Supreme Naruto

Chapter 277

After sending away the snow, Naruto began to buy a home.

First, you have to move the clone lab.

Where the clone lab is located, there is no negative Level 1 that is open to the snow.

Naruto follows the idea of ​​Orochimaru, and the road to negative Level 1 has only one hole that a snake can drill into.

In the Spirit network, Naruto said to Yakushi Kabuto: “Is everything ready? I will let the avatars take you through.”

Yakushi Kabuto Kaidō: “All research equipment has been out of power and packaged yesterday, and can be transferred at any time.”

Naruto’s avatar, with a summoning card, drilled into the snake hole and arrived at the negative Level 1 in a minute.

But the first call is not Yakushi Kabuto, but Naruto.

The next moment Naruto appeared at the negative level 1, and the three men gathered together to let Naruto summon them. The clone lab was not secret to the three women, and Naruto summoned them directly.

Then began to summon Yakushi Kabuto.

An aperture appeared in the No. 9 laboratory in Orochimaru, Konoha Ninja village.

By sharing the size of the aperture with Yakushi Kabuto’s Spirit, Naruto has a diameter of only one meter, and all the goods add up to 15 meters, tied together with a rope, and the pile is tight and the height is two meters.

“The Lama teacher is relying on you, passing Chakra to Yakushi Kabuto and expanding the aperture.”

Nine tails reminded: “I said good in advance, I will help you carry these things. You have to put the oven in the kitchen and all the utensils for making cakes!”

Naruto nodded and promised: “Good, good, good, don’t you promise you, rest assured.”

Then nine tails followed Naruto’s Spirit link to inject Chakra from the Spirit network into the body of Yakushi Kabuto.

For a time, the cards on Yakushi Kabuto were bright, and the aperture underneath expanded from one meter and quickly wrapped all the goods in it.

The aperture rises into a two-meter-high beam.





All the experimental equipment and the Yakushi Kabuto at the same time disappeared into the No. 9 laboratory, and when it appeared, it was already at the underground level 1 of Daxue Mountain.

At this same time Konoha Ninja village, Hyuga Hiashi was finally discharged after two months of raising.

Hinata personally gave birth to the discharge procedure. On the way home, Hinata start to talk said: “That… I don’t want to be shinobi.”

Shinobi can’t be wrong if you don’t think it is right. If you really don’t have so many resentments in World.

However, these rules clearly do not bind the Miss of the Hyuga Head of Family.

Hyuga Hiashi listened to Hinata and said freely: “If you don’t want to be wrong, I will sue with you to cancel your registration.”

Hinata raised the head, “How long?”

Hyuga Hiashi, is this anxious?

However, Hinata rarely asked him, and he said cheerfully: “If you want to hurry, let’s go to the Hokage building?”

Hinata nodded: “Okay.”

So the father and the daughter moved in the direction of the Hokage building.

Hinata was very silent along the way, but it was also very embarrassing, and Hyuga Hiashi would answer any questions.

So Hyuga Hiashi is already very satisfied, after all, the Smelly Brat who took his daughter’s heart is just dead.

However, he does not care about this. Who did not experience a few frustrated loves when he was young? He believes his daughter will soon be refreshed.

As for not wanting to be shinobi, he does not care.

Even if Hinata doesn’t say it, he will come up with it. After all, shinobi is a high-risk career.

The Hyuga family has given Konoha a lot of manpower and will not put their daughter into it.

Stepping into the Shinobi building, I heard a lot of noise.

Most of them are Jiraiya’s voice, it seems to be reprimanding a person.

The father and the daughter knocked to knock on the door and walked into Hokage’s office.

Jiraiya said: “I let you inherit the position of Hokage!”

Opposite Jiraiya, expressionless Hatake Kakashi Kaidō: “I don’t fit, I can’t inherit such an important position.”

Jiraiya lets Mr. Kakashi inherit the position of Hokage?

Hinata looks at Kakashi, and Kakashi’s face is desolate, languid, and somewhat unkempt…

She is the first time she has seen this Kakashi teacher.

The death of Naruto is a big blow to Kakashi.

Hinata’s heart is a bit of a painful teacher like Kakashi. There is even an impulse to tell Nakkato that Naruto is still alive, but Hinata knows that she can’t do this because it will disrupt Naruto’s plan.

Jiraiya also wants to educate Kakashi, but sees Hyuga Hiashi coming in and glances at Kakashi: “Let’s teach you brat later.”

Turned around and greeted Hyuga Hiashi: “Hey, it’s Hiashi, is it hurt?”

Jiraiya was born nine years earlier than Hyuga Hiashi. It is a real-life old-fashioned generation, so even the Patriarch of the Hyuga Head of Family is equally free.

Hyuga Hiashi Kaidō : “It is no problem to be concerned by Jiraiya adults. I am here to sign up for Hinata to sign up for shinobi registration.”

Can I log out of shinobi registration?

Jiraiya looked at Hinata, and he asked Hinata about Naruto a month ago.

Then things went to Kakashi, Kakashi began to have a strict tone.

However, Jiraiya took the problem out as a proxy Hokage and learned that after he left, Konoha’s two elders had to extract the nine tails of Naruto within the body, which triggered a nine-tailed riot.

There were still many witnesses on the spot, so this matter was finalized.

As for how to kill Utatane Koharu and Homura Mitokado, he was too lazy to check.

I just found a reason why I was frightened and frightened by the old age.

“You don’t want to be shinobi?”

Jiraiya asked Xiangata, Hinata lowered her head and said, “I don’t want to.”

Is it because Naruto’s business has been hit?

Jiraiya sighed: “I don’t want to, don’t want to.”

Then Jiraiya called the person responsible for registering shinobi directly and gave a few words. In a few words, Hinata’s shinobi identity was sold out.

Then Jiraiya turned his head and comforted: “Go home and take a break. If you change your mind, you can re-register shinobi.”

Hinata has a low head, nodded.

At this time Kakashi suddenly started to talk: “I don’t want to be shinobi anymore, and I have also logged off.”

Jiraiya burst into flames and turned his head and said: “Play eggs!”

Kakashi: “…”

Jiraiya glanced at Kakashi and turned his head like a bathing spring. “Is there anything else? If not, I will continue to educate this Smelly Brat.”

Hyuga Hiashi shouted: “I have trouble with Jiraiya, and I am leaving the little girl.”

The father and the daughter had just left the Hokage office, and Jiraiya’s growl came from behind: “You didn’t agree with Hokage today!”

Kakashi continued to refuse: “I don’t want to be shinobi.”

Jiraiya growled: “Believe it or not, I promise you!”

Then there was a punch and kick in the back…

Hyuga Hiashi took Hinata’s hand and left quickly.

In the Spirit network, Hinata start to talk said: “Naruto Jun, Kakashi teacher is stunned…”

Labs are busy arrangement of Naruto shocked, “ah? Konoha now who could beat him ah?”

Hinata Kaidō: “Jiraiya adults.”

Then there is no news for the Naruto on the Spirit link.

Hinata thought Naruto was worried about Kakashi teacher.

But in fact…

Naruto is really worried about a second…

But Kakashi is stunned, how does it sound so happy?

Naruto chewed a few times and couldn’t help but laugh at the “pū”.

Then there was a nervous laugh.

The body became a prawns and laughed on the stomach.

Finally, I laughed.

Laughing and screaming.

“Wow Hahahaha! Laugh me! Kakashi, you have it today!”

“Oh, oh! Hey! Hey, you sent me to Tenten! I am retribution!”

Finally, the tears of laughter flowed out…

Naruto laughed…

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