Supreme Naruto

Chapter 232

System differentiation of prosthetics.

The enthusiasm of Naruto, the scientific research, determined the structure of the bone in just one day.

Not a single arm, but the whole body…

I don’t understand this very much. Later, the picture that the brain made up is that who lost other parts of the body in the future, so I don’t have to study it again. funny……

The subsequent pictures did not understand everyone.

Naruto drafted a large number of drawings, without a pen, directly blending ink with a line, extending on paper, a human-shaped Metal Monster… a four-wheeled car? Hinata has been to the snow country to understand some. I have never been to the country of snow. I only thought it was an iron box with four wheels… or a pretty box…

In fact, Muni is wondering if this is for her wheelchair…

There is another sky swimming in the sky…

Naruto couldn’t control himself, and the girls were arrogant… But Dafei looked very energetic, and the thoughts of the thoughts appeared frequently, as if they had some insights.

All the girls saw this, put away the arrogance on their faces, pretend to be readable, oh… it turned out to be like this…

If you ask which way… Don’t ask me, ask Dafei.

So… the next day the mechanical bone structure was upgraded again, the overall upgrade, the strange displacement, reorganization…

The girls still didn’t understand, and Dafei’s eyes were deeper…

On the third day, Naruto sorted out the data and the drawings were able to pile up a room of ten square meters…

Then Naruto realized that… It seems that he is off the line, and now he is studying prosthetic limbs.

On the fourth day, Naruto’s thoughts flying out of the sky returned to the right track and began to study the meat in the differentiation of the prosthetic system. Meat is the weapon between the bone and the skin. Naruto feels that it is skipped first. The weapon is not in a hurry. Now there is no one to ask for it. There is no meaning in the production without demand, so… study the skin first.

Naruto wonders… Can you fulfill the wish of Datuni, and establish a perception system that can be linked to the neural tissue to the sense of the touch on the foundation of the skin.

This subject has never been seen in the past, so it is a bit difficult.

But Naruto is hard to beat, although I haven’t researched it, but I already have some ideas in my heart.

For example, medical Ninjutsu is chaotic, and since Chakra can be transformed into electrons, it has a foundation that interacts with nerves.

Because the conduction of the nerve system is the process of conducting current with positive and negative charges.

On the fifth day, the girls began to calculate the bones that fit their body to Datuni, Muni, and Little Minnie.

Naruto does nerve conduction experiments.

On the fifth night, Naruto thought of one thing. His thoughts were great, but…there were only a few of them… the manpower was very limited.

Reabsorb and train new students?

Now that the subject has been established, to be honest, Naruto has not taught Newbie’s mind.

Then Naruto’s heart came up with a bold assumption, not as good as… dead people…

What is dead? Edo Tensei!

But… Edo Tensei is not a panacea…

Edo Tensei’s body is hosted in other people’s bodies and therefore has a time limit. This can be understood as durability.

Therefore, there is a corpse preservation.

What should I do? Why not… change the body of Edo Tensei’s guy?

Let Edo Tensei’s soul board in… oh… or in the mechanic?

Can it be made?

This idea does not come out, can you know if you can get it.

“Munih is reading a book, you come to see me. There is a Ninjutsu that you need to cooperate with.”

Next to the little Muni, holding the billowing eyes, “God Ninjutsu, can I cooperate?”

Let Xiaoniuni use Edo Tensei? Not desirable.

He explained: “This Ninjutsu is not suitable for children.”

Naruto didn’t know if it didn’t explain it… After the explanation… Little Muni wanted to smash, so he held his mouth and turned and ran away.

Munier looked at her head at Naruto and forgive her… she also wanted to marry.

However, Naruto’s consciousness apparently did not really return to reality, but he was still in a state of semi-sleepwalking. He called a monk and a man who had already bowed his head and went to his room in contemplation.

Downstairs, Xiaoniini found Datuni, “Naruto big brother finds Ninijutsu who is not suitable for children.”

Datuni was much more stable and asked the details in detail. He presumed: “Children should not have a lot of understanding…”

Without saying that, the figure of the big looniks at Naruto walked through the corridor on the second floor.

The direction over there…not the indoor martial arts field, nor the outdoor…that looks like the direction of the Naruto room.

Muttered: “That’s the direction of Naruto room… No…”

Then I saw Muni’s wheelchair followed by…

Datuni and Xiaoniini looked at each other.

Quietly approaching…

Spring came out of the kitchen and saw two people who were thieves could not help but ask: “You want to… steal things?”

Xiaoniini put his finger in front of his mouth and quietly made a gesture, pointing to the upstairs and whispering: “Naruto big brother wants to be an adult with monks and nuns.”

Uh… the words are here, the taste has completely changed…

Spring was interested in it and joined the team in the tail line, but there was no cat in the spring, and there was no lameness. Her walk was originally silent.

Seeing the anomalies of everyone in the summer perception, I couldn’t help but follow.


When Naruto and Muni entered the room, one, two, three, and four small heads emerged from the corner…

蹲 corner corner eavesdropping mode…

In the room, Naruto placed the ready-to-follow mouse on the ground.

Muni’s daze at the mouse on the ground, wondering what Naruto is going to do.

But what is certain is that Naruto should not be doing the bad thing.

What can a bad thing for 12’s young monk?

Look at Naruto The sly head of Minnie snickers.

“Build a Spirit link.”

When the Spirit link is connected, Naruto handed Edo Tensei’s Scroll to Muni, and began to control Muni’s Scroll.

Outside the house, Xiao Niuni quietly said: “What is the sound of swollen wood?”

Just after a start to talk, there was a scream.

It seems to be the cat’s voice.

Xiaoni’s little blushing, said to himself: “The original monk is such a monk…”

Then the cat screams more and more, and there is a rhythm.

Xiao Yanni’s face is redder, and Datun’s face is also a little drunk.

Spring looks old and scholastic, and looks serious.

In the perception of Xia…, she saw a mouse turned into a cat, and then the monk teased the cat, and the cat called it…

The amazing Ninjutsu can turn a mouse into a cat.

Um… Although I saw it in summer, it’s obviously not on the same channel…

Inside the house, Muniel cheerfully stared at the cat: “Is this a real cat? The feel is the same as true.”

Naruto corner of the mouth twitching, even if the cat is really cute…but looks at a cat that becomes a mouse, and Muni is not so happy…

Naruto has some egg hurts, even if he is not a girl… he can’t do it anymore…

Then… Muni took the cat and sniffed it…

Naruto’s face twitched to twist…

As soon as I opened the door… I saw the ladies in the corner of the wall.

“What are you doing?”

Little Jenny looked at the eyes: “I didn’t hear anything!”

Naruto: “…”

Datuni also caught the eyes: “I didn’t hear anything, but… the time is short… I haven’t gotten to a minute, coughing… Please ignore this sentence.”

Chun seriously said the truth: “This is an adult thing… not quite the same as what I read in the book.”

Xia Wei’s screaming, the girls were amazed!

Then I saw a cat licking out.

Collective force…

Xiaoni’s fingers cracked a slit: “So fast, the child came out…”

Naruto: “…”

Dazzini: “…”

Spring is serious: “Can you breed across the species?”

Summer: “Hey?”

Meow meow?

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