears a mask and covers his face.

“Sasuke, let’s leave with her.”

Naruto sent Sasuke to the country of snow.

However, Sasuke is cool: “I don’t go, I will continue to be with Orochimaru.”

I am a grass!

Naruto was in a moment of MMP.

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