Supreme Naruto

Chapter 221

After a day in the same place, the next day everyone started to go back.

Although Anbu Ninja was disabled, it was still a bit useful. The three men had three big carvings.

Three colors, one black, one white, one gray.

The back of the carving is wide, and one can sit on two people or stand three people.

But Naruto didn’t squeeze with them, but with them.

Muni built a steel boat with a coin, and Datuni controlled the iron boat with a magnetic cymbal to fly in the sky.

Hinata and Tsunade sit on the back of the carving, and they will aim at it from time to time.

At the same time…Tsunade will also take a look.

But unlike the people Hinata looks at, Tsunade looks at Dazzini, Muni, and… Little Muni.

Tsunade knew that the three men came out of the sanatorium, but they knew nothing about their past.

Can’t find a match in the book shinobi…

Originally, she didn’t care, but this time…Strength, who was shown by the three, was shocked by her.

There are also two kinds of Kekkei Genkai… The little hoe can change the steel shovel of Metal and the magnetic raft that another person can make the iron boat float.

Steel shovel once appeared in the village of Iwagakure Ninja… magnetic shovel in Sharon Village…

Tsunade is not sure if the two people have anything to do with the two villages.

There is another girl who has been sitting in a wheelchair. Tsunade remembers that she was the last fatal blow to Danzo.

At that time, Danzo’s body suddenly became red, and his body steamed… Then his head blew directly.

If you guessed well… it should be Vapour Style.

The three girls have three kinds of Kekkei Genkai… This kind of Strength is not a waste if it is disabled, so why do they stay in Konoha?

And there are two other people on the Metal boat… she doesn’t know the identity of a twin with a short hairpin and a short blue hair.

As a Hokage, Tsunade feels a little derelict.

Thinking of this, Tsunade couldn’t help but think of Jiraiya who checked their identity.

It has been more than a month now, and I don’t know if I found it.

If you find out… I hope that it is not the spies of other villages, if so… then it seems that they can help Naruto.

However, as soon as possible, the shinobi of other villages living in the village is a great security risk.

Tsunade’s mood is very complicated.

Similarly, Naruto’s mood is also very complicated.

Before the departure, Naruto quietly flipped the body of Yakushi Kabuto. On Yakushi Kabuto, he found the ashes of the seal Kato and the rope tree. This is good news, but… how to hand it over to Tsunade?

At the same time Naruto is also hesitant about Tsunade’s idea of ​​resurrection.

Naruto understands Tsunade’s thoughts. If the person he likes has passed away, Naruto will never hesitate to use Edo Tensei directly, and then think about how to actually resurrect it.

After all, this World has a way to really resurrect people.

But… On the other hand, Naruto didn’t want to resurrect Tsunade. He wanted Tsunade and Jiraiya to be more than the broken Naruto.

Or… Jiraiya, that guy is too poor.

The people landed in a nearby Little Town and decided to buy some horses and continue on their way.

When Yamato and the monkey went to buy a carriage, Tsunade came over. “I will see how your wound is heal.”

Instead of using the palm of Senjutsu, I opened the bandage of Level 1 and saw that Naruto was cruel and even had several skins that had begun to fall off.

Ordinary people want a good wound for half a month to Naruto… It only took three days…

This body recovery is really not too good.

I couldn’t help but sigh: “Although I knew that your resilience was abnormal, I still felt that there was some abnormality too much.”

Naruto said: “Is this boasting me?”

Tsunade is speechless, is this triumphant? What is good about the injury? It’s really awkward.

Then warned repeated: “Although the surface of the flesh wound is repaired, but this time you really hurt the cell itself, the nine-tailed Chakra opened the fifth gear, equivalent to the normal Chakra seven or even eight stalls, the load on the body Big, you are also medical shinobi should know that the number of cell divisions is limited, so I forbid you to use the nine-tailed Chakra to use strange power.”

Naruto turned a Byakugan (roll eyes) and raised his hand to compare a number: “The seventh time…”

Tsunade raised his hand and pulled Naruto a big neck: “Even if you are 100, you will listen to me!”

What Naruto can say, nodded and nodded, “Oh, I remember.”

Tsunade continued: “There is no way to ban you from using any Ninjutsu within half a year, including extracting Chakra from the Yin seal. Your body needs to be recuperated, otherwise the cells will speed up the division and the cells will speed up the splitting. What do you mean?”

Naruto wants to say that this is also the seventh time, but I want to come and it’s a big neck slip, so I’m convinced: “I know, I will pay attention.”

Then in order not to have other strange conventions, I quickly transferred the topic and looked at Kakashi, who was still in the shadows and still corpse in the shade: “Tsunade elder sister, Kakashi is not heavy? Is the whole body burn not disfigured? He also If you don’t have a girlfriend, if you disfigure it, you can’t sell it any more.”

Kakashi looks black, is he so difficult to sell? Hearted…

Tsunade looked at the corner of the corner and listened to Kakashi, Kaidō: “When I woke up, your little maid had handled it for him. It was very well handled and should not leave scars.”

Little maid? When did you have a little maid?

Is it Sakura Spring and summer?

Naruto feels that I need to explain, “That… they are not my little maid… I call my master just a joke.”

At this time, Sakuriya spring and summer are not nearby, and Tsunade looks serious and asks Naruto: “Do you know about their identity? They are not ordinary people.”

Naruto smiles Kaidō: “But it’s not a bad guy.”

This answer… Tsunade turned a Byakugan (roll eyes).

It’s just right to avoid it and just answer it.

Naruto hesitated and handed the seal to the Tsunade with the scroll of the seal and the ashes.

“Right, suddenly I thought this was Orochimaru let me give it to you.”

Naruto thought about it and decided to kick the pot to Orochimaru. After three years, Tsunade couldn’t find Orochimaru to ask about it.

At the same time, whether Tsunade wants to resurrect these two people with Edo Tensei, Naruto feels that it should also be decided by Tsunade himself.

And there is… this seems to be a good way to transfer topics.

Tsunade frowned and took over the Scroll.

In the thought room, I guessed what was inside the seal, and there was a hint of excitement in my eyes.

At this point, the conversation between the two ended and Tsunade left on the grounds of going to the bathroom.

Is this right?

If he does not give this Scroll to Tsunade, then she has no choice.

Nor is it possible to resurrect anyone.

But that… I always feel bad, and the ashes of Kato and rope trees are also very important for Tsunade.

Naruto does not consider himself qualified to deal with Tsunade.

It didn’t take long for Tsunade to come back as usual, and Yamato and the monkey also bought three carriages, and everyone went back on the road.

After two days and two nights, I returned to Konoha.

Next… is to deal with the death of Danzo.

This is a very troublesome thing, no matter how it is handled, it will cause trouble.

No one knows how many supporters Danzo has secretly cultivated.

And what do these supporters do after Danzo’s death?

Thanks: “calcium hydroxylate”, “fbadff”, “Xuan Qing Tian Shi”, “~ leaf page”, “book friend 20171128223536331”, “spiritual 999”, “someone of road ^”, “muddy 耿丽娜” big Our rewards~ (to the big bang ~ one 鞠躬, two 鞠躬 ……, etc., the rhythm is wrong, stop in time) funny

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