Supreme Naruto

Chapter 278

In the village of Konoha Ninja, in the box of the theme cake shop, Hinata and Xia sat together, and the movie that was shown outside the window looks at the outside – “The Last Sword Ji”

It was a movie of Chiba Flower, and the theme cake shop in the summer was broadcasting this one day, and it was very hot.

The story told by the film is that the rise of shinobi, the decline of the warrior, and the inheritance of the family Sword Technique by the female host, still insist on the story of Bushido Spirit.

Because the female main beauty, the sword skill cool, the theme determined, so won a piece of praise.

“The flower sound elder sister is so powerful…” The film ended and Hinata was circled.

Xia regrets a bit: “Unfortunately, the enemy is a suspended animation, and Sword Technique is only a shelf for Missy, otherwise the effect is absolutely more shocking.”

Hinata’s expression is instantly stuck…

“That… summer elder sister, I want to ask you something.”

“If I become the Patriarch of the Hyuga family… can I help Naruto in the future?”

The shook head of summer with the slightest hesitation said: “In that case you may never be together.”

Hinata was surprised and asked quickly: “Why?”

Xia asked: “What is the responsibility of the Patriarch of the Hyuga family?”

Looking back at Kaidō: “Protect the family?”

Summer continues to look at Hinata.

Hinata thought about starting again to talk: “Inheritance…Kekkei Genkai…”

Summerlightly smiled: “It seems that you are not too stupid, since Patriarch’s responsibility is to inherit Kekkei Genkai, then if you are Patriarch, then your other half must or must be a Hyuga family.”

Hinata’s face was lost.

She has been thinking about how to help Naruto these days.

When Kakashi came to take Naruto that day, she felt a bit wrong.

Because Kakashi’s teacher’s expression was very serious, and even the door did not enter.

Such a Kakashi teacher is very strange.

She wants to stop Naruto, she has a hunch for Naruto. If Naruto Jun and Kakashi are gone, there will be bad things happening behind.

But she found that she couldn’t stop it.

Because it is the big man of Konoha looking for Naruto, and she is just a little Genin.

Then the big man actually took the nine tails of Naruto within the body.

Naruto and she said that for Jinchūriki, if Tail Beast is drawn, then Jinchūriki will die.

This time she still can’t stop it.

Later, Naruto wants to leave Konoha… she can’t stop it…

Lost… Unwilling… After helplessness, Hinata is determined to do something to help Naruto.

So she decided to cancel the shinobi registration.

Because she found that even ifidid, such as Kakashi, also listened to the superior command, it could not help Naruto.

She wants to have more rights, so she thought of the position of the Patriarch of the Hyuga family…

But… it seems that even the Patriarch of the Hyuga family doesn’t work…

“so what should I do……”

Sakura Valley summer said with a smile: “You are in Konoha, the only sky you see is Konoha. Only when you go out and stand on another position, what you can see is the wider sky.”

“Of course, the wider sky means more danger. If it is a sparrow, it is only death that waits for it under the strange sky after leaving the group.”

“Only the eagle can fight in the sky.”

After finishing the conversation, Xia Xia said with a smile: “The above is a revision of the words that the store manager said, I hope to help you.”

Hinata pointed to herself: “Then I am…”

Xia raised his hand and touched it on Hinata’s head. He surely said, “Sparrow.”

Hinata: “…”

Telling the truth, just a moment ago, Hinata was a little hot…

She remembers that the summer elder sister had invited her to join an organization, she thought… the summer elder sister would say she was an eagle…

I’m so worried…and it hurts…because she knows that the opposite side is telling the truth…

At this time, the summer started to talk: “But when the manager told these words, Missy refuted a very interesting sentence. Missy said that if one wants to guard another person’s mind is strong enough, even if it is strong enough, It is the sparrow that can also become an eagle, and is still the most ferocious eagle.”

Protecting the mind of another person?

Hinata feels that her blood is once again ignited.

She wants to guard Naruto, so she can also become an eagle?

Hinata is full of emotion: “Thank you for the summer elder sister. You thought so.”

However, Shake head shook head in summer: “This is Missy’s idea is not mine, I am very curious about this sentence, so I want to verify it, hehe… I definitely don’t want to verify Missy’s words before I want you to fight. In the sky!”

Summer suddenly looked serious. “Let you join that organization really because you are very Talent!”

Hinata’s MMP.

In the heart of tsukkomi: Is the Sparrow’s Talent?

Summer continues to encourage: “Believe me, your Talent will definitely change!”

Hinata’s face is dark and black, and I feel that there is no love in the whole world.

Dark from the abdomen: Still the Sparrow’s Talent… The eagle doesn’t need to change… There is sadness…

But in general there is one point to be sure.

At Konoha she seems to be really unable to help Naruto.

Whether it is the road of shinobi or the Patriarch of the Hyuga family.

“Summer elder sister… So stay with Naruto?”

Xia continued to glare at Hinata’s brains: “What can you do if you are with him? You can’t do anything with a warm body that doesn’t grow up.”

Hinata: “…”

Can’t you warm the bed? Really shy MMP…

Then… is it only a way to join the underground exchange?

“For the summer elder sister, the last time you said the flower elder sister will see Naruto is true?”

“Naruto is now…the country of snow…the one…the sound of the elder sister The second movie is also in the country of snow, what they met…”

Summer continues cute with a smile : “The last time I lied to you, because I and Elder Sister looked at a very interesting novel, and then… used the words inside…”


Hinata has a strong face.

Then Xia quietly leaned over Hinata’s ear: “This is the secret of Missy, I only tell you one person, you are not allowed to tell others, in fact… Missy only likes beautiful girls, so if you are one day Meet the words of Missy… Maybe she will look at you…”

“bang!” Hinata’s brain was completely shorted…

At night, Hinata could not sleep in bed for a long time.

She did not agree to the summer proposal on the spot, she needs a quiet person, thinking.

In the Spirit network, Hinata start to talk said: “Naruto Jun… I canceled shinobi registration…”

At this time in the snowy mountains, Naruto is working with the monks and nuns to connect the lab.

It was the technology that came from the country of snow, a Chakra generator that could convert Chakra into electricity.

Naruto asked for three sets, two sets of interactive power supply to ensure that the circuit is uninterrupted in real time.

After all, once the cloning culture tank is used, it is absolutely unbreakable, otherwise it will affect some indexes such as temperature oxygen concentration, and the result is that the life inside is directly dead.

The third set was used to dismantle the study.

It is worth mentioning that there are many interesting technologies in the country of snow, such as Chakra geothermal instrument and Chakra production device, which are very interesting research.

“It’s good to write off, and then you can safely wait for me to pick you up at home.”

Hinata stretched out her calf from the quilt, lifted her leg and held it in a comfortable position. “Naruto Jun… I want to leave home…”

What? runaway? Is it…Hinata wants to come to him?

Naruto’s heart was a happy moment.

PS: “Konoha’s Strength First” General Group: 627576058 (Into Group Password: Calling Army [Simplified])

PS: “Konoha’s Strength is supreme” Complete set: 417372683 (Today has a red envelope! Thanks to the support of the big guys~ At present, people are less expensive~)

I wish you all a happy new year~ Xiaozhao will work hard to break out today~ A small summoning red envelope for a Chinese New Year~ (I want to accompany Xiao Zhao together for the New Year, plus group ~ big red envelope! Big! Big! Big! )

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