Supreme Naruto

Chapter 297

The two played against each other nearly an hour later.

When hundreds of thorns gather from all directions, they entangled into the earth ball.

The president in the soil ball finally gave up the resistance.

The earth ball was dark, and Chakra had exhausted the body and the extremely tired president sat down on the ground.

At this time the candlelight is on, it is the candle of Naruto. “I wish you a birthday… Hey! Hey… Keke that… It seems that I won?”

All around is dark, only the candlelight is shaking, this atmosphere makes Naruto inexplicably want to sing a birthday song, fortunately… he has taken it.

It’s too shameful to be…

Naruto puts the candle on his chest, and the face that is lit by the candle may scare the child.

But the president was teased. “You won.”

Naruto exhales one breath saying, the gas blown out through the mask caused the candle to sway slightly. “So I can take the zero-six now?”

President looks at Naruto for a long time, Kaidō: “No.”

Naruto is a bit too convinced: “That… really want to kill you?”

The president affirmed: “Yes.”

Naruto took a deep breath and exclaimed: “I have never seen someone so embarrassed like you when I grow up so big…”

“But you have to think about it… although I don’t want to kill you, but… if you strongly demand it, I won’t be soft.”

President said with a smile : “Then try to start.”

Try? The mud rolled over and instantly swallowed people.

If the opposite side seeks for mercy… just let her go…

Naruto was thinking, but the next moment, System suddenly prompted: “Found Chakra high energy warning!”

In the perception barrier, Naruto also saw the strong Chakra movement in the dirt package.

Without hesitation, the body instantly merged into the mud and drilled directly into the depths of the ground.

The violent explosion blew up.

The closed earth wall also burst open and turned into a sandstorm.

When the explosion subsided and Naruto emerged again from the ground, the president was sitting on the branches and swinging his legs.

Obviously, it was not my own explosion.

“You are really dead…”

Naruto squinted, and there was dust in the air, and it was easy to get lost when he was not paying attention. “No way, you are strongly demanding.”

The president jumped from the tree and looked at Naruto. “How long can your Chakra support?”

Naruto is very honest: “It is enough to be old.”

This is the truth, but people who don’t know the truth are obviously incomprehensible.

Then taunted: “You guys are crazy.”

Naruto didn’t talk to Chakra and merged into the earth. The earth waves were carried up, and the roots rushed into the sky, each one being as high as a dozen meters.

At the same time Naruto and the president’s ground began to sink as the dirt waves moved.

The president’s eyelids jumped and told me that she is really really really can’t move!

Is the guy opposite?

This kind of hustle and bustle is unreasonable fighting style… She was the first time she saw it.

Her heart is also deeply weak.


Seeing that the thorns are still entwined with dumplings, the president of the woman finally made up her mind.

“Although you can’t take away the six-six, you can join us in the guild.”

Naruto can’t believe it: “Is it with… agreed?”

The president of the woman ordered a cigarette and took a sigh of relief. “Ah, agree.”

The soil Scatter (chire) was on the ground, Naruto blinked. “Are you not letting men join in?”

The president nodded: “Now don’t let it.”

Naruto is so aggressive, “What do you mean?”

The president came to Naruto: “I think your age should be small? It is accurate to say that you are not yet an adult.”

Naruto said honestly: “I will be thirteen years old in a few months, um… really no adult…”

President Petrochemical…

Twelve years old……

She is X years old 20!

I have no strength to be tossed by a 12-year-old kid… this kind of thing…

“You really only have twelve years old?”

Naruto Kaidō: “Cheat you to do it? Isn’t it not twelve years old?”

At the age of 62, she knows… but the 1.7 m is twelve years old…

The president suddenly wondered if he was still dreaming.

First, poisoning has been farting.

Then I was abused by a 12-year-old kid…

What a hell of MMP today, can you meet a normal thing?

President took a deep breath, “Whether you are 12 years old, you don’t look adult anyway, since you are not a man when you are underage, um… that is a boy, so you are accepted, from now on you It’s called zero seven.”

This reason is far-fetched to make her feel embarrassed.

But potential stocks can’t let go!

Naruto greets Hinata, when the woman president starts to talk:

“I asked you a few questions, you can answer or not.”

“Who did you learn from Earth Style? Are you a member of Iwagakure Ninja Village?”

Who did you learn?

Naruto thought of a small monk, but the little monk was only helping him to wash the body with the soil Attribute Chakra.

Yakushi Kabuto? The guy just told him Ninjutsu, who was in the middle of the earth.

“It’s… self-study… I am not a member of Iwagakure Ninja village.”

For this answer, the president of the woman does not believe, but this kind of private thing… it is normal to have reservations.

“So how do you practice Earth Style?”

As soon as Naruto raised his hand, the earth’s waves on the ground rolled. “It’s like this.”

The president of the woman did not understand: “Move the soil? How is the transportation method?”

Naruto explained: “It is to get into a mountain, and then constantly carry out the rock of the mountain body. What is it? It started very slowly. Later, it was skillful to carry it. After one month, I moved a mountain. When it’s empty, it’s almost mastered.”

Naruto didn’t lie because the Snow Mountain Institute was so embarrassed by him and Xiaoni.

The president of the woman listened to her face.

This TM is teasing her! This is definitely teasing her!

Who is so cultivated! Is your Chakra unlimited?

Chakra, if you use it like you, you will know it!

However, the eyes on Naruto’s mask are as sincere…

Suddenly, the president will have some hope that Naruto is cheating on her…

“Then you will… what is Earth Style Ninjutsu?”

Naruto raised his hand to demonstrate the thorns. “Controlling soil flow is one?”

Then the body drilled into the soil and then headed out. “Is this another?”

Naruto’s head is looking up on the ground, it’s a bad perspective…

Naruto immediately got out of the whole person, heartbeat said a little speed…

The president apparently did not notice this, “On these two?”

Naruto nodded: “On these two.”

The president lifted the amount, she was so confused now, and began to recall how she was so tired of being tossed…

“Well, I will take you to the underground exchange to register, and then I will introduce you to a new teacher.”

“Right… I remember you said that you would be medical Ninjutsu?”

Naruto nodded and tried to demonstrate Senjutsu.

The president of the woman seemed to be satisfied with the nodded, but her heart was not calm at all.

She had a hunch, and today she received a Monster.

The three walked back to the hotel.

Naruto said strangely: “Is not going to the underground exchange? How come back?”

Female president calmly said: “Go in the afternoon, I have been playing with you for a long time, sweating, I went to take a shower.”

So the three separated.

For this result, Naruto and Hinata were very happy. They bought snacks and went back to the house to celebrate.

Kaidō, the president of the house, closed the door after herself, and the man was kneeling directly at the door, turning over the Byakugan (roll eyes) and staring at the ceiling and complaining: “It’s a tired old lady… This is a Monster… is it human… …”

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