Supreme Naruto

Chapter 275

The king city of the Snow Country has come today with four weird guests.

They were wearing white hooded cloaks, the hats were large, covering most of the faces, and there were masks on their faces, so no matter what angle they could not see the looks of the people inside, they could only see the three high ones. short.

Even more bizarre is that their queen actually came out to meet, and also a polite look, personally guide them.

“I thought you were joking with me when I received your letter.”

Going into a room and closing the door, the wind and snow are completely without the Queen’s shelf, squatting, and a completely defeated look.

The man wrapped in the cloak opened his hat and took off the mask. Start to talk said with a smile: “Now I see that I am really coming, shouldn’t you regret it?”

Wind and snow, staring straight at the people in front of you.

Although the sound is very familiar, but … 1.7 m’s height, golden long hair, clean cheeks … no matter which point is not the same as the little devil she saw that day.

Exclaimed: “You are Naruto?”

Originally… Fenghua Xiaoxue thinks Xiaonioni as Naruto… I didn’t expect…

Naruto’s hearty said with a smile: “It’s me, how come I don’t see a few days, I am tall and handsome?”

Wind and light snow glared at the eyes, I dare not ask again: “Are you really Naruto?”

Naruto groaned and touched his nose. “How… I am so handsome that you can’t recognize it?”

Wind and snow have been aphasia for a long time, and I took a look at myself.

It’s not a dream to confirm that it hurts. “We’ve been away for less than a year! How can a short winter melon be so fast! What brand of fertilizer you are eating!”

Naruto’s corner of the mouth took a moment: “Hey… I grow very fast?”

At this time, the other three people also opened the cloak.

Xiao Yani snorted and said: “Naruto big brother is very fast. It was only a little taller than me at the beginning. Now it is much better… Is Naruto big brother really stealing fertilizer? ”

Naruto turned a Byakugan (roll eyes) and said helplessly: “Okay, my long looks may be a bit faster, but the main reason is that it is affected by an energy, and I can’t help it.”

Then I transferred the topic and said: “Well, don’t entangle my height. I only said a part of the letter. There is still a part because I am afraid of leaking. So I don’t have a deep talk. Now I need to tell you in detail, then you are the queen. Rethink if we want to leave us.”

At the moment, several people in Naruto are in the reception of the wind and light snow, and the flowers are listening to Naruto’s narrative while drinking tea.

At first, the carelessness, and then the whole body froze, the tea in the hands is not even soaked in boiling water.

Let Xiaoni’s eyes squint at the pot of hot water, etc. It’s very hard… I’m tempted to grab the teapot.

Naruto is finished.

Wind and snow are still lingering.

Naruto start to talk asked: “Well, this is the case. You can think about it and answer it again, but thinking is limited to yourself. This matter cannot be announced, so there is no need to hold any meeting.”

Fenghua Xiaoxue finally came back, and asked sillyly: “So, do you rebel?”

Naruto nodded calmly: “Accurately they don’t know that I am still alive, but the rebel village is right.”

The wind and snow are silly and stunned. “Is the Konoha two elders slaughtered before the rebellion?”

Naruto said plainly: “It is their courting death.”

Windy light snow took a deep breath: “Well… I understand, that is, you have nowhere to go, and then come to the elder sister, right, rest assured that the elder sister will accept you.”

This time it was Naruto’s turn to be amazed.

Originally, he was so hesitant to see the wind and snow, Naruto thought that most of the things were yellow.

Can’t help but ask: “Don’t think about it?”

Windy snowy Kaidō: “What can be thought of, anyway, the country of the snow is the place where the fart is big, the whole city ups and downs are added to the 10 multi-person, or about the number, you just came to give me a fraction. ”

After talking about the snow, I looked at the three girls. “These three people are…”

Naruto said: “Sorry, I forgot to introduce them. They are my assistants. This is Datuni. This is a monk. This is a little monk.”

I heard the names of the three people, and the corner of the mouth, a look of sly expression: “Do you want to hide their identity and think of a decent name? My family, big and small two have the same name. More personal than they are.”

Little monk cute’s gimmick said: “Who is Ada? Is it a kitten?”

Then I saw the wind and snow, pushing the window and blowing a whistle, “Hey… Hey! Hey!”

Then hula, a white, gray and two snow eagle flew in.

The white one is big, the half is tall, the gray is only the white chest.

Fenghua Xiaoxue greeted: “Let’s come and go, and the big brother elder sisters ask for good.”

So the two snow hawks slammed into the crowd.


Xiao Ni Ni is broken. He jumped to the side of the snow eagle and clap his hands and said, “How are you, my name is Xiao Niuni? You will call Dabai and Xiaoshi in the future!”

“pū! ”

Naruto didn’t hold back the music.

This reminded him of the time when he had caught the big fat. He clearly had a good name called Hedwig, but forcibly was changed to a big fat by Xiaoni.

And the snake called Voldemort was also changed to Lai Pi…

The wind and the snow are licking the waist: “Hey, little girl, this is my eagle.”

Xiao Ni Ni said: “But it is clear that the white and gray are good.”

Seeing that two people are going to squat Naruto in time to save the field: “Okay, Xiaoxue elder sister, you don’t have a little oneself to somebody’s level with a little girl, this girl wants to be out, but where are you looking for it? Jun’s two eagle.”

Fenghua Xiaoxue took a look at Xiaoniuni and said: “It is a coincidence. When the Snow Country Geothermal System was upgraded for the third time, these two fools were shocked by Chakra and their wings fell from the sky. I was going to bring them back. The family was grilled and eaten. Later, the two at the two guys were very spiritual, and then the two guys depended on me.”

After introducing Ada and Xiaoji, Fenghua Xiaoxue asked: “Their names are all monks and nuns?”

Naruto nodded seriously.

Ok… Fenghua Xiaoxue is defeated again. “So what do I need to do for you? What are the requirements for living needs? I can satisfy my satisfaction as much as I can.”

Naruto repeatedly shook head said: “This is no trouble, we will solve the problem in the place where we live. The snowy mountain behind the snow country is good, I will settle there, then I want to talk to Xiaoxue elder sister about a deal. It will add a large income to the snow country.”

The wind and snow are stunned. Uncertainly, the opposite question: “Transaction? The country of snow has only recently received a list of films… There are no other specialties in other areas.”

The list of movies is still a network of people.

Coupled with the popularity of her second film.

In addition to this, the income of the country of snow can be said to be miserable.

After all, this is a cold place where the permafrost is frozen all year round. If there is no agricultural production, the craftsmanship of the livelihood will depend on fishing, and the inland will sell ice…


Naruto said with a smile : “It’s about the film industry. I have a technology that allows the audience to be in the film. It’s great, you will love it.”

Thanks to “Happy 1”, “Sangyang Fish” big rewards ~. There is also a bunch of numbers, and I remember to change my name. Xiaozhao is stupid and can’t tell the numbers~

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