Supreme Naruto

Chapter 331

Lei Zhiguo, Raikage Office.

Raikage stared at a Scroll from Konoha and was lost in thought.

On the Scroll, Konoha is going to reopen the Chunin exam.

This is nothing. Over the years, the Chunin exams in the various villages have given invitations to several other villages.

This means respect for other big villages.

In the past, this invitation letter will not even look at it, but this year is different.

This year, there was a sentence under the invitation letter from Konoha that Jiraiya was coming back to Kumo Shinobi Village.

Therefore, this is not only an invitation letter, but also a note.

“Konoha… what more to do…”

Konoha is going to take the Chunin exam and Jiraiya is coming to Kumo Shinobi Village.

This news Raikage just knew that it was not long before Naruto knew it.

This is thanks to the Killer B ratio that treats the news as a talk.

“Hey! Go to Konoha! Trick! Go see the nine! Hey!”

Killer B raps more than a lame.

Nine-tailed muttered with Naruto and kept the Spirit link: “I don’t want to see you as a silly fork.”

Naruto is digesting Jiraiya to come to the news.

Why is Jiraiya coming to the country of mine? Did you find him in the country of Lei?

Impossible… impossible.

Naruto believes that she has not left a flaw.

Even if there is a flaw, it is impossible to find him in the country of Lei, but the country of snow.

So… just to hold the Chunin exam?

When is the Chunin exam so important? Can he let him personally visit?

“Sarui, Sarui?” Killer B called Naruto twice, and Naruto finally came back, “Ah? What?”

Killer B passed over the rice bowl.

Ok, Naruto took the bowl to the dinner.

The two are started to talk by the wooden man: “It should be impossible. The Chunin test is a competition between the Allies. This kind of live Kumo Shinobi village has not been involved for a long time.”

“But… I care more about that Jiraiya. Is he really as strong as Legend?”

When it comes to Jiraiya Killer B, I don’t have to talk in a singer. “I don’t know how strong Jiraiya is, but I have played with his four generations of Hokage, who is really strong.”

“Those who can teach such a formidable discipline will not be weak.”

“But I am still more interested in going to Konoha to see the nine-tailed Jinchūriki and the nine tails.”

Jinchūriki with nine tails and nine tails don’t want to see you.

It was Naruto tsukkomi this time.

The two were not answered by the wooden man. Killer B turned to look at Naruto. “Sarui, if I really can go to Konoha, I will recommend you to let your brat take the Chunin exam. You win.”

Back to Konoha?

Sounds like…interesting…

A week later, Jiraiya came to the village of Kumo Shinobi.

Naruto is a two-person wooden ruler and a good friend of eight-tailed Killer B. He is honored to be with them to meet Jiraiya, one of Konoha Sannin.

At the same time, Kumo Shinobi village is also in a state of alert preparation.

“Wow Hahahaha! You are really passionate!”

Jiraiya stood on the top of the oyster sauce, and the oysters jumped and leaped to the sky.

Today, the weather in Leizhi is very good, the sky is cloudless, and Sun is very bright and dazzling.

Jiraiya shouted at her long list of names.

What Mount Myōboku 蛤蟆Sage (Sennin) ……

What is the Sannin white-haired boy who is unmatched by the whole world in the southeast and northwest…

What can make children cry…

That long string of old-fashioned rags and long, stinking and long names, Naruto just listened to the shameful whole body of goose bumps.

However, … Killer B is even more bright than his eyes, picking up a small notebook and a quick record.

Naruto’s secretly thought is not very good. Killer B’s narcissism is more uncomfortable than the soul singer. Is it necessary to add Jiraiya’s Secondary Attribute?

“what are you doing?”

Naruto stayed away from Killer B and leaned against the two by the wooden man.

Killer B said more than praise: “How much is the sentence of the imposing manner. If I call such a scorpion before the fight, I feel very good.”

“Right! Plus the form of rap!”

Shouting a fight before the fight? Also add rap?

The picture is so beautiful, Naruto can’t associate it.

The huge body of oyster sauce finally fell, and Jiraiya stood firmly on the top of the oyster sauce. The boss hands were swaying and arrogant.

But I was very happy to see Jiraiya Naruto, who is so active.

He is also originally worried that Jiraiya will be ruined by Tsunade and his ex-boyfriend.

It seems that he has smashed Jiraiya’s big heart.

“Do you have anybody who wants my signature?”

“My signature is still very valuable!” Jiraiya pulled out her pen.

Which kind of thing will someone want?

When Naruto was dismissive, a bunch of people rushed up.

There is actually Killer B than…

Ok, Naruto admits that he has a small reputation for Jiraiya.

How to say Jiraiya… is also a writer.

Naruto couldn’t help but think of Kakashi.

I don’t know if Kakashi will still watch Jiraiya’s book all day.

Thinking of Kakashi, then I thought of Sasuke.

I thought of a different seventh class.

It’s not a sad day to think about it in Konoha’s days.

There is Ding, the guy, and I don’t know if the fat man continues to carry forward the gibbons.

Whether the dog’s dog is still eating the dog food formula he gave.

Nara Shikamaru was not promoted to Jōnin, and should be happy now.

Xiao Li must be swaying his youthful sweat with his idiot master.

Thinking about Naruto, I suddenly wanted to see Konoha and see a few guys.

If… If Kumo Shinobi Village is able to take the Chunin exam at Konoha.

Then he can secretly bully those guys.

It must be fun to want to come.

“Jiraiya Adult! I want to take a photo with you!”

A silly brat looking at the camera shouted in the crowd.

Then the scene was even more lively.

But Naruto also knows that this is only the appearance. In the dark, Anbu in the village of Kumo Shinobi has been assembled. If it is found that it is not right, it is also the reason why the eight-tailed Jinchūriki and the two-tailed Jinchūriki are greeted.

But fortunately, unpleasant things have not happened.

Everyone met with the temperament, signed the name, and took photos.

Then go all the way to the Raikage building.

“I feel Jiraiya is a funny person.” Killer B without rap is much more lovely than Naruto.

Then Kaidō: “Have you seen his book?”

Killer B asked, “Have you seen it?”

Naruto really saw a few pages, in the manager’s study, and the book was given to Kakashi.

“have not seen.”

Killer B is suddenly starting to talk: “Then let’s buy a copy!”

It is said that I will take Naruto to the bookstore.

Naruto immediately shifted the topic: “Now shouldn’t you pay more attention to whether Raikage-sama will agree with Konoha’s invitation? You are very familiar with Raikage… Would you like to explore the news?”

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