Supreme Naruto

Chapter 276

Within 10 kilometers of the Kingdom of Snow, under the Chakra Geothermal System unique to the Snow Country, it is full of spring.

Ten kilometers away, it is the perennial frozen soil.

At first glance, whether it is a mountain or a tree, the world is white and white.

The snowy mountain chosen by Naruto is a mountain outside the 50 km of the country of snow.

2000 meters above sea level, the whole body is covered with snow and ice, the vegetation is scarce, and the whole mountain is bare except snow.

Therefore, Xiaohua did not agree with Naruto to settle here.

In her opinion, there is no difference in living on this mountain and living on ice.

However, after a month of shocking the snow, Naruto hollowed out the mountain.

Naruto didn’t even plan to live in the mountains, but in the mountains! Is this OK?

“Don’t tell me… How many of you have hollowed out the mountain in a month?”

In the snowy mountains, above 1000 meters above sea level, it is tapered to the top of the mountain, leaving a large tapered rock column with a thick bottom and a thin top. The other positions are almost hollowed out, leaving only the level 1 every 100 meters. Cross channel.

The cross-channel connection to the mountain body is surrounded by a wide 50-meter spiral to the top of the stone platform.

Overall, the wind and the light snow feel that it is completely hidden… the fortress in the mountains.

Such a large squad also made the wind and snow a little bit to believe in the various ideas that Naruto said a month ago.

In addition to helping her complete the upgrade of the film form, Naruto’s vision is to establish a special research institute in the country of snow.

The research used to study Chakra armor is not very clear, but it can be imagined.

But she didn’t take it seriously at the time.

Naruto glared at her waist and said, “How? Isn’t my place of residence worse than your palace?”

Windy snow, silly look, Heavenly Dao: “What is the light above?”

Naruto said: “Sunlight, the top of the mountain is hollowed out, straight out, and around the ninth floor of the mountain body, there are also twelve round skylights, so that as long as the daylight can always shine in, how? The idea is good?”

Not bad? It is simply amazing.

Windy snow and the behind of Naruto, all the way up, look at the big shot at the bottom of Naruto.

When I walked to the eighth floor, I was completely shocked by the scene in front of me.

The skylight with a diameter of 100 meters can stand directly in front of the sky, and there is only one thick and extremely transparent ice wall in the middle.

No wonder there is no wind to pour in…

Fenghua Xiaoxue thinks so.

But how big is it, so thick, how to make such a good light?

There was doubt in the wind and snow, and Naruto demonstrated his Hyōton (Ice Release).

I couldn’t help but sigh: “You are so powerful, I can’t think of those people who are Konoha, vital point.”

Naruto replied very simply: “Because they are stupid B.”

Then the two continued to move up and finally saw the largest skylight on the top of the mountain at the 10th Level 1.

A huge ice layer that is nearly a kilometer in diameter and looks like it is set on a rock.

Although Naruto said it was safe, she didn’t dare to stand on the window for a long time. She was afraid that it would fall.

After the visit, the two men once again discussed the matter one month ago.

However, compared to the last time, the two were officially more.

In the conference room on the ninth floor, there is a huge Metal platform supported by twelve six-meter thick iron pillars.

All around, through the interval of twelve pillars, you can directly see the corresponding twelve skylights, sitting here, as if overlooking the whole country of snow.

At this time, the wind and snow are a little nervous. “So, you really have to do research here?”

Naruto nodded.

Fenghua Xiaoxue quietly took a breath, and she is now somewhat guilty of Naruto’s so-called research.

It is easy to say: “In general, the research on interest does not matter, as long as it is not a taboo, the war machine is nothing.”

Naruto honestly with a smile: “I want to study it is probably taboo, it will be a war machine…”

Wind and snow.

Naruto then handed over some of the information about the armored armor to the snowy road: “The last time I told you, there are some Chakra armor like the country of snow, but more than the high level of the country of snow.”

Some wind and light snow did not dare to open, hesitantly said: “Why tell me? If you secretly study, I don’t know…”

Naruto was greeted with the words of the snow and the snow, “Because… I didn’t want to hide you, I have studied some of these things in Konoha, but only part of it has caught the attention of some people, I think If I continue to study, I will be arrested and locked in the dark room, so I will run out.”

Don’t you want to hide yourself?

I heard this sentence, and I was a little happy in my heart. “That… the technology that you showed me last time to make people immersive in the movie is also your research?”

Naruto gave a little demonstration of the Spirit link for the last time.

The client is a pair of glasses, Spirit network link glasses, people do not need to link with the Spirit network, just look at some magical pictures with glasses.

Those pictures are processed films, because the propagation medium is not projected onto the canvas, so both color and clarity are far less than the cash technology.

In Naruto’s words, this is only preliminary. If you make the film three-dimensional, then the picture you see will be even more amazing.

At the same time, you can also use the glasses as a shallow Spirit link, so you can even break through the visual restoration, and do some articles in other aspects such as visual smell.

“Yes, but those are just small applications of research results. Wait a few days, I will break through other technical difficulties, and you will be able to see everything I told you before.”

The heart of the wind and snow can not help but as an actor, she can predict which kind of thing is really coming, how great impact on the existing film industry.

Can’t help but say: “How long?”

Naruto self-channel: “One month is enough. In addition, in my vision, let this new movie take your fame as a springboard and truly develop the country of snow into one of the largest tourist cities. You can still compare with the previous one. The director cooperates, and with his help, this influence will be even greater.”

When it comes to the director, the light snowy eyes shine, “He is now in the snow country!”

Then there was some sorrow: “It’s a pity that the woman of the movie is not me…”

How could Naruto not know that the director was in the snow country, the letter of Chiba Huayin, but said that the second film was in the country of snow.

Said with a smile : “That’s just right, you can talk to him. As for the movie’s female lord, it doesn’t matter at all. Just because of your popularity, this new film mode can be launched.”

“There will be some rich guys coming to the end.”

Hearing this, the eyes of the wind and snow could not help but light up again.

Then there was some worry: “But… this technology will not be learned by outsiders?”

Naruto touched his chin. “It depends on our confidential work, but don’t worry that I have a way to let anyone take this technology.”

Fenghua Xiaoxue finally made a decision, “So… let’s start our cooperation. As for your research… as long as you don’t bring a catastrophic blow to Snow, can you guarantee this?”

Naruto said coolly: “If someone looks for something, I will remove it. In the special environment of the country of snow, even if it is Kage level, I have a way to kill him with iceberg!”

This is why Naruto chose the country of snow.

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