Supreme Naruto

Chapter 258

Naruto stopped, Gaara lost weight and fell a distance in the sky, then the sand regrouped and lifted it, slowly as Naruto fell to the ground.

Naruto came out of the gravel pit.

The body rises like a steam man because of the intense heat.

Kakashi looks at Naruto, a dead fish, sighed: “I didn’t expect to have a reservation when I played against me.”

Naruto is playing with a smile : “Where, Kakashi teacher is amazing. If I don’t remind me in advance, I will definitely be cut in half.”

Kakashi dead fish phase slightly eased.

Although I know that Naruto is not necessarily true, I feel a lot better in my heart.

Naruto turned and looked at Kankuro, just a normal look.

But Kankuro, who saw Naruto terrifying, felt as if he was on the back, and the nerves were involuntarily stretched.

The heart is screaming: Just now he shot, and now Naruto is likely to retaliate.

Unexpectedly, however, Naruto turned over and took a shackle from the storage Scroll.

At the time of Chunin’s exam, Naruto seized his cockroach, the Raven.

“Sorry, I didn’t expect a sword to cut your shackles in half. This is compensation.”

Say Naruto threw the donkey over.

Look at his past embarrassment, Kankuro would like to say that this is his own…

Compensate him with his things… Well, it’s still very happy that he can come back.

Then he said: “I just rushed to take it, it should not be…”

Naruto waved his hand: “It’s all a Quest partner, not so polite.”

The next step is to exchange intelligence and strategically deploy the Quest.

What surprised Naruto was… I loved killing someone.

A boy, blonde wearing a knight armor…

Naruto listens to the description of the opposite side. The more you listen to the drama, the more like a person, an originally undead and important person, the unknown civilization of the Royal Family descendant – Timsey.

“What about the man’s body?”

Temari pointed in one direction, “it was buried there on the spot.”

Naruto looked over Temari’s gaze and “dig out people.”

Temari looks at Kakashi, Kakashi nodded: “I heard that this enemy has changed the body’s Ability, and it looks good.”

Temari Kaidō: “There are three women who can change the body’s Ability, but the dead youth did not show up when they fought.”

Three? Isn’t the information in the Shahe Village?

Kakashi glanced, and the enemy’s intelligence was not complete.

As everyone walked to the place where the corpse was buried, Kakashi asked: “One can change the wings, one can change the wolf, what can the third become?”

Temari said: “The third woman’s body muscles can swell, Strength defensive power is enhanced after expansion, and Lightning can be controlled at the same time.”

Kakashi continued to talk to Temari, and Naruto asked about where the body was buried and dug it up.

However, he only dug two times, and then turned over the silent Gaara’s fingers, and the sand flowed and leaked directly out of the body.

Naruto stayed and looked at Gaara.

Gaara sees the line of sight elsewhere, cool and cool: “It’s Shukaku let me take care of you.”

Shukaku ? Shukaku and he have no relatives, how could Gaara take care of him.

It must be that Gaara has already recognized his big brother in his heart.

Naruto thought so, my face showed me a smile to see the truth.

Seeing the smile of the truth? It is the kind of sly.

Naruto looked at Gaara with a meaningful look, then looked at the body that appeared on the ground.

It’s true that the Royal Family descendants are right…

The limbs are distorted and should be made by Gaara’s sand, with a black-finished five-finger mark on the neck.

The black area is a pile of blood.

It was the person who had pinched his neck and died.

Naruto carefully observed the sand that penetrated the meat from the black-black skin.

What is the combination of sand and death? So it should be Gaara that kills this person.

If you remember correctly, this Royal Family descendant within the body transplanted a stone of Grayer?

Naruto thought so much about the chest of the youth, there was a blood hole.

Was the stone of Greer taken away?

“There is a blood hole here… is it what you did?”

Naruto asked, there is no mention of the stone of Greer in the intelligence, Naruto is not easy to ask directly.

Temari got together, and the eyebrows wrinkled, shook head said: “No? This man was directly killed by Gaara with sand after breaking his limbs. No one is Attack.”

Kakashi Kankuro has also come together.

Kankuro said casually: “Maybe the underground snake bites? Some snakes like Heart most. Is this the Heart?”

The look of Temari and Kankuro is not like a fake, so the corpse of Greer should not be dug by them.

Then no one has to guess, and most of them are recycled by the opposite side.

Kakashi said to Naruto: “Under the heart of Heart, see if Heart is still there.”

Naruto condenses the Chakra knife in his hand. The body is like a fried chicken. After a few knives, the body is directly separated.

A big one of the heart ends upright, Naruto shrugged: “It turns out…not eating Heart’s snake.”

Kakashi carefully observed the body and looked at the wound again: “This wound should be caused by the insertion of human hands.”

Temari resisted the disgusting heart, and subconsciously asked: “How do you see it?”

Kakashi glimpsed, then blinked with a smile: “Because I used to use Rachel when I used to insert it.”

Temari couldn’t help but go too far and be far away.

Kakashi looked back at the body, silent for a long time, and was thinking.

Maybe it’s been a long time, and Galara couldn’t help but ask: “What do you see?”

Kakashi continued to lower the corpse that was regrouped after the plan was dismantled. “I didn’t see that it was just some that didn’t make sense. It was in the heart, but the Heart was not meant to make up a knife, so what did you put in?”

When people take things…

Naruto said in his heart.

But he doesn’t want more people to know the existence of Graystone.

Because the purpose of his trip is to have the stone of Gray, and the mine that produces the stone of Gray as its own.

Good things must be in your pocket, of course.

So I shifted the topic: “Right, are you aware of the enemy’s position?”

“If we find out, we will kill the people directly.”

Temari Kaidō: “No, a few encounters except for the first time we were ambushing in the shipwreck, followed by the opposite side active Attack.”

Naruto looked at Gaara and accidentally said: “Are you not very good when I was playing with me?”

Gaara’s dark circles are darker.

I beat you Shukaku to help…

Naruto: “Since we don’t know the location of the enemy, then we will search for the enemy’s position. I am free with a group of Hinata.”

Kakashi looks at Naruto, “To be scattered?”

Naruto craps: “You don’t think the dispersion efficiency will be higher?”

Kakashi wants to say that dispersal is also easily broken by the enemy, but think of Naruto’s Strength…

Looks like there is nothing to worry about…

“Let’s go to Hinata, let’s go for a walk in the forest.”

Say, Naruto took the small hand of Hinata and left in a leisurely manner.

Hinata is blushing and shy.

No matter how you look at it, it’s not like searching for an enemy.

Temari confessed to everyone’s doubts: “They… are they going to search for enemies?”

Kakashi’s dead fish eyes stared at the backs of the two, and for a time he felt that he had made the wrong decision.

How can I get a group of Naruto and Hinata?

I definitely won’t work hard…

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