Supreme Naruto

Chapter 279

There is a saying that the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment.

There is also a way to read heaven, read a hell…

In the last second, when you heard that Hinata was leaving home, Naruto felt like he saw the light! Divine light! As if as a lithe as a swallow, you can jump shoulder to shoulder with Sun!


Hinata said that it wasn’t his time… Naruto felt almost flashing to the waist…

Naruto’s face was so eager that he quickly asked in the Spirit network: “Isn’t this? Where are you going? You know someone other than me?”

Naruto couldn’t help but go to a bad place, wouldn’t it be the moon? The guy on the moon is down?

Hinata Kaidō: “I don’t know too well…”

Fortunately, at this time, the summer start to talk explains: “I want Hinata to go to the underground exchange to gain experience.”

Underground exchange…

Hear this familiar name Naruto could not help being relaxed.

How to say it is on the ground, he can get it, not afraid that Hinata is running away.

“Summer elder sister, are you too eccentric? Didn’t arrange for me…”

Sakura Valley Xia Li said: “Because you have plans and goals, unlike Hinata, there is no choice.”

Hinata has no choice?

This sentence Naruto does not agree, immediately said: “You can come to me, I am going to be finished soon.”

“Tomorrow Xiaoni will liquefy the steel and iron that will be shipped on the inside of the mountain body and then level 1. The general decoration is complete!”

“Then is the procurement resource… I am here, really!”

“Right, although it is not cold now, but the day after I waited for the geothermal installation, the temperature is not a problem!”

“How? Hinata comes to me!”

Hinata hesitated, and her voice was really really wanting to be with Naruto.

Naruto added a force: “And, if you come to me, you don’t have to hurry. I can call you directly, you can see how convenient it is.”

Hinata can’t take care of herself.

Asked for Sakuragi Summer: “Summer elder sister…you see…”

Xia Xiaoyan’s words: “You decide it yourself…”

Once upon a time, Hinata also used Sakura Valley Summer as a devil.

But as I study and study together every day, I have become a trustworthy good girlfriend.

Naruto is very anxious, he is easy to make mistakes when he is in a hurry, this time is no exception.

“Summer elder sister, you can help Hinata to come up with ideas, for example you can encourage her to come to me.”

Sakura Valley Summer is uncertain: “Can I?”

Naruto is busy with Kaidō: “Yes! Very good! No problem at all!”

Xia nodded. “Well, since Naruto said that I can take the idea, then Hinata, you still go to the underground exchange. Really, under Naruto’s meticulous care, your stupid sparrow will never become an eagle.”

“pū!” Naruto hangs up and does not spray his own liver. He makes Sakura Valley summer’s idea to help him!

Who is going to push it out! what! what! what!

Naruto feels that tens of thousands of marmots are screaming in my heart!


Naruto is crying. “Summer elder sister, you don’t have this. I used to be smart, lively and lovely, summer elder sister. Where are you going… give it back to me!”

Xia Wuwei said: “You mean I can make an idea…”

Naruto really wants to kill himself on a brick.

In the summer, there was no support. Naruto switched to Hinata. “Although I don’t know exactly what the underground exchange is, it must be a place where people can’t vomit bones. Are you sure you are going?”

Hinata was nervous when she heard it.

Telling the truth about the unknown sky, she is not confused and confused in the heart of this little sparrow.

But Hinata told herself that she must not lose face in front of Naruto.

What if you don’t spit your bones! I’m not afraid!

Followed by: “I am going!”

This is called 啥? The negative textbook of the wrong use of the standard radical method.

Similarly, Hinata, who said that I am going, is also awesome.

who am I? Where am I? What am I going to do?

I don’t know at all…

Hinata’s eyes are blank and completely lost…

At this time, comfort Naruto in the summer: “Although the underground exchanges are not quite flat, there is no danger that there is a call card in Hinata.”

“Because even if she is in danger, she can summon other people to help out.”

“If you don’t want to call for help, you can be summoned.”

This is true…

Naruto’s nervous heart is loose.

But… I feel that Hinata is still insurance around him…

“Hinata, your decision is…”

Hinata didn’t respond, Naruto took the card and looked at it. The symbol for the card corresponding to Hinata was gone…that is, Hinata was offline…

Naruto’s stomach began to hurt, and at this moment he wanted to run back to Konoha.

Naruto connected all the cables to the night.

Then inject Chakra into the Chakra generator.

The generator was up and the buzzing sound of the motor rang, and then the surrounding “deng!deng!deng!” lights up.

The experimental equipment of “drip, drip, drip…” started.

You’re done!

Fortunately, this generator is also equipped with a battery that can store most of the energy so that Naruto does not have to transport Chakra all the time.

But this can only last for a while, the correct operation is to link the machine that independently processes Chakra, so there is no worries.

However, the stuff is said to be quite difficult. The country of snow is not currently available, so it will take some time to send it.

When the lab lights up, Naruto activates the standby generator again. When the two are connected in parallel to ensure that the line will not be broken due to one of the faults, Naruto told Yakushi Kabuto: “The next work of sterilization is given to you. As soon as possible, adjust the experimental equipment, and start work tomorrow, and strive to cultivate their limbs as soon as possible.”

Then I got busy.

At this time, Naruto picked up the card again and saw that Hinata is still offline…

Bad luck Shantou, who is going to learn the downline!

In the Spirit network, “Summer elder sister is not?”

Xia Kaidō: “Yes, I am taking a shower in spring.”

Hey… I don’t have to tell me what to take a bath…

“Summer elder sister, Hinata, is she okay?”

Xia closed his eyes and felt it, Kaidō: “It should be okay, stupid girl sitting on the window sill to see the moon.”

Look at the moon? Seeing what is wrong depends on the moon…

The one on the moon is seduce and smashed!

Naruto is worried…

On the second day, Hinata finally got on the line and gave Naruto a positive reply: “Naruto Jun, I seriously thought about it, I want to go to the underground exchange to try.”

Did you make a decision?

Naruto indulged for a moment, start to talk: “Since you made a decision, go ahead, but there is one point, no matter what difficulties or dangers, please inform me in time!”

Hinata: “Okay.”

Naruto added: “And! I am forbidden to go offline suddenly!”

Hinata explained: “Yesterday… I took the shower and went offline…”

Naruto growls and says: “Who is dead with a lie! Whoever your summer elder sister told me that you are sitting on the window sill and watching the moon! What is the moon? It is not a ball that is slick!”

Hinata quickly explained: “I did take a shower before watching the moon… I forgot to link after thinking about things.”

This way…

Naruto ignited, warned repeated: “In short, don’t do anything online and say it.”

Hinata nodded quickly: “Hmm.”

But she was very happy, because she had a shower before she was lying in bed last night…

Sprinkle a little lie… that… summer elder sister, don’t report her again…

The story of Hinata came to an end.

Dafei’s resentful words: “Boss, I’m waiting for the flowers, and I’m calling you ………”

Naruto, I just remembered that I had forgotten the big fat. This does not blame him. In the past few days, Dafei has not been online and said that he is focusing on research…

Right… In addition to Dafei, I still feel that I have forgotten something.

Haruno Sakura! Nest grass! That girl also fell asleep in Orochimaru Lab No. 7!

Hibernation… No problem for two months? It should be ok… I hope there is no problem…

PS: “Konoha’s Strength First” General Group: 627576058 (Into Group Password: Calling Army [Simplified])

PS: “Konoha’s Strength is supreme” Complete set: 417372683 (20+’s full order, has unlocked two red envelopes~)

Happy New Year to everyone~ Xiao Zhaoqiu is counting money. There is also Xiaozhao’s own New Year’s greetings. Let’s come to the group to accompany Xiaozhao for the New Year~ (Give you money, pity)

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