Supreme Naruto

Chapter 257

Nine-tailed Seal Space, Jiuwei 贱said with a smile: “Don’t be so ruthless, obviously you are born, you still want to not recognize?”

Naruto gas knot, he decided not to eat sweets in the future!

However, at this time, what is more worrying is that there is a thought in the giant egg: “father…”

This thought echoed in the nine-tailed Seal…

For a time, the air suddenly stopped…

Then I laughed awkwardly, laughing very exaggerated, tears laughing.

On the other side, the little gold man Naruto changed his voice to black gold…

“Do not laugh……”

Nine tails looked up at Naruto and then sneered.

Naruto turned her head and stared at the giant egg, and righteously said: “I am not your father!”

Dome silence: “…”

After half a ring, I changed the name: “Mama…”

When it’s over, the nine tails are crazy, and the smiles are rolling around…

Black gold Naruto became a coal Naruto…

Extremely serious staring at the giant egg: “I am not you Mama!”

The giant egg was silent for a while and suddenly a wow came a cry.

The kind of heartbreaking lungs can be sad.

Nine tails stopped laughing and blamed: “Look at your point and see you scare your child!”

Naruto feels that his liver hurts.

He didn’t believe that Jiuwei was in a distressed dome.

If that’s the case, you have to raise it.

The cries of the nine-tailed Seal are constantly crying, and Naruto has a head that is as big as a few.

Naruto clumsied and comforted: “Don’t cry…”

The giant egg cries as it is.

Naruto can’t help: “Forget it, you love to scream.”

Then the giant egg twitched and shouted: “Mama…”

Naruto feels that her waist is starting to hurt too…

Helplessly sighed: “You still call me father.”

Finally, the giant egg called a few fathers.

The nine-tailed look at the giant egg, play the giant egg road: “Hey baby calls Grandfather to listen.”

Grandfather? How to talk about the generation?

Wait, if the giant egg calls him father called the nine-tailed Grandfather… that is not a turn to say that he is a nine-tailed son!

Naruto is furious: “Without taking advantage of it!”

Then before the giant egg start to talk, he said: “He is not your Grandfather.”

The dome is silent, then start to talk: “Mama…9…9 Mama…”

“pū!” This time it was Naruto’s turn to laugh.

The nine-tailed face is dark and black.

Seriously said: “Children, don’t mess with Mama…”

Naruto rolled and laughed, “Wow Hahaha! You have it today! Wow Hahaha!”

Nine-tailed black face: “You laugh, I am Mama, are you very happy?”

Naruto continues to laugh wildly: “Is it unhappy?”

Naruto’s CPU was not weak after the upgrade, and it soon came to mind.

The giant egg is called father, and the tube is called Mama… that is not to say…

Is this what he and nine are born? God’s TM is born with the end of the nine, to the TM and the nine!

Naruto suddenly couldn’t smile.

When I saw Naruto, I didn’t smile, and suddenly I had a chance to move. The smirk on the giant egg said: “Children, I will take you to Mama.”

Then help the Dome connect to Shukaku’s Space.

A giant egg in Shukaku’s Space is projected.

Nine tails pointed to Shukaku in the cage: “Child, that is your Mama.”

The giant’s Spiritual Force scatters and perceives the existence of Shukaku.

Shukaku is in the middle of it.

Suddenly an extra egg, what is this egg?

Surprisingly, it perceives its Chakra movement from the egg…

While everyone is staring at the giant egg, the giant egg is amazing: “younger brother!”

“pū!” Naruto smiled!

“pū!” Nine tails laughed!

Shukaku’s face is dark…

Nine tails corrected: “You can’t call him the younger brother, it’s my younger brother.”

The giant egg is silent, like thinking.

Again, it’s amazing: “Mama’s younger brother… that should be called…hey!”

Shukaku is shocked!

Once again, I felt the breath of the next giant egg.

This time it feels the smell of the nine tails in the body of the giant egg.

The horror even didn’t even care about his own small things, and quickly asked: “Is this your birth? I didn’t expect you to be a mother!”

“pū! ”

Naruto didn’t hold back or laughed.

Nine tails are violent, “Mother’s egg! You are a public! There is no gender! Where is the mother!”

However, Shukaku did not return, but seriously thought: “There is no gender feature that does not mean that there is no gender. Maybe our characteristics are publicly available?”

“To the nine lamas, how did you give birth to such an egg? This operation revealed to me, go back and try.”

Nine tails, staring at the eyes: “The egg of the fart! It is not my birth, you have to ask Naruto!”

Naruto is laughing, but I can’t hear it.

Black face: “You can’t talk nonsense… This egg is not my birth!”

Dome doubts: “father?”

Naruto is desperate… I cut off the link to Gaara’s Spirit.

Naruto’s hand left Gaara’s shoulder, the nine-tailed Chakra was pulled back, and the Spirit link was completely cut off.

Shukaku seals Space, Shukaku looks blank and wonders: “Who is the last father of that giant egg?”

Gaara looks at Shukaku, start to talk: “I felt your Chakra from that egg.”

Shukaku nodded, “I also felt…”

Then shocked: “Do you remember what I said to me when I first came with the giant egg?”

Gaara recalls: “It looks like… ‘Child, that’s your Mama…'”

Shukaku and Gaara look at each other…



Shukaku turn pale with fright said: “Is that egg… is it my son?”

Gaara is silent…

Naruto fell from the sky after breaking the Spirit link.

The thought is still communicating with Jiuwei: “Don’t mention what the egg is. Nine Lama teacher, do you see if my Chakra has changed, are those Attribute still there?”

The nine-tailed Chakra spilled out of the cage and wrapped it in Naruto.

Start to talk: “Win Attribute, Water Attribute, Earth Attribute, Fire Attribute, Yang Attribute, Ice Attribute, Magnetic Attribute … are all in.”

At the same time, exclaimed: “Would you like to merge another Ray Attribute? So the five basic Attributes are all together, and then all the Kekkei Genkai are merged, just like the guy in the feather coat.”

It is worth mentioning that the Fire Attribute is an Attribute obtained by the integration of Sasuke’s Spiritual Force.

This is known from the mouth of the nine tails after Tsunade releases the seal.

Earth Attribute …… It should be a fusion of Gaara’s magnetic 遁…

“To the Lama teacher, my Attribute strength is different. After integrating your Chakra, my medical Ninjutsu is stronger than normal, and in the Chakra that just blended Shukaku, I think… my Fūton ( Wind Release) is stronger.”

Fūton (Wind Release), storm injury!

In the blink of an eye, Naruto speed surged and landed in an instant. The wind blade swept the ground to the ground and directly swept a pot-shaped pit with a diameter of six or seven meters.

Nine-tailed Kaidō: “It’s not the same… Would you like to integrate Chakra from the other seven guys?”

Naruto nodded. “I think it is necessary if I can.”

“But… the five-pointed star on the egg has two sharp corners that are not wrapped around the golden thread. I feel that there may be other changes after the other two sharp corners appear. The egg will hatch. I don’t know if I can merge other Attributes.”

Jiuwei indulged for a moment and asked: “Do you think… The reason you devour Attribute is because of this egg?”

Naruto: “Or else?”

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