Supreme Naruto

Chapter 332

Lei Zhiguo, Raikage Office.

“The Chunin exam by Konoha was designed to attract the attention of the Akatsuki Organization?”

“Do you want to send two Jinchūriki villages to Kumo Shinobi Village?”

Raikage stared at Jiraiya, and Raikage’s expression was no longer as friendly as Jiraiya had just come in.

The eyes are full of doubt and distrust.

Jiraiya calmly confronted him and replied: “Before coming to Kumo Shinobi Village, I first arrived at Kirigakure, and Kirigakure has agreed to take the Chunin exam, and Mizukage will also be present in person.”

Raikage retorted: “It doesn’t matter whether or not Kumo Shinobi Village participates. In fact, because the country of Lei and the country of water are not far away, there are many wars and hatreds in the two countries. How can I believe that you are not with Kirigakure? Conspired, while taking our main force, the other side…Kirigakure is good to Hollow?”

Jiraiya replied: “Because Konoha not only invites Kirigakure and Kumo Shinobi villages, Konoha will also invite Iwagakure Ninja village, and Feng Rencun, when the five great villages will gather in Konoha. In this case, you don’t need to worry about Konoha. Do small things because Konoha can’t offend the other four big villages at the same time.”

“And Konoha…and there is no Ability to unite with the four great villages to deal with your village of Kumo Shinobi.”

The two looked at each other for a long time, and Jiraiya’s self-confidence calmly and calmly let Raikage nod his head.

Self-confidence is the confidence of my own strength, even if I am trapped in a tiger’s den.

Calm, because there is Strength, it will be calm, at the same time, because the words are true.

Calmly, nature is built on self-confidence and calmness.

The more people with Strength formidable, the sharper the intuition.

Fourth Raikage Ai can feel that Jiraiya is not lying.

But this is not enough.

“Are you going to Iwagakure Ninja Village next time?”

“If you can call Iwagakure Ninja Village, Kumo Shinobi Village will consider it.”

The fourth Raikage expression relaxed, not in a hurry, nor in a statement.

Jiraiya start to talk said: “I hope that you can carefully consider that the core members of the Akatsuki Organization are the rebellious S-class Sovereign Villages. These dangerous characters must not be underestimated.”

Fourth Raikage is calm and self-sufficient: “It is natural to be small, but… there is no S-level rebellion in our village of Kumo Shinobi. In other words, these people may have been treated unfairly in your other four villages. And then I want to get together to retaliate against you, in this case… Kumo Shinobi Village can’t find a reason to slap this water.”

“You still have to ask… If you have to show the attitude of Kumo Shinobi Village, then the attitude of Kumo Shinobi Village is not to participate.”

This is the end of the conversation.

Jiraiya did not leave directly in the village of Kumo Shinobi.

And this result was quickly passed from the mouth of Killer B to Naruto’s ear.

The village of Kumo Shinobi did not participate, and his vision of taking the Konoha Chunin exam as the village of Kumo Shinobi shinibi was lost.

Naruto is somewhat lost in this regard. After all, it is interesting to assume that Kumo Shinobi village Shinobi is going to Konoha.

After lunch at Jiraiya’s second day of departure, Naruto finally decided to start with two tails and eight tails.

Naruto took the medicine in the fish for lunch, a medicine that affected the normal extraction of Chakra.

Unfortunately, Killer B didn’t know why he didn’t come to eat rice.

“What is the taste of today’s boiled fish by the wooden man elder sister?”

The wood man tasted the dish as usual, and praised: “It’s delicious, it’s a little spicy…”

Eyes at the mouth The wood man put the medicine fish into his mouth, and Naruto’s final hesitation was also disappeared.

He is not a Sarui after all, he is Naruto, he can pretend to be a month here, but he can’t pretend forever.

However, … farewell, Naruto’s heart is still somewhat sad.

The wooden man ate a few more fish and noticed that Naruto did not move the chopsticks.

Then he urged: “Don’t light look at me?”

Naruto laughed, but the laughter was ugly than crying. “Because the wooden man elder sister…”

There are a thousand words in my heart, but I can’t say it when I reach my mouth.

“I can’t help it… I will apologize to you later.”

Speaking of a line of characters from the bottom of the table climbed two people by the wooden body.

The black curse is covered by the whole body of the wooden man in the blink of an eye, and the two are subconsciously struggling by the wooden man, but the body has been completely imprisoned and cannot be moved at all.

And Chakra can’t be used normally.

The two were stunned by Naruto, Naruto took a deep breath, and apologized: “Actually, I am not a Sarui. This is the next time we will meet and explain.”

Say Naruto’s hand seal, the line becomes more complex under Naruto’s control to form a complete seal.

The two were comatose by the wooden man.


Naruto’s Spiritual Force invaded two of the wooden world’s Spirit World, then found the two-tailed Seal Space, and the Spiritual Force linked to the two.

Naruto’s Soul Projection appears in front of the two tails.

Two eyes staring at Naruto. At this time, Naruto was wrapped in the soul of the group, and he could not see the appearance, as if it was covered in clouds.

Feeling the breath of Naruto, the two tails are not sure: “You are… Sarui?”

Naruto replied: “It’s me, the younger brother is having a problem now, and wants to borrow and extend the big brother’s Strength.”

The two tails bowed their heads, and the huge cat face made up of deep blue Flame stared at Naruto in front of him.

This time it felt another familiar smell from Naruto.

Interrogation: “Why does your body have a nine-tailed breath?”

Naruto raised his hand and pressed it on the round cage. “You inject Chakra into my body and you know the answer.”

The two tails did not directly inject Chakra into Naruto’s body, but reminded in advance: “My Chakra is not something that anyone can touch. Are you sure that I will inject Strength into your body? That may have you Life.”

Naruto said with a smile : “Do you want to know the answer?”

The two tails will finally control Chakra. “You can’t die.”

Naruto sighed in her heart, it was a good big cat… It was for him at this time.

However, Naruto is not a white-eyed soul. Isn’t he a cook for two months?

There are no such treatments.

The two-tailed Chuck emerged from the cage, and Naruto only felt a heat wave coming.

The feeling of burning the fire.

It seems that I put my face on the stove.

But… the egg doesn’t seem to respond…

In the Spirit network, Naruto contacted Jiuwei Road: “Nine Lama teacher, can’t you do it? Is there any movement in the egg? Or do I summon the body?”

Nine tails were about to answer, and then the two tails of Chakra went over the link between Naruto and Jiuwei.

The two tails proudly said: “I will say it! How can ordinary people dare to ask for my Strength! It really is your old fox!”

At this same time, the egg lit up in white light, and a furry paw stretched out of the egg and grabbed the two tails of Chakra.

Nine-tailed Pūchī laughed out: “Are you still as stupid as you used to be? Don’t you know how curiosity kills a cat?”

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