Supreme Naruto

Chapter 273

Outside the Konoha refuge, the roaring sound continued. The stone house roof was covered with slag from time to time. However, there were steel pillars on the four walls to support it. Unless it was hit by Bijudama, it should not collapse directly.

“You only need 30 million to do this?” Utatane Koharu tried to slow down the tone so that Naruto was forced to slash her head.

Naruto said with a smile : “There are 30 million disasters and no family, no 30 million two…you are a whole family.”

This sentence says Haki (domineering) is very, listening to Utatane Koharu and Homura Mitokado at the same time.

However, when they were young, they were also very good shinobi. Although they are not as old as Danzo, they are also so loved and tossed. They are also affected by winds and waves. Even if they have regressed a few points in power in recent years, they are still in the air.

Utatane Koharu taunted: “Just do you, can you do it? Don’t say anything else, your knife is on my neck, but you are at the same time, as long as you do me to the other four Anbu Ninja The same will kill you.”

Naruto replied: “Is it better to try?”

The knife on the hand was inserted on the right shoulder of Utatane Koharu.

The blade sharply penetrated a sword.

Utatane Koharu shouted: “Stupid!”

Then, before going back, I didn’t know when to hold a dagger and put it in Naruto’s chest.

Taunted: “You didn’t even directly attack my vital point, you are really stupid and incorrigible.”

The Anbu Ninja’s mask vomited under the bloody mouth, at the same time behind the four shinobi one person and one knife, the head and limbs squatted.

Utatane Koharu looked down at the broken body on the ground and raised his hand to reveal the mask on his face.

shock! It is not Naruto’s face!

Utatane Koharu bowed his head and went to check his face to see if there was any camouflage on his face.

At this time, the last one of the four shinobi pierced the back of the first two shinobi, and the two men got a cool heart.

The two men who were hit by the vital point did not fall down immediately but forced themselves to fight back and cut the behind into a broken body.

So far three shinobi lives.

Utatane Koharu quits a few steps in a row, looks at originally five shinobi, only one person left behind, Utatane Koharu.

what on earth is it! Is there anyone else in Konoha who is letting her die?

Changed the Anbu Ninja around her?

At this time Naruto’s voice came from the mouth of the only shinobi who was alive: “Why, don’t you say that you can kill me? Now I am still alive and dead.”

Talking about the Anbu Ninja, he stepped up to the side of Utatane Koharu, and he said: “The unnecessary counterattack will only make you die more badly, so it is better to think about my proposal and put me 30 million. give me back.”

The silent silence of Homura Mitokado start to talk said: “It is the practice of spiritualization. I didn’t expect you to even master this ban.”

However, Naruto did not admit that he casually said: “Who knows, maybe other methods of controlling people, or you are only experienced Illusion Technique.”

“Well, the quiz is skipped. I am in a hurry, so I will ask you once, if you want to follow my advice and return my money to me, just ask the last time, I am too lazy to talk nonsense with you. “”

This time, it’s still water to start to talk. “In my home, there is a dark space on the floor, where the silver ticket is enough to pay your money.”

Naruto nodded with satisfaction: “Slow, so I will let you die.”

With a wave of hand, a wind blade crossed the neck of Homura Mitokado, and a blood line overflowed from the neck of the water, and the body was separated.

In this scene, Utatane Koharu smashed, and the dagger in his hand plunged directly into Naruto, hit the abdomen and swept it, and was directly smashed.

Immediately after Naruto’s knife, Utatane Koharu separated the corpse.

In the Spirit network, Naruto is very satisfied: “The perfect solution, even the evidence will not stay, I began to fall in love with this trick, um… It’s useful for you to learn it.”

A small volleyball squad floated out of the corpse that had been smashed and smashed into the ground, ignoring the object in a straight line, crossing the kilometer and returning to his body.

Xiao Tuni is interested: “Okay, I want to learn!”

Datuni echoed: “I want it too.”

Muni said: “Ibid.” Then he asked: “Next to me?”

In a miscellaneous room where no one knows, Naruto of Anbu Ninja’s costume sat up and looked at the time. Kaidō: “There is still five minutes to be called off, let’s play.”

Upon receiving Naruto’s instructions, Muni immediately smashed the chicken blood and immediately replied: “Well, give it to me, and make sure that Quest is perfect!”

Naruto touched the home of the water Humenyan in memory, looking for the silver ticket that might be hidden under the floor.

How much will it be? Naruto is looking forward to it.

However, from the point of view of insurance, Naruto did not go directly, nor did he use the technique of spiritualization.

How to say it is also the home of Konoha elder, maybe you can dig a pit and wait for yourself to jump.

So Naruto sneaked into it.

There is no difference between the Spirit link and the ontology to some extent.

And there is a low-profile perception barrier on the part.

“Nine Lama teacher? Can you speak now?”

Naruto screamed tentatively.

Nine tails are weak and Kaidō: “Well…”

Naruto said: “Hey? Why don’t you look so happy?”

The nine-tailed eyelids in the nine-tailed seal space, the sorrowful look at the roof Kaidō: “I am thinking about seven or eight years after another resurrection to find me revenge.”

Nine tails now have a sore liver, and it is more painful to think of being jealous with yourself.

What is more painful for the liver is that I chose to stand on the other side of Naruto’s pit…

This is just one reason. If you know it, you will definitely play with him.

Naruto comforted: “There are a few more racks. I can help you when you are there. There are rafts that teach you how to be a fox in minutes.”


Nine-tailed eyes lit up, joyfully said: “This seems to be a good note…”

Then the face is black: “Do you brat your wings are hard, do you want to teach me how to be a fox every minute?”

Naruto immediately slammed the horse and said: “Where can you, you are my pro teacher, the other is not, I can still get away from the inside and outside.”

Nine-eyed eyebrows raised and he was seriously suspected of being pitted by Naruto.

But then, even if he disagrees, he can, to a certain extent, his restrictions on Naruto are limited.

On the contrary, Naruto’s restrictions on him are getting bigger and bigger…

My heart is extremely uneasy, and Jiuwei emphasizes: “Hey, if you dare to use rafts for me, then if I have a chance, I will definitely slay you in the dead.”

Naruto nodded again and again, repeating: “Can you only lick the other right?”

Nine-tailed smile: “Oh, nothing else, to some extent… In fact, the other one is an independent individual…just like…I was divided into nine from one.”

Naruto talks here, and there is a sense of the barrier on the body to find the underground secret.

It was a small organ that was hidden under the carpet and pushed the floor. Naruto controlled the scene to be successfully cracked by the perception of the barrier.

Below, it is a wooden box wrapped in cloth.

Under the sense of barrier, Naruto can clearly perceive the scene inside through the wooden box, and there is no mechanism.

The wooden box opens and is a silver ticket.

That’s it? Is it too simple?

Naruto is about to let the detachment quit, and suddenly let the detachment stop.

wrong! Why does Water Humenitis cooperate with him?

Because of the life of relatives? In Naruto’s cognition, Homura Mitokado is not a big family, nor a relative.

Is this room… there are other bigger secrets? More valuable things?

Or is it the home of Utatane Koharu?

At this moment, in the Spirit network, Muni suddenly started to talk: “Master, Quest failed… The clone was rescued by Hinata… and Hyuga Hiashi was seriously injured…”

For a time, Naruto refused to take care of what Homura Mitokado had covered up. He quickly asked: “Speak the details.”

PS: Xiao Zhao Shu You Qun: 627576058 (fan title “Call Army” [Simplified!] New Year’s Eve red envelopes ~)

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