Supreme Naruto

Chapter 274

The Hinata clone did not die, and the old father-in-law replaced the Hinata.

When Naruto saw the images from the monks and nuns, the whole person could not make any other expressions except speechless.

But fortunately, the injury is not too heavy. From the perspective of his medical shinobi, the abdominal puncture did not hurt the important organs. It would be better to lie in the bed for a month or two.

“What about the owner’s swollen? I am now surrounded by everyone, and Kakashi is also around… It looks like… I can’t die for a while…”

At this time, the snoring of the nine tails suddenly screamed.

Naruto looked up and could see the nine painful heads in the thick fog.

But in fact, it has not received any Attack.

Naruto knew this was because he had a chronic poison in the clones.

Naruto looked at the time and it has been five minutes.

“Nine tails are almost going to hang up… It seems that this play can’t go on…”

At this time, Muni suggested: “Would you like to add another scene to the scene?”

Naruto stopped: “The clones and the ontology are still different, and as long as the careful medical shinobi can detect it, I am going to use the nine-tailed hand to destroy the clones in front of everyone to cover up the traces… ”

Muni continued to come up with the idea: “That… I want to ignite myself at night?”

Naruto corner of the mouth, this… looks like a way…

It’s just… his old father-in-law’s belly is still being worn… The daughter suddenly kills himself and can’t be mad at him…

“Forget it, let’s continue to control the clones. What about Hinata… I will find a way later, what is the clone of Haruno Sakura?”

Kaidō, who is proud of the little monk: “It has been flattened by the nine tails, and absolutely dead can no longer die.”

Naruto: “…”

So, is there a success?

“You continue to random, remember, Hinata’s clones speak less, and more words will be lost. I sneak into the barrier department to change something and then join you.”

The lifespan of the Naruto clone is coming to an end, and the last revenge is madly screaming in the nine mourning.

The pieces of the house collapsed, but not many people died.

After all, most of the buildings around Anbu are buildings of important institutions. There are no civilians at all, and some are only shinobi.

After another five minutes, the nine tails finally struggled and fell to the ground.

“What happened! How did the nine tails suddenly fall?”

“Don’t worry about anything! Fast! The people in the seal class went up and re-sealed the nine tails!”

A crowd of shinobi rushed to the ground.

But when I was near, I found that I was already a dead body.

The body is skinny, and the whole body seems to have been drained out of life.

The ignorance of the truth in the distance: “What are you doing!”

Shinobi of the seal class sighed: “It’s late… Jinchūriki is dead…”

It was not long before the bodies of Utatane Koharu, Homura Mitokado and five Anbu Ninja were discovered.

The entire Konoha was a mess.

Orochimaru Lab No. 7, a laboratory built in the valley of the suburb of Konoha, opened a corpse and Hinata woke up.

Hinata squats under the eyes, “Here… has Konoha been out?”

Naruto shook the shook head and said something to Hinata.

When it comes to the Hyuga diurnal for the clones to block the deadly Attack, Hinata is nervous.

Naruto comforted: “Don’t worry too much, the injury is not heavy, it is only a little more serious than the flesh injury. It will be good for two months, just… you can see it yourself…”

Naruto turned to Muni and said, “Muni, establish a visual sharing with Hinata.”

Muni said, and then Hinata’s picture on the side, that is in the ward, Hyuga Hiashi squatted on the hospital bed, 嘴gū gū on the mouth and kept silently: “Hinata …… Why don’t you talk? Isn’t you forgiving father? ?”

“I know that I didn’t care much about you in the past…”

“And your death is implicated on you… I don’t think that if it’s not your birthday, if you didn’t go to the courtyard and you were caught by the gang of Kumo Shinobi, you wouldn’t die. ”

“This makes your childhood bear the scolding of too much unreasonable trouble, but…father is loving you…”

“When I saw you in danger… cough! Keke!” Hyuga Hiashi coughed fiercely.

A coughing wound sends tearing pain, which can be tolerated, but the forehead is still not covered with sweat.

At the same time The face is too pale because of blood loss.

“Oh… well, Naruto’s death is coming to you, and you’re not in a good mood now. Don’t stay with me, take a break.”

Muni controls the clone of Hinata to leave.

In the seventh laboratory, Hinata has been in tears.

The heart of the original dissatisfaction with the family and the grievances of these years, all disappeared in the moment of seeing father lying down on the hospital bed.

Naruto sighed: “Old Man seems to need you more than I… I am afraid that the clone will die again at this time… he will be mad again…so…”

Hinata’s heart jumped and looked at Naruto with tears, “Naruto Jun, I…”

Hinata’s heart suddenly became messy.

On the one hand she wants to leave with Naruto, on the one hand she wants to stay and take care of father.

At least… also take care of the discharge.

Naruto encouraged: “Reassuring, if you choose to stay, I will support you too.”

“And… nine tails hurt your father… it’s my schedule… sorry.”

Hinata buried her head in Naruto’s arms. “Hinata doesn’t blame Naruto Jun… When does Naruto leave?”

Naruto raised his hand and hugged Hinata. “I will leave soon. After all, such a big thing happened in Konoha, I will definitely send a message to Jiraiya. When he comes back, my chances of being discovered are very high.” “”

Go right away… So anxious?

Hinata is holding Naruto: “So… will we see you again?”

Naruto licked Hinata’s head. “If you say something stupid, you will definitely meet again, and we will meet again forever.”

Hinata’s dull heart was slightly better.

Then Naruto warned repeatedly: “The people of Konoha may ask you what they can say. If you can push them off, you will push them off. There is a father and the whole Hyuga family is thinking about it and no one will force you to ask you.”

“If it’s tight, or Jiraiya asks you, you just know that I was taken away before I died.”

Seeing that Hinata’s face is still full of sadness, Naruto comforted: “Is there not a Spirit network in there, there is a summoning card, and you think about me someday, you tell me, I will summon you to me.”

Hinata nodded.

But my heart sighed: but people are thinking of you now…

After the transfer of the store manager’s home, Hinata and clones were exchanged and returned to the hospital to take care of Hyuga Hiashi.

Naruto took Konoha out of the trio.

In the Spirit network, Xia Qiaopi said: “I want to summon me if I miss you.”

Naruto grinsaid with a smile : “Good summer elder sister, wait for me to the first place to summon you.”

Dafei followed: “And me! Boss, don’t throw me here!”

Naruto Kaidō: “Relief, it won’t take long.”

Naruto left Konoha, and the news of the death of the nine-tailed Jinchūriki spread to all countries in a variety of ways.

Among them…including the country of rain…

In the rain of the rainy country, Heavenly Dao Pain Yahiko was wearing a fire cloud black robe in the rain, expressionless said: “Nine-tailed Jinchūriki is dead… Waiting for the nine-tailed resurrection to take a while… It seems… Our plan has to be postponed…”

Also wearing a fire cloud black robe, a woman with a blue purple hair, Kaidō: “In this case… it is not anxious to get rid of the underground exchange plan…”

Yahiko’s glimpse, “No hurry? Don’t you really want the 6 billion detonator?”

Konan eyes hangs down: “But there is no need to use it… and time is a little longer, maybe they will hoard more?”

Yahiko’s start to talk said: “That can’t continue to indulge them. The destruction of Strength is only safe in the hands of God.”

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