Supreme Naruto

Chapter 231

“Muni, do you want to have a boss leg in the true sense?”

Johnny forced…

“Little Muni, do you want to have real hands and feet?”

Little Muni thought about it and extended her hand. Cute said: “I have it.”

Naruto pointed to another saying: “I am talking about letting your lost hand grow again.

Little Minnie’s eyes are bright, maybe this is the only thing in the yard except Lai Pi snake. The only thing that feels Naruto is not crazy is Xiaoniuni. “Of course I want it! Naruto big brother, you have a right way!”

Naruto touched the head of Little Minnie, said with a smile: “There will be in the near future.”

Little monk jumped up in the small head in Naruto’s arms.

Then Naruto saw Datuni, “Do you want to have a pair of your own arms.”

Dazzini’s serious looks at Naruto, asked: “Is the touch of difficulty already solved?”

Naruto: “Hey…”

He remembered that Dazzini’s expectation of the prosthetic was touch.

Seriously thinking about it, the real hand must be touched.

So the firm Kaidō: “Come on.”

clone! Um… I have to try something so interesting.

On the same day, the Naruto class also thrown a new topic – Armored Armed Forces.

An armored armor that covers the body surface layer and improves the overall power of Attack Power, defensive power, speed, and so on.

Why do you want to study this suddenly?

Because after the cloning technology comes out, the organ cultivation technology is mature, and the monks and nuns will get the real sense of the limbs, so the improvement of the combat power will no longer be limited to the prosthetic limbs.

This subject is very large and equally shocking.

Hinata raised her hand: “So what topic do we want to study now?”

Uh… this is asking Naruto.

The future is indeed beautiful, but… manpower is really limited.

Today, there are three topics, the mechanical wing project, the differentiation of the prosthetic system, which is the separation of flesh and blood, which is convenient for upgrading, and then the armed armor project proposed today.

First of all, the mechanical wing must be placed on the armed armor, so the armed armor must be in front.

Then… the subject of prosthetic system differentiation… Do you want to abolish it?

In a sense, when the real arm is cultivated, the prosthetic will lose its original role.

However… Naruto always felt that it was a pity to abolish it.

After Naruto proposed System differentiation on the same day, the girls actively discussed… Many good ideas have been implemented…

This is to say that waste will be abolished, which is very stimulating.

So… Is there any other use for prosthetic limbs?

Other uses… Is it necessary to assemble a robot made entirely of mechanical mantras? funny……

Originally just wants to spit a slot, but this sentence comes to mind at the moment, Naruto feels that he has seen another sky!

and many more! Naruto forces himself to return to calmness.

Robots don’t have to have a body, but also a system of artificial intelligence.

He can come up with the body, can’t make any intelligence…

Uh… Bai Hao is such a good idea…

Just about to completely remove this idea from his head, Naruto suddenly thought of something that could replace artificial intelligence! Clone Jutsu!

If the machine is a body, if it is controlled by the body…

Naruto sees that I can’t control my brain!

Another idea of ​​veto appears. Although this idea seems to be good, if the chakra is exhausted in the middle of the process, the mechanical body is not recycled in time. It is not a showy. After all, to build a robot, no matter how much manpower or material resources are used. Good are very huge.

Then the solution came out again – the mechanical body can be marked and then recalled with Kuchiyose no Jutsu!

Nest grass! My TM is really too smart!

Then this program is called! The arrival of Megatron!

GodTM’s Megatron’s coming! Why is it not the arrival of Optimus Prime…

Uh… It looks like the name Optimus Prime is not very elegant…

Huh? Think of the autobot… Do you want to add a variant of the mechanic to the body, usually a car, a motorcycle, an airplane, a ship, or even a spaceship, and then fight to change, take over and take part in the battle?

Interesting ……

Then book it!

The prosthetic system differentiation topic continues! Prepare for the future Megatron Advent Plan.

Then return to the original question.

The mechanical wing is to be carried on the armor, so the armor is placed in front of the wing.

Prosthetic System Differentiation and Armored Armor…

Well, it will take some time for the visual cloning technology to be implemented, so continue to study the system differentiation of prosthetic limbs.

However, if it is so tossing… It will be impossible to stay in Konoha in the future, because Tsunade is good for yourself, although Tsunade is Hokage, but… Hokage sometimes is not a panacea, if the country of fire If you have a big name, you don’t even have to be so far away. Jiraiya will not let him toss.

The new weapon means the upgrade of the battle, and the battle upgrade will kill more people.

Nowadays, these armor are prepared for shinobi, and there is no such thing as an armed armor that can be used by the ordinary person in the future. At this time, the battle of the World… will be popularized by all.

but! Will it not develop because of the dangers that may exist in the future? That is absolutely stupid.

Don’t say anything else, Ōtsutsuki can be said to be an alien creature, and then there will be other alien creatures coming down on this World’s current force… Naruto is not optimistic.

After retreating 10, what would Naruto think so much?

Funny, he will only pursue a more interesting life, in his words, what is the difference between not being dead and salted fish.

Elegant version, no more crazy… we are old!

So…Hehehehe 嘿…

Naruto had a weird smile on her face.

The girls in the small class of Naruto looked at Naruto, who was suddenly not talking and stupid, and thought about whether their teacher’s head was broken again…

Naruto’s inner world continues to be active… So… where is this world suitable for him to develop?

First of all, it must be inaccessible… the country of the wind? In the desert?

Naruto does not like the yellow sand.

Then… in the loess high slope of the country of the earth?

Want to sing Alaso? funny……

Then…the country of snow… looks like a good place…

Plus, he has Hyōton (Ice Release) Kekkei Genkai… Go there… He doesn’t have to kill Kage level with rain.

Is it a bit exaggerated? Kage level… is it far away?

Think about it, Danzo is also considered Kage level, isn’t he still killed by himself?

Then… the country of snow.

If you have a place, you have to have money… Big-scale soldiers need money…

How to solve the money…waiting to think…

The girls finally can’t wait.

Hinata couldn’t help it anymore. He poked his hands on his chest. “That… Naruto Jun… Which topic do we want to study next?”

Naruto’s consciousness returned to the ontology, and it felt like a dream for a few thousand years, and it gave birth to a feeling like a world.

Just now he seems to have seen his cosmic team set sail…

“Cough! That… continue to study the system differentiation of the prosthetic, this subject completed the study of armed armor, and then the mechanical wing.”

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