Supreme Naruto

Chapter 233

Confirmed that you can control the outsider to reach Edo Tensei, then the next job is simple, is to find the container.

It’s simple… but… peaceful times… it’s hard.

At this point Naruto really wants someone to stand up and marry him, and then he can logically capture it as a container…

But… the breeze blew, the leaves huā lā lā rang, the swallows shuttled between the trees and shadows, and looked at them… The trees are very green and blue, and the white clouds are so far away, it is a peaceful scene…

At this time, a thought emerged in Naruto’s mind.

Danzo’s party… If you know that Danzo is killing him… maybe you can come to the door…

Then do you want to release the news?

Let’s release the message… How do you do it?

First of all, you can’t let Tsunade think that they are the news that they are released, then… the best candidate is Orochimaru.

Um… it seems feasible…

I don’t know what Tsunade knows in the heart of Naruto’s head.

It is possible to explode Naruto with an excitement to unlock the Yin seal.

After all, in order to block the news, she spent a lot of effort, even at the expense of including this matter in the seal.

What is top secret, that is, once it is leaked, it is the rebel village.

How to deal with the rebel village? You don’t need to catch alive, you can directly kill without mercy.

Fortunately, Naruto finally gave up the thoughts in her heart.

The reason for giving up is that it is impossible to perfectly give the information to the Orochimaru.

This will make the monks and nuns suspect.

The secret of the top secret C egg is that it is better to kill the mistake, and never let go.

In short… As long as there is suspicion and no grievances, you can directly accept the lunch.

This is the hegemony of top secret events and the prestige of Hokage.

Or… will it be a Hokage in the future?

When it comes to the name of Hokage, Naruto finds that his heart is not wavering, and he has no idea at all.

Even the monks and nuns called themselves a master.

“Master, we have completed the calculation.”

Really say CC, CC is ah…

Naruto went back to the house, sitting six people and a bird around the table, and the table was a formula for everyone.

“Is the exchange checked?”

The girls nodded again and again.

Hinata curiously asked: “But… what is the formula on the seal? It’s complicated, and you haven’t said it.”

Naruto laughs and says nothing.

Mind: I will tell you that this is a disassembled version of the seal that Tsunade is on me?

The so-called dismantling version is the formula that Naruto combines with the key obtained by the body and the seal on the body, and then the primary decoding and split formula.

Because of the large amount of calculations, Naruto didn’t want to spend too much time on it, so the girls became free… labor.

It’s good to have students…

“These formulas… just test your calculations, Ability…”

“I have calculated the bone data of Muni, so let’s go to the casting room in the suburbs and cast the bones first.”

“When you’ve cast it, you can practice imprinting the inside of the bone and practice the vertical superposition of the spell.”

The girls were killed and the topic was successfully skipped.

I spent the afternoon in the foundry.

Sakura is responsible for tempering Metal, Naruto is responsible for processing, and there is a feeling that Naruto and the manager together fake Kubikiribōchō.

At night, Naruto hid in his own cabin, Vice Admiral, and the grass papers of the women’s calculations scanned one side.

“Next… oh… it’s time to crack the seal.” Naruto grinned.

“Dafei, come over.”

Spirit links to Big Fat and Big Fat sneaks into Naruto’s room.

Then Naruto controlled the big fat and pressed his paws on his body.

Chakra enters the body, and the seal on Naruto appears throughout Naruto.

On the big fat hand, the line link cursing the trunk, and the shadow copied from Tsunade is imported into Naruto’s body, and the curse changes.

The next step is a partial crack.

First, Naruto chose to crack the nine-tailed Spirit link.

Ten minutes later, the crack was successful, and Naruto consciousness successfully entered the nine-tailed Seal Space.

Nine tails are sleeping… Nine tails sleep very sweet…

“Nine Lama teacher?”

Naruto tried to call, and now the Spirit link is connected, and the nine-tailed theory should be able to receive his message.

However… Naruto’s nine lama teacher still slept very sweetly…

Calling for no results, Naruto began to find the reason, and finally found that… the seal of the nine-tailed part of the seal was opened, but with the unraveling of the spell-printing, it caused other changes in the curse… So… the whole The curse has become another look.

What is this? Bureau Central Bureau? Still in the pit?

Naruto feels that my liver hurts…

After finding the answer, consciousness once again entered the nine-tailed Seal Space. Naruto finally found the problem. On the railing formed by the eight seals, it covered the new XumX spell. It is this Level 1 curse that makes Naruto only Can far look at the nine tails.

Can you look far and not play? funny……

Naruto looked at the nine-tailed sleeping face before exiting.

Oh, it’s awkward…

Naruto’s heart gave birth to what it’s like to try to kneel down.

I don’t know which nine-tailed hair and rolling are more supple…

From the nine-tailed Seal Space, Naruto recorded the new mantra.

Prepare to continue to post homework to the girls tomorrow.

Big fat licked his head on the bed at Naruto bed.

Naruto has some heart Hollow, probed: “See it?”

Big fat nodded, then shook the shook head again.

This means Naruto understands, the translation is, I see it, but I don’t say it.

Naruto screamed at the fat man’s head: “True.”

At this same time, when Naruto cracked the spell of Level 1, the circle on Tsunade’s hand was transformed into a crescent moon.

The cursive change was accompanied by a burning sensation. Tsunade was amazed and then laughed out: “Yes, cracking the spell of Level 1 so quickly, but… if you want to crack the Level 2, you have to regain it. This curse on my hand.”

Thinking of this, Tsunade eccentric smile.

Chuck injects the spell, and the curse moves, moves down the arm to the shoulder, and then to the chest.

Then I took out the ink on the brush and painted a square curse on the original position.

Tsunade said badly: After two days, Naruto will find that the new type of curse is not easy to use with the old key. When you think of it, you will steal it again. If you don’t steal it, if you steal it… this curse will be added. Make the original seal more complicated.

Um… At that time, Naruto’s expression would be very exciting.

Being able to hang his own discipline once, Tsunade feels very fulfilled and the smile on his face is more and more brilliant.

Silence on one side suddenly gave birth to a very ridiculous illusion, it seems… just from the body of Tsunade… I saw the figure of Naruto…

Silent shook head: “It must be an illusion, it must be an illusion… If the Tsunade adults are poisoned by Naruto…the future of the village…”

“So what… will there be a future?”

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