Supreme Naruto

Chapter 298

In the afternoon, Naruto led the president to a small town, 10 km away, next to an underground exchange.

At the same time The two sides also officially introduced it, just… the so-called official introduction, which is very informal in Naruto’s view.

The president told Naruto that her codename is zero and zero, and normally called her president.

And Naruto, the new codename is zero seven.

Naruto couldn’t help but tsukkomi said: “Can I call zero seven?”

In the two-person wide tunnel of Xinye Little Town, the underground winery, the three people are constantly turning to the ground.

President Kaidō: “Our guild is two words, do you want three words? Zero seven is also zero seven? Is there a difference?”

Naruto chuckled said: “It’s zero and seventy-seven cool.”

The president has not seen 20. The film of the first century naturally can’t find this stalk. Everyone has turned and played a game.

It was a two-person high casks. Inside the barrel lid was… an underground bar?

And there are still a lot of bars.

The whistling sound of the president who was dressed in sexy red was coming up.

Naruto exclaimed: “It seems that your popularity is quite high.”

The president’s face raised a look of disgust, not joyfully said: “A group of locusts, you call this popularity?”

Naruto chuckled said: “The more excited they are, the more beautiful the grown-up, isn’t it?”

The best thing to say, tsukkomi in my heart: If you are not too sexy, these people will not.

However, Naruto is wrong, because there is a good and dead look at Hinata whistling: “I have never seen this little girl in the past, the new ugly emperor?”

This whistle is a bit harsh…

Naruto with a mask swept the man indifferently.

Light on the upper body, an exaggerated 嘎 meat (muscle), as well as a thick chest hair, is drinking with a glass of wine.

A drunkard… but not in the eyes… I can see that I was deliberately looking for it.

Naruto took back his sight and was too lazy to pay attention. He could generally guess that the man should have some personal grievances with the president.

I didn’t expect the man to come over with a glass of wine.

“Hey, little masked beauty, tell father what is your name?”

Father ? GodTM’s father! Did you meet a ghost father?

While Naruto was blocking the Hinata from the stinky man with the body, a Fireball in the hands of the grown-up man smashed the face of the man.

The man did not hide, a water wall skillfully blocked in front of him, “silk…”

The Fireball is extinguished and the water is transpiration.

The man’s body disappeared as the water transpiration disappeared.

Kirigakure surgery?

Naruto perceives the barrier expansion, and the flow of Chakra in the perceived barrier is clear.

The man went around to Hinata’s behind.

Raise your hand and touch the Hinata.

Naruto’s face is black, Chakra gathers in the right hand, and the Chakra scalpel condenses.

According to the perceptual barrier, the man’s image came from awkwardness.

“Hey!” There was a cry in the thick fog, and the man’s figure was revealed.

There was no blood on the body but the arm that caught the Hinata was softly hanging.

“Dead gimmick! What have you done to me!”

The man stared at Naruto and exclaimed.

Dead girl? Naruto corner of the mouth A pumping, poked on the hand, “I am your Grandfather!”

Naruto’s second poke in the other’s shoulder was the tendon, and then the other shoulder was pulled down.

Then kicked out the toes and condensed the Chakra scalpel, scrapping the right leg of the opposite side.

The man fell to the ground in pain.

At this time, his body does not seem to have a wound.

On the other side of the table, three or five people stood up and surrounded Naruto.

Naruto Chakra is integrated into the ground, and a claw sticks out from the ground to everyone.

Seeing the battle, we must expand the “When!” sound like a ringing gong, and the bartender standing behind the counter sounded solemnly: “To fight outside!”

The mercenaries who had been preparing for the shots had to close their hands. Seeing this, Naruto had already wrapped his claws on those people and thought about it and took it back.

Naruto took a look at the bartender and felt that there was no Chakra on this person in the barrier. It should be an ordinary person.

At the same time Naruto’s perception barrier re-expanded, all around dark, and the bartbeed’s house was shielded from the barrier.

The president looked at the person who was lying on the floor with amazement and asked, “What did you do to him, it didn’t look hurt?”

Naruto explained: “The means of medical shinobi, Chakra scalpel, I cut off a few of his tendons.”

The president revisited Naruto: “So you still have reservations when you play against me?”

Reserved? I have saved more…

You know nothing about my Strength…

Naruto chuckled said: “So, I don’t really want to do it with you.”

At this time, a woman came out of the shinobi who stood up, and the woman did not wear a mask and looked ordinary.

She squatted on the side of the man lying on the ground and probed Senjutsu.

After the investigation was completed, Naruto said: “You are too embarrassed to start! It is almost cut off half of the tendons! This is almost irreparable injury!”

Naruto doesn’t care: “It’s just light. If his dirty hands touch my family, you are dead now.”

The woman stared at the eyes and said, “You!”

At this time, Naruto unexpectedly stood up and spoke for the opposite side: “Is it really impossible to treat? This guy is stinky, not too bad…”

Naruto looked at the president with amazement, and the finger clicked between the two people: “You…do you have a leg?”

“Oh… that big water rushed to the Dragon King Temple…”

The meeting will be white, Naruto glanced. “I have nothing to do with this guy, but I have worked together.”

Naruto dragged a long sound “Oh…”.

Going to the man’s front, “Since my Boss has spoken, I will take care of you, but it is not free, 10 two, heal you.”

Male eyes Chas Boss: “10 two! Why don’t you grab it!”

Naruto laughed: “I am robbing now.”

The man shouted his eyes: “No!”

Even more surprising is that this time the female medical shinobi spoke. “Can you really heal? I am willing to pay this money!”

Naruto’s silly sight sweeps around the president, the man, and the female medical shinobi.

Can’t help but say: “You don’t have a love triangle?”

The president is a foot to Naruto.

Naruto is flexible to avoid.

But in the end, Naruto is still a man’s cure.

Female medical shinobi is going to take the money, Naruto puts a hand in his hand: “No, this is a misunderstanding, who knows that your circle is so chaotic, my newbie is silly and can’t tell your relationship.”

The misunderstanding was lifted, and the man suddenly hugged the female medical shinobi with a variety of rhetoric.

Naruto is again aggressive.

In their words, Naruto learned that they turned out to be a family…

The reason why the man sings the president and the Hinata is because the young couple are in conflict, so the man wants to be a woman…

Naruto took hold of Hinata’s little hand.

Hinata looks strangely at Naruto.

Naruto Kaidō: “The dog food on the opposite side tastes too bad. I think I should retaliate.”

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