Supreme Naruto

Chapter 295

Hinata is not open to Sen…

Hinata is angry…

After the two people put together “bu… children…”, Hinata even noticed that something was wrong if he responded slowly.

When the next bite was bitten on Naruto’s arm.

The painful Naruto licks his mouth.

But as a dead professional, Naruto is ready to withstand the consequences before he die.

“Come on, you will harder and my meat will be bitten off by you.”

Hinata wanted to bite for a while, but after listening to Naruto’s refueling, Byakugan (roll eyes) was too lazy to bite.

“Is it angry?” Naruto sat next to Hinata, and Hinata grinned and pulled away from the side, a look that disgusted Naruto.

Naruto came to the window sill to open the window.

The durian-flavored horse is really unpleasant.

“That… this effect takes an hour.”

After Hinata listened, the eyes were round and the claws fluttered over.

I have to bite a piece of meat from Naruto’s body.

Naruto caught Hinata’s tiger claws. “If I prepare an antidote, I can get rid of it in five minutes.”

Hinata closed her hand and said, “Really? Don’t lie to me.”

Naruto promised: “It’s true than real gold! As long as you forgive me, I will prepare the antidote immediately.”

“If you don’t forgive me… then we will have a hard time together!”

Hinata’s eyes turned a blind eye and said: “Whoever wants to suffer with you is difficult…”

Naruto screamed: “So you forgive me?”

Hinata shook the quilt, then the head got into the bed, um… the butt was exposed and continued to release the poison…

Kaidō, who is sulking and sulking: “Hurry up and make antidote, no longer ignore you anymore!”

Farting sugar or something… It’s really mad.

Naruto began to prepare the antidote.

The durian-flavored air was so stinky that Naruto found a mask and put it on his face.

At this moment, the door was opened again, and Hinata heard the door sound and opened Byakugan (roll eyes) to look at the door.

Then raise your hand and pick up the mask on the side of the pillow.

The coming person is the president who has been here before.

Naruto did not hide and continued to concentrate on the preparation of this antidote.

At this time, Naruto’s golden long hair flutters, and the large mask obscures most of the face. It is definitely a cute younger sister.

The president walked into the house and asked Hinata, but when he saw other people, he would slip away.

Because she is still holding the shackles all the time, it is too indecent, and it is too shameful to be seen by others.

But I saw Naruto’s use of herbs and bottles and jars to make something and stop.

“Bu… child…” This is Naruto’s.

This “bu… child…” is like saying that it is his own.

All of a sudden, Naruto and the president were closer, and the original embarrassment was lighter.

After all, everyone has been recruited.

But this matter still has to be said.

The president looked at Hinata and asked: “Can you tell me what is going on?”

“Bu… child…” The president’s ass snorted behind.

Hinata was a little surprised, and the president was also recruited?

It seems… I remember it… The president did ask her to get up…

Hinata glanced at Naruto across the mask and explained, “I am sorry for the trouble you have caused. I accidentally broke a potion… well… my friend is preparing an antidote.”

Naruto took a glimpse of it and put the responsibility on his body? Then let him play a good person?

Such a Hinata seems to have matured a lot.

Plus the cool sounds that come with the Hinata mask… Naruto has a feeling that Hinata has changed.

Naruto’s heart was a little more inciting.

Spirit Network privately chats: “Hinata wife, you are so good.”

Under the mask, Hinata blushed and a “哼” in the Spirit network.

When the president heard Naruto prepare the antidote, he came up with interest and asked: “Do you know this friend?”

Hinata nodded as a promise.

Naruto speeded up the action.

Three minutes later, three doses of the medicament were prepared.

Naruto took the lead and drank it.

After drinking for a minute, the frequency of “bu…children…” dropped significantly.

After two minutes, it’s close to 30 seconds.

“Prepared.” Naruto handed the pharmacy to Hinata and the flaming female president.

The president heard Naruto’s voice and was surprised: “You are… male?”

Naruto is sure: “Men!”

The president took the medicine, but did not drink, and hesitated.

Hinata handed it over, “Do you want to exchange?”

The pharmacy of a stranger, the reason for not drinking is naturally not enough trust.

The president smiled slightly, and the pharmacy in his hand was dry.

All three had been medicated, and the frequency was reduced after one minute. After five minutes, the effect finally returned to normal.

Both girls are relaxed, and this fact is too embarrassing.

The president thanked Naruto: “Thank you, or I may be embarrassed to have a door today.”

Naruto smiled awkwardly.

Some are embarrassed, after all, he is the culprit.

However, at this time, when it was not an apology, Hinata gave him a pot and then let him act as a good person. The meaning is obvious, that is, try to get some good feelings.

So… there is still a chance to join the Mercenary Guild.

The president thought a little bit about Hinata: “I remember you asked me if there are any exceptions for men to join our guild.”

Hinata with a clown mask nodded and admits: “It is because of him.”

The president ordered a cigarette, no lighter, but a flame that floated on his finger. “You will formulate medicine, then will you treat Ninjutsu?”

This is… there is a play?

If there is a play, Naruto is too lazy to toss.

Kaidō: “Yes.”

I thought about it and added: “And it’s quite good.”

President looks at Naruto.

Naruto 1.7 m, the height is not short.

However, the height of the president is visually close to 1.7 m. He is also wearing… a pair of absolutely high-heeled shoes…

So from the perspective, the president looks down on Naruto, Naruto looks at the opposite side and needs to look up…

This is liver pain.

The half-sounding president shook the shook head. “Unfortunately… If you are really a girl, I will be very happy to welcome you to join us.”

Still not?

Ok… no, no.

Naruto sighed. “Although I don’t know why you made such a strange rule, but… I am ready to be rejected today.”

“If I can’t join, I will take her away.”

President looks at Naruto, the deep eyes seem to be able to swallow the light, “Joining the mercenary guild is not a play, I hope you know what you are talking about.”

Naruto calmly confronts the pair of threatening eyes. “Beat you, you can take her, right?”

In frowned, I looked at Naruto with some curiosity and exclaimed: “This is a very Ancient Rule. Ancient has almost no one to use this Rule, but… it is also very interesting.”

“I agree, but do you know another potential condition for this Rule?”

Other conditions?

Naruto Spirit network chain private chat Xia Dao: “Summer elder sister, that will defeat the opposite side, can you take people away with the Rule and other conditions?”

Xia Hui quickly said: “Is there? Do not remember.”

Summer can’t remember Naruto, it’s impossible to know, start to talk Kaidō: “I don’t know.”

Will be lightly smiled: “This matchup can only live one person.”


Naruto passed the sentence to Xia.

Xia Sisuo, still shook head said: “I don’t remember having this Rule.”

Xia’s qualifications are obviously much higher than this, and I don’t remember it in summer, so it’s very likely that the opposite side is teasing him.

Just as Naruto relaxed intends to expose the opposite side, Xia Kaidō: “But when I used to accept other guilds, they would kill directly…”

Naruto’s mood is instantly MMP.

Three more for a wave of five-star praise ~ Thanks: “Dawn Shadow”, “Great Maple”, “Happy 1”, “Spiritual God”, “90 after the single”, “Qinyue Yinqin Yueyang” six Daxie’s rewards~ Crabs~ Xiaozhao will work hard to update 哒~

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