Supreme Naruto

Chapter 330

Konoha Ninja Village, Hokage Office, Jiraiya and Kakashi are facing each other.

Jiraiya is now looking at Kakashi is not pleasing to the eye, but sadly Konoha is no one available today…

“The results of the negotiations with Sha Ren Village have come down. Sharon Village has agreed to hold another Chunin exam in Konoha.”

Jiraiya stared at Kakashi, and Kakashi didn’t feel salty.

Then listlessly: “What do I need to do?”

Jiraiya resisted the urge to Kakashi again, and said in a tone: “I will let you stay in Konoha, honestly in the position of Hokage!”

Kakashi indifferently said: “I am not the one. I can’t protect anyone. I don’t have that Ability, or change someone.”

The blue-legged violent jump on Jiraiya forehead, if Kakashi really doesn’t have that ability, forget it.

But Kakashi can combine the water Attribute and the Ray Attribute into 岚遁Kekkei Genkai, which proves his excellence.

Moreover, Kakashi and Sharingan are still the white teeth.

Jiraiya opened his mouth, and the prepared words didn’t say anything, start to talk: “Naruto…maybe still alive.”

Very calm and soothing, but in the ears of Kakashi, it was like a lightning strike.

But quickly denied: “Impossible! I was on the scene when he died.”

Jiraiya sighed: “The body…”

“I have restored the seal on the body… that’s not the gossip seal left by Minato.”

Kakashi asked: “What do you mean?”

Jiraiya looks at Kakashi Road: “The meaning is… the body may be fake.”

Kakashi denied: “Impossible! The nine-tailed Strength can’t be faked!”

Jiraiya sighed: “This is exactly what I don’t want to understand… but there is one more thing… The key to the seal left by Minato is in my hand, the cockroach that is responsible for the seal… it can feel The seal is still there.”

Kakashi asked: “Where is Naruto now?”

Jiraiya Byakugan (roll eyes) Turned over, you asked me who I asked, and said: “I don’t know.”

Kakashi thought about it.

The gray-smelling breath in the eyes has disappeared, and instead it is to see the agility of hope again.

But soon the brow wrinkled again…

“If he is not dead… that accident…”

Jiraiya shook the shook head.

Kakashi did not continue to speak.

If Naruto is not dead, does the accident mean that it was directed by Naruto?

If that’s the case, then Utatane Koharu and Homura Mitokado’s death…

Does it mean that Naruto is moving, and if so, Naruto is rebellious.

“What do you need me to do?”

Jiraiya chined the office and he was in the position of Hokage, “sit on it.”

Kakashi’s expression struggled.

But eventually nodded.

Jiraiya finally smiled with satisfaction. “Okay, now you can leave, there is nothing for you.”

Jiraiya sighed after Kakashi left.

“I really don’t want to be done by Tsunade…”

At the same time to restore the seal on Naruto’s body, Jiraiya also examined the cause of death of Homura Mitokado and the several Anbu Ninjas around him.

What can be determined is poisoning.

Secondly, there was no trace of others left on the scene. All the people died from fratricidal killings. The means that can cause this result, except for the Illusion Technique, only the spiritualization.

Poisoned, Tsunade.

The practice of spiritualization, Kato off.

Tsunade resurrected with Edo Tensei… then the whole thing is clear.

But this result he has not said to the second person.

He is hesitating…

In his heart, he still couldn’t put down the woman who had all his family and ran with another man…

At this time, Jiraiya couldn’t help but think of Naruto’s words: “If you like it, go chase. If you don’t chase, don’t regret it.”

Jiraiya admits that he regrets now.

Just… Naruto and Tsunade… Where did they go?

Jiraiya is in a mood of depression.

Kakashi, who just left, folded back. “No, I am Hokage. This is my site. Are you leaving when you leave?”

Jiraiya has a stiff expression and an instant MMP.

“You rush me?”

Kakashi is busy with Kaidō: “No…”

Jiraiya growled: “You catch me!”

This time, not waiting for Kakashi to answer, I have been shot since, and a small company has started to violently Kakashi.

At the same time In the train(ing) of this time, Kakashi is no longer the boy who can’t fight back and swear.

The two played with each other.

Did not use Chakra, fist to the meat, hearty, nose and face swollen…

The next day, Jiraiya sent Kirigakure and invited Kirigakure to take the Chunin exam.

According to the itinerary, the next one is the country of Lei, then the country of the land, the country of the rain.

With this at the same time, Raytheon Naruto is establishing visual sharing with Jiuwei.

Today is the deadline for the weight loss program, so Naruto came to the acceptance.

Naruto saw the thinned Hinata and the girls.

They are thin…but…what is the dark piece of them? Have you encountered a squid on the sea?

Then the squid launched a jet of ink to them?

Wouldn’t it be so black…

Naruto only felt a little bit of brains.

who am I? where am I? What am I doing?

The brain is completely trapped in the state of the card machine, stupid and do not know anything…

Nine tails are still in N. “How? I talk and talk?”

“Not only is it thin, but also according to your optimization of the aesthetics, the vest line has been refined.”

Naruto: “…”

optimization? What optimization?

Oh… the vest line… what is it…

Looking at a group of little blacks, Naruto felt his consciousness slow.

Naruto originally thought… there are only two choices between fat and thin.

Can’t be fat anymore, the worst result is to stay the same, and the good result is… thin.

However, he found that he was too naive.

Nine tails turned black and white girls black…

“Nine Lama teacher…I have a hatred with you?”

Naruto is calm now and calmly makes the nine tails very dissatisfied. In his opinion, Naruto should be happy now.

To praise him, to reward him, to admit his mistakes, to repent.

“Hate? Yes, you brat threatened me with a raft, I told you that this hatred is big.”

Naruto continued to stare at her eyes. “Oh…so you blacken them to retaliate against me?”

“Very good… very good… you wait… I am already skilled in the nature of the Attribute of the Attribute, and the raft is not far away…”

Take the raft to threaten me!

Nine tails violently thundered: “What do you want about brat! I have already let them reduce the fat!”

Naruto gnashing one’s teeth said: “Then why are you blacking them…”

Fat also blames it… Black also blames it?

Nine-tailed decision can not bear, roaring: “Black is Sun drying! You have the ability to find Sun!”

Naruto is about to start to talk.

At this time, Jiuwei once again opposed the military: “If you threaten me with rafts again, you believe that I will feed them again… When it’s black and fat, Hehehehe…”

Naruto was instantly critated by 100 points, KO.

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