Supreme Naruto

Chapter 222

After returning to Konoha, Tsunade once again invited Naruto.

“Naruto, I think you should move to my house in the past six months, at the same time, they can also move.”

Moved to the Tsunade home? What a joke, don’t say mute, Mama is willing to do this, Naruto alone is not likely to be willing.

The main point is that it is impossible to study the ban on Edo Tensei and other series.

Muni, they should not be willing, because Tsunade’s home is big, but there is no big garden to give pets to Xiaoni.

Naruto shook the shook head and refused. “I don’t know how to mute. I have to go to mute and I will live longer.”

Tsunade looked at Muni, who was the first to hold Naruto’s arm. “Where is the Naruto big brother?”

Tsunade nodded, “Well, come, I will give you another check.”

The check was quick, and Tsunade told the previous one again.

The thirteenth time…

Naruto resisted the expression of constipation, listened carefully, and replied.

Tsunade: “No more use of the nine-tailed Chakra!”

Naruto chick nodded like a glutinous rice: “Hmm, I know.”

Tsunade: “It is forbidden to use Chakra in the past six months!”

Naruto continued to nod and promised: “I don’t want to use it, I use personal guarantee.”

Tsunade Serious look at Naruto, “I still don’t trust… so you lie down.”

Then Tsunade took out a Scroll and covered it on the celebrity. Naruto felt that things were not right.

Psychologically, Hollow said: “Tsunade elder sister…you want this…”

A drop of blood dripped onto the Scroll, and the curse on the Scroll twitched.

Tsunade said with a smile : “I feel that you have sealed your Chakra before it is insured.”

Seal Chakra? Do you want to be so absolutely!

Sealed Chakra How did he study Edo Tensei?

There is also a fusion of Attribute Naruto from Sasuke. I don’t know, Sasuke will have two Chakra properties of fire and thunder.

He originally intended to come back to test with Chakra test strips, because when asked about the nine tails, the nine tails will definitely take the opportunity to dessert.

So Naruto, who can do it himself, tries not to ask about the nine…

As for Yakushi Kabuto and Danzo’s soul Naruto, it is not curious, because the fusion of Naruto’s soul is enhanced, it is obviously an existing Attribute. According to Naruto’s inference, Yakushi Kabuto is probably a positive Attribute, and Danzo is a wind Attribute.

“Tsunade elder sister, don’t seal Chakra? What’s the special case?”

Tsunade said seriously: “So I let you live in my house.”

Naruto turned over Byakugan (roll eyes), this circle is not going out.

In the end… still sealed…

Naruto’s face is dark and black, full of resentment: “Tsunade elder sister, your seal is not strong, if you accidentally broke it, don’t blame me.”

Tsunade blinked with a smile: “Do not worry.” Tsunade raised his hand and shook a rounded mantra on his hand. “This seal has a part of the structure printed on my hand, you can never Broke.”

Naruto’s face is darker, enough!

This kind of encryption style and the key left by the four generations of Hokage is a principle…

Naruto tried to extract Chakra… No response…

Try to contact the nine tails… no response…

This is sad…

What is the Attribute of the fusion from Sasuke? He will die in half a year…

Naruto suddenly thought of another thing, said with a smile: “Tsunade elder sister, your blood sugar… when are you going to treat it?”

Naruto laughs very purely, full of happiness.

Since we can’t communicate, let’s just kill each other!

Tsunade feels that his back is cool and perfunctori: “This is really urgent…”

Naruto advised: “It’s better to get better treatment soon. If you get treatment early, this time will not be so passive.”

This sentence is true.

But…looks at the blink of the Naruto…Tsunade always feels cool in my heart…

Naruto smirked away from Tsunade’s home. “Tsunade elder sister wants to make up your mind early, hehe… you can’t hide it…”

Unconcealed threat, Tsunade suddenly felt that he should cure the blood sugar and then seal Naruto…

I don’t know if the remorse is coming or not… “Naruto, that… or will I unpack your seal for a while?”

Naruto smiled at the door and waved this gesture of worship while smiling.


Back at the manager’s home, Naruto tried to call the nine tails again.

no response……

It seems that this seal has been cut off from the Spirit link between Jiuwei and him.

Hey… The nine-tailed innocent lay gun has to be closed in the dark room for half a year…

I don’t know if it will be split by the sly Spirit when it is released.

What if the nine-tailed Spirit split?

That kind of scene is actually quite happy.

But… the nine tails are now split as Spirit?

Yin Attribute and Yang Attribute are two nine tails.

“Muni, ah, that can’t move Chakra, seals can’t be used, give you a transformation…” After the words, Naruto saw Muni’s tears at the sights at him, so don’t mention it.

There is a kind of posture that you cry when you don’t upgrade me.

Although I know that Muni’s tears are mostly forged by the change of water Attribute Chakra… but still can’t bear it…

So I changed my mind: “Well, in fact, the transformation is not only a way to increase the line, I will give you a super wheelchair that can be used in combat.”

Can I use a wheelchair in combat?

Muni was bright.

Can I sit in the battle even in the future? That kind of scene is just beautiful when you think about it.

Even the mouth promised: “The master is the biggest, the owner said how to change it.”

Um… I’m fooled around…

Then I promised Datuni to fix the arm…

Naruto looked at Datuni, and Datuni said: “I don’t care, it’s just a small part, it doesn’t matter.”

Saying that Da Ni Ni raised his hand and did a few moves to show that the arm can still be used, the result…

“Squeaking” a finger off…

Datuni looks at his own hand and swayed the four fingers: “There are at least four fingers.”

Four fingers continue to swing.

“Oh,” lost another one…

The scene was very quiet for a while, and Datuni didn’t swing his fingers any more, but he took care of it carefully.

But…the Momentum that can’t stop the finger from falling off, squeaky…

In the end, there is only one middle finger left… Naruto feels particularly ridiculous.

“Do not worry, I will come up with the difficulty of overcoming Chakra!”

Naruto looked at Xiaoniuni, and Xiaoniini felt that the atmosphere was not right. She was afraid to shut up and did not speak.

Naruto licked the little brain of Minnie, “Go, now take you to steal a pet.”

Stealing pets? Ok!

Naruto decided to go to the 44 exam room and steal it!

Anyway, the coercive bear mother has more than one child and one child can’t count it.

Jiraiya, who collected the news at the same time at the country of the earth, received the death of Danzo.

[Danzo murdered Hokage and was killed by five generations of Hokage. 】

The Chakra suddenly riots on Jiraiya, although only a short line of words, are dangerous, but like the sword edge in the throat is chilling.

Jiraiya’s face is rare in ice-cold, the teeth are bitten together, the muscles of the face are raised, and gnashing teeth spit out two words: “Looking…death…”

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