Supreme Naruto

Chapter 296

After asking a few words, Naruto understood it.

In order to ensure the independence of each mercenary guild and avoid a monopoly situation, once the organization of the underground exchange has its own organization, it is not allowed to withdraw before the organization is destroyed.

The so-called exit is to destroy the original organization.

At the same time Because the rule of the president of the challenge is, it limits the assembly between the presidents.

Of course, if you want to assemble, there is still a way to kill all the members.

But the value of the president as it depreciates.

However, these are old regulations. Today’s underground exchanges are divided into regions, that is, above the mercenary guild, and those who lead the guild.

Outside of Little Town, a quiet place across the woods.

The president of the woman glared at the flue: “Well, it’s useless to ask so much, let’s get started.”

Naruto is a little bit tangled, he never hesitates to kill someone.

Those who want to harm him, Naruto won’t even give a chance to talk nonsense, but… it’s like this… there is no hatred to kill people… It’s a bit mad.

What’s more, this person in front of him also taught Hinata for a while.

The relationship between opposite side and Hinata is obviously not Orochimaru and Sasuke, and there is no need for a killer.

“That… since it’s all old rules, it’s not suitable for use now, why don’t we change it? It’s good to have an exit…”

The president of the woman took a cigarette. “Well, if you have the ability to beat me.”

agreed? It seems that the opposite side is quite good to talk about.

However, the next moment, when the woman spit out the smoke, taunted: “But I will shoot for the purpose of killing you.”

Naruto’s corner of the mouth, a battle, looking forward to a desperate fight?

Then if he did, then it was not far from death.

Clearly waved his hand and screamed: “Okay, I have nothing to say, I will full power, you are careful.”

Naruto came out to set a rule for himself this time. In order not to reveal his identity, he must never use past tricks.

For example, the blue-sleeve sword, such as the spiral pill, such as the strange force, these moves are too characteristic, but when it is unknown, but once the reputation is made, it is passed out… It is sooner or later to expose the identity.

So in order to truly cover up your identity, completely turn yourself into another person.

Naruto decided that in addition to medical Ninjutsu, even other used Chakra Attributes will not be used.

Fūton (Wind Release), Suiton (Water Release), and Hyōton (Ice Release) are not used.

Once it is used, it violates the rules, then he must leave the underground exchange and withdraw from the mercenary.

So Naruto can choose only Katon (Fire Release) and Earth Style.

Katon (Fire Release) Naruto hasn’t started practicing yet, so only Earth Style.

The president of the woman spit out the smoke, the smoke condensed together, and the hand seal was not seen, but the next moment turned into a female president.

Special Clone Jutsu?

Naruto didn’t dare to take a nap, Earth Style, the technique of fish in the earth!

This is what Naruto came from from Yakushi Kabuto and is the only Earth Style Ninjutsu that Naruto now has.

Inspired by Ninjutsu, Naruto’s body broke into the soil, and the smog gathered into a emptiness.

But then Naruto was so angry that the smoke split did not find a way to find him, but instead rushed to Hinata.

Naruto vibrates Chakra, shakes the air with Chakra, and lets the sound come from the ear of the all directions of the president. “Hey! Your opponent is me! You are young! What do you do with zero hands?”

It’s dangerous, I almost called out the name of Hinata. If the opposite side knows the name of Hinata, then the game will not have to go on, and he will break the opposite side.

The president of the woman is guarding all around while said with a smile: “Since this girl wants to go with you, she is no longer a member of our guild. It is a traitor. Is there any other reason for her to shoot?” ”

The call of the president of the president made Naruto have nothing to say.

After all, what people say is very reasonable.

Can only helplessly sigh: “That’s good, it seems that I can only quickly fix it.”

A pair of khaki-colored hands of mud appeared at the feet of the president of the woman, grabbing the feet of the president.

Silent speed is fast.

However, the opposite side is obviously also a war-torn person, and the sense of insensitivity is so weak that he jumped out before Naruto succeeded.

At the same time, a smog of smoke came out.

Then there is the explosion!

Can the smoke be exploded?

The hand that protruded from the ground was blown up.

Naruto is glad that I just didn’t drill into the opposite side of the opposite side.

This level of explosion will not be killed, but it is enough for him.

Wait, the smoke can explode, then the smoke is separated…

In the Spirit network, Naruto reminded Hinata: “Be careful that the avatar doesn’t fight with it, and that avatar may explode.”

Hinata heard Naruto’s words and quickly pulled away.

The smoke is not exploding… Is it not explosive?

Or… can it burst?

What is the reason for not exploding?

Is it to hide the means to raid him? Still on the opposite side, although it’s said to kill the traitor but in fact…

Not intending to die under Hinata?

Naruto’s thoughts are very active, and the movements at the same time are not slow.

Quietly approaching the ground.

The perception barrier of the System has now been opened, and the female president has been tagged with the enemy by Naruto.

Root loss is almost impossible.

At the same time, the perceived barrier is also monitoring the surrounding Chakra changes.

As long as it is Ninjutsu, he can’t escape his perception.

Earth Style, Earthbuck Attack!

This is not a separate Ninjutsu, because this is the same as when Naruto controls Hyōton (Ice Release), and launches Attack directly with Chakra.

At the foot of the president, a hundred thorns of earthy yellow thorns were found.

Because it is not fixed Ninjutsu, those ground thorns do not have a fixed shape.

Under the control of Naruto, there will be a thorn on the top of the ground thorn, and it will be chased after the knot.

The president repeatedly avoided.

The ground thorn was under the control of Naruto.

In the position of one, in the moment when the president of the woman escaped from the thorns, several thorns appeared again.

Naruto’s figure was hidden inside one of the thorns, and Naruto found himself blending himself into the ground thorn and moving faster in the soil.

Then I saw a thorn from the bottom of the ground, and then plucked back again, like a strange picture of a fish in the river.

The ground thorns continue, and the buzzing sound continues.

The two played against each other and Naruto played very cheerfully.

Beat the opposite side? Do not……

Naruto suddenly had new ideas.

He wants to consume the opposite side.

With the Spirit network in place, even without the nine-tailed Chakra, Naruto’s Chakra can be said to be endless.

Because the device that makes Chakra on the big snowy mountain is working all the time.

As long as he does not break out Chakra once, the water will flow down… Hehe… He can play to the ground, the sea is dry, and the land is moving.

Not to mention… his own Chakra is also a lot.

Naruto lightly smiled, this trick, there is a head.

Then the earth and waves swayed with joy.

A wave is stronger than a wave, and there is a wave in the waves!

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