Supreme Naruto

Chapter 259

“Hinata, we need to increase the speed, I hold you.”

Hinata stayed, then Naruto leaned over and hugged Hinata directly to Princess.

“Hold me.”

Hinata eyes 瞪 big…

Naruto picked me up!

“bang!” Hinata’s small blush fluttered directly.

Hinata was careful that the liver fluttered and did not hear what Naruto said.

Third gear, launch!


Naruto rushed to the treetops because it was too sudden Hinata cry out in surprise.

High-speed mobile can’t start to talk, Naruto communicates with Hinata with the Spirit link: “Sorry, there are no wings this time, so the road should not be too comfortable.”

The Spirit link is connected, and Hinata panic Kaidō: “No… no problem.”

Naruto speed increased, and the two men’s bodies squeezed together in inertia.

“bang!” Hinata has been vaporized twice…

After jumping to the high branch, Naruto continues to accumulate and adds Level 3 to the outside of the Level 1 film at the same time.

Four blocks of strange power! injection!

This time it was turned on the sole of the foot, “Boom!”

Naruto took off like a fire sword.

Naruto’s new flying method, jet flight!

Compared to the smooth flight in the past, jet flight is very exciting.

Hinata finally hugged Naruto in shock.

“Hinata, Byakugan (roll eyes) opens.”

Under the Spirit link, Naruto looks at all around with the help of Hinata.

No discovery within one kilometer.

Naruto flew another kilometer, Byakugan (roll eyes) In the visual, after the infinite forest, it was a Gobi that was connected to the sky.

At first glance, you can’t find any suspicious targets.

Continue to expand the carpet search?

No, it was a waste of time, and Naruto thought of a better way.

“Hinata, look around all, see if Kakashi and other people are coming.”

Hinata swept to all around, at the same time Naruto and then observed by Byakugan (roll eyes).

No… very good.

Naruto pulled out four silver Metal texture cards.

When I saw the four cards, Hinata was surprised: “Is it necessary to summon the elder sisters?”

Naruto nodded: “First summon the summer elder sister, the summer elder sister’s investigation Ninjutsu is very strong, it will be easier to find her target with her help.”

The rune displayed on the card corresponding to Sakuriya Summer is the symbol that is allowed to be summoned.

Naruto stuck the card on the left arm and the card was affected by Chakra, which softened it.

Then Naruto bit the right hand’s thumb, the blood crossed the curse on the card, and then the hand seal: Hai, 戌, 酉, Shen, No!

Finally, press your hand on the ground.

For a time, the dark lines of the spider web spread out from the palm of Naruto.


At this same time, far away from the village of Konoha Ninja, in the store’s home, a circle of light surrounds the foot of Sakura Valley Summer.

At the same time The card attached to the left arm lights up.

Seeing the scene of the little monk surprise 瞪big eyes, then curl one’s lip some lost: “Naruto big brother is really eccentric, the first summoned is actually the summer elder sister.”

At this time, others felt that the surge of Chakra was also seen.

The bottom of the heart in Sakuragi Summer echoes the Spirit sound recorded by Naruto: “Space transfer after three seconds.”

“Please confirm that the clothing and footwear are neatly dressed.”

“If you need to terminate the transmission, please operate within three seconds through the client, and it is forbidden to suddenly jump out of the aperture to avoid accidental opening.”

“Please be called by the summoner to confirm that the body is completely in the aperture. At the same time, confirm that the selected object is completely in the aperture.”

Summer tangled look at the hand is preparing to put the pastry into the oven, she is put down? Still carrying it?

The message passed by Spiritual Force is fast, almost completed in an instant, and the next countdown.




“I wish you a trip, this flight is navigated by the most handsome vortex Naruto in history.”

A light beam in the aperture rises to the top of Sakura Valley Summer, and is closed after being invisible to other peers and wrapped into a complete cylinder.

The white light flashed and the summer disappeared.

The next moment At the junction of the country of the fire and the country of the wind, in front of Naruto, the “bang!” Chakra, which is highly concentrated, spread out and looked like a sudden burst of a smoke-filled balloon.

Summer success with the unbaked pastries appeared in front of Naruto.

The three simply said hello.

“Summer elder sister I want you to help me find an enemy.”

Xia smiles at the summer: “Yes.”

Naruto describes: “The enemy should be in a huge mechanical instrument, some like a ship, but on land, you can clear the way in the forest.”

Xia Lianlian nodded: “Oh, I will try.”

Then I closed my eyes in the summer.

Invisible Naruto feels like a storm sweeps all around.

But in fact there is no real storm, but Naruto is sure that there must be a Strength that has changed all around.

Not Chakra, is that the power of nature?

Naruto looked at the summer and found that the summer was just a deep blue fire-like curse at the forehead.

After five seconds.

Summer start to talk: “Found, 10 kilometers northwest.”

ten kilometers!

This range of perception… is really powerful…

Byakugan (roll eyes) of Hinata is rushed to the extreme and can only be seen about 1.8 kilometers.

Is the power of nature so strong?

It seems that there is time to study the Senjutsu model…

Or… Go back and ask for Tsunade elder sister?

Go to Shikkotsu Forest and go to Senjutsu before leaving?

By the way, you can study the difference between Senjutsu in Three Great Holy Land and Senjutsu in the cursive mode.

“Thank you for the summer elder sister, the summer elder sister want to be around or do you want to go back now?”

In the summer, there was still a pastry that had not been baked, Kaidō: “The pastry is still in the oven, I will go back.”

Naruto: “Know, see the summer elder sister next time.”

“Right, tell the three gimmicks and get them ready, they may need them soon.”

Naruto on the hand seal, remove Kuchiyose no Jutsu.

At this time, the Space Tunnel opened in the summer has not been closed, and it consumes much less than the Chakra needed for the previous summoning.

Xia smiled and waved to Naruto and Hinata. “Okay, I will inform them.”

“bang!” The cloud of clouds gathered by Chakra spread and disappeared.

After leaving summer, Naruto said to Hinata: “Come, I am holding you on the road.”

Still hug? Hinata shyly came over.

Naruto Princess hugs Hinata.

The four-block monster broke out! “Hey!” Take off!

Then broke out again in midair!

“Boom!” Naruto flew to the place pointed by the summer,

Spiritual Force link Hinata cares: “Will it be too fast?”

Hinata closed his eyes and buried his head in Naruto’s arms. He held Naruto’s neck tightly. Kaidō: “It’s okay.”

Naruto laughed: “Would you like to be faster?”

Hinata was shocked: “Can you be faster?”

Naruto said: “Carry yourself with Chakra.”

Hinata’s cockroaches spread Chakra all over the body.

Five stalls!




A sound rang in the sky! Then Naruto’s body all around blasts the cloud of Level 1, the next moment Naruto and Hinata’s ears at the same time can’t hear the sound.

This speed goes into the supersonic speed.

This also proves the five-speed in the normal Chakra state, which is equivalent to the third gear in the nine-chamber Chakra state.

Naruto guarded Hinata with Chakra, and Hinata was shocked by World, which was suddenly quiet.

In the Spirit link, Naruto exclaimed: “Naruto, my ears can’t hear the sound!”

Naruto smiled at the Spirit link with Kaidō: “Reassuring, just the speed that transcends the sound. Your ears are not broken. I can speed down and you can hear the sound.”

Beyond the speed of the sound?

Hinata opened his eyes and the trees underneath quickly fell backwards, which could not be seen with the naked eye.

Be aware that the Eyes of the Hyuga family are more sensitive than ordinary people.

Hinata mobilizes Chakra and Byakugan (roll eyes) opens.

This time the vision is much clearer.

And deeply feel the supersonic speed.

Two 15 seconds!

Naruto arrived at the destination, and in the loess sandstone, a quirky steel and iron machine appeared in front of him.

A distance of ten kilometers, a loss of one direction is a thousand miles.

Fortunately, Naruto pointed to Luffy in the summer, and had the help of Byakugan (roll eyes) from Hinata.

Naruto speed slowed down and World’s voice returned again.

At this moment, Hinata suddenly felt that the sound of this World was noisy.

The leaves blow the sound of the leaves, the sound of the sand, the sound of the heartbeat and the blood flowing.

Naruto raised his hand and gently covered Hinata’s ear.

Spirit links: “It will be good soon, and it will be a little uncomfortable at the beginning.”

Naruto’s hand is in the ear, very warm.

Hinata’s nervous mood eased.

The feeling around Naruto Jun… It’s so good…

Feeling the temperature uploaded from Naruto’s hand, Hinata wanted to settle forever at this moment.

Ok? What am I thinking! Shy!


“bang!” Hinata has evaporated itself…

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