Supreme Naruto

Chapter 294

The second Tenten is just off.

On the messy bed, Hinata woke up.

Stumbled out of bed, I was going to lie down in the toilet, but I stepped on it…

What is the meat hū hū?

She bowed down and saw Naruto…

dream? Not a dream!

Hinata consciousness woke up and thought about the fact that Naruto and her were sleeping in a room yesterday.

At the same time Naruto is also at the look at her, originally Naruto has not yet woken up, but this foot is also enough to step on the stomach.

“Good morning.”

Naruto greeted him.

Hinata’s face “teng!” is red.

The foot slammed on Naruto’s stomach and smashed back into the bed, and then the head of the dead body wrapped in the body was not in the quilt.

As for Naruto, Hinata had to open Byakugan (roll eyes) when he stepped on him.

I feel awkward and dying.

When the breath finally gasped, Naruto suddenly wanted to smoke the buttocks.

However, I saw the big buns wrapped in the quilt on the bed and I couldn’t help but laugh.

Naruto poked on the quilt buns. “Come out, don’t get bored.”

Hinata was ashamed to see her, and did not respond to Naruto’s question.

Naruto poked again: “We didn’t do anything yesterday, shy.”

Hinata tightened the quilt.

Naruto patted the big buns: “Come, don’t let a fart kill yourself.”

Hinata gas festival.

Kaidō, who was sulking in the quilt, said: “You only smoke yourself after you swear.”

A small foot stretched out of the big bun and kicked to Naruto.

Naruto is flexible to avoid.

Continued: “Get out soon, it will really fart if you are bored for a long time.”

Hinata suddenly wanted to kill Naruto.

Kaidō, who is sulking in the quilt: “You play Kay! I won’t fart!”

Won’t fart?

Naruto touches the pocket and pulls out a storage Scroll.

Then took out a fart.

Do you want to bring a new one to Hinata?

There are three flavors on the body, strawberry, durian and apple.

I blinked and smiled. “Get out of the way, you will really get out of your fart.”

Hinata’s head arches are facing down on the bed, and there is no Byakugan (roll eyes). I know what Naruto is doing badly.

Definitely Kaidō: “No!”

Naruto held three sugars in his left hand, and the right index finger began to mutter from the durian-flavored sugar: “Whoever is the little cock, I will choose who!”

Durian flavor!

Naruto chuckled said: “You really can’t really come out? If you fart out and smoke yourself, don’t blame me for not reminding you.”

Hinata is sulking in Kaidō: “You go Activate!”


Clone Jutsu!

“bang!” A avatar appeared in front of Naruto.

Naruto threw the durian-flavored fart candy into the mouth of the split.

The time of avatar turned into gold.

Naruto pulled out the vial containing the antidote and poured it down, only one.


Naruto took a sip of cold and had an antidote… After a while, Hinata had no antidote.

Then don’t you want to tease Hinata?

The avatar has already eaten the durian-flavored fart candy… This time I give up and I am not willing…

The main thing is that it does not match his personality.

Got it!

Naruto looked up and ate the antidote.

The withdrawal of the drug is instant.


It works!

Naruto took a few steps back to give a look.

The avatar went to the front of Hinata and the “bang!” was lifted.

The golden smoke sprayed a room for a while.

Naruto sat quietly waiting.

The golden smoke fell on the quilt and the quilt became golden.

30 seconds…

“pu…” a small unspeakable sound.

The round quilt bag was obviously stiff.

However, Hinata has no sound.

The scene in front of him was in the eyes of Naruto, sitting in the corner and grinning.

Farting sugar is a kind of sugar that produces a lot of gas in the stomach once it is contaminated.

And the longer the time, the more gas, the length of time… a desperate hour.

“bu… child…”

The sound is slightly larger than the first sound.

Hinata in the quilt is awesome.

How could this look like this? Is it really like Naruto said that it’s been a long time to be fart out?

Hinata blushes hot.

What about swollen? She doesn’t want to be smoked by her own fart…

Hinata said with courage to Naruto: “You go rough, I change clothes…”

Naruto licked his mouth and didn’t return to Hinata.

Naruto left?

Hinata relaxed.

But this loose does not matter, a flat fart will collapse.

The entire quilt was blown up by the gas.

The heavy durian smell rushed into the nose, “good smell…”

Hinata eyes stunned and passed away.

At this time, the key of the door suddenly turned, and a woman in a flaming costume came in.

Come on? Who? How come there is a key?

Naruto’s squatting position is exactly the same as the direction of the door.

Therefore, people coming in from outside can’t see that there is still someone in the house.

The man walked in.

Naruto turns on the awareness barrier.

Naruto under the perception barrier saw the person’s appearance.

A flaming dress with a guilloche hairstyle and a face is a Beauty.

The woman went to the bed, said with a smile: “Zero six is ​​getting up, and I have practiced.”

Zero six Naruto knows the codename of Hinata in the Mercenary Guild, because Hinata is the sixth person.

So, is this person the president of the guild?

Naruto remembers that Hinata said that their guild only has a president without a mask.

Uh… this is interesting.


Naruto licks his fingers.


Why is it still not working?

Just as Naruto was puzzled, the sound of “bu…children…” rang.

The expression on the woman’s face was a stiff, subconsciously looked at all around, as if relaxed.

But then it rang again.

The woman’s face rose to a red.

I am going to go to the quilt of Hinata.

The third sound started.

The woman smashed and pulled the quilt’s hand in the air. “That is six, you want to sleep and sleep for a while, I am calling you later.”

While talking, I couldn’t help but put one more.

The woman ran away in a hurry.

“pū! ”

Naruto couldn’t help but laugh out loud.

After the woman left, Naruto called Hinata and comforted: “Well, don’t you just put a fart, don’t be shy, come out from the quilt, I tell you, Tsunade and Jiraiya are also muted at the same time. “”

However, there is still no response in the quilt.

Naruto squeezed his nose to pull the quilt.

The quilt was pulled open and the big durian smell almost pinched Naruto.

As for Hinata… I was really fainted by my own fart…

Great, my Hinata…

At this time, the “bu… child…” suddenly sounded.

Not Hinata…is a fat rat crawling out of the bottom of the bed.

Furry, put a fart in two steps.

Naruto laughed, just scared him, he thought he was recruited.

It seems to be an illusion.

But then the “bu… child…” sounded again.

This time it wasn’t Hinata or a mouse that slipped.

But… Naruto!

This…just coincidence…

He is eating medicine…

“bu… child…”

The third sound may not be an illusion anyway.

But he obviously knows how to take medicine!

The only explanation is… someone has moved his hands in his antidote!

Who will do such a boring thing?

Naruto gnashing one’s teeth said : “Static… sound… don’t let me meet you again!”

In addition to being silent, Naruto couldn’t think of anyone who would steal his antidote.

Hinata on the bed woke up, looking at Naruto silly.

The two of them said: “bu… child…”


Hinata 瞪big eyes Face blushing, silly asked: “Naruto, how are you fart?”

Naruto blinked and said: “It may be infected by you…”

At the same time next door to the next door of the toilet, the president of the woman sat on the toilet and licked the gang, the fart slammed and slammed…

“Zero six… You wait… dare to yin me…”

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