Supreme Naruto

Chapter 223

Naruto killed Danzo except the party, no one in Konoha knew.

Because on the way back, Tsunade unified the calibre of everyone.

Danzo, she killed.

Of course, this is to protect Naruto. Naruto has some opinions on this original, saying that he is not embarrassed. If Danzo’s supporters find him back, it will be no doubt after Chakra is sealed.

But…this doesn’t mean that Naruto succumbed to the power of Tsunade, although his Chakra was sealed and Naruto came up with a new way to use the Chakra method.

That is to control someone else’s body through a deep Spirit link.

Deep Spirit links require a very high level of trust, so Naruto is not lacking such people.

Datuni, Muni, and Little Sonny, as well as Spring and Summer are willing to establish deep links with Naruto.

Naruto succeeded in upgrading the wheelchair for Muni, by controlling the body of Muni, but… Muni said that Naruto promised her to give her a wheelchair that could be used in combat…

Naruto feels that my liver hurts…

As for the big armor’s broken arm, it was troublesome. Naruto had to find the medical shinobi to remove the prosthetic and press it again, because there is a Chakra line.

The natural choice is the wind and the moon. At the same time, when the time spent in the wind, Naruto learned that there was a bad news. Kakashi used this injury to express his enthusiasm to the wind!

Now the wind and the moon are under consideration!

In the hospital, Fengshui spent a long time connecting the prosthetic limbs of Datuni with the Chakra line.

The prosthetic is not alone in the Chakra line. Take Datuni as an example. There is a bracket on her shoulder, which is physically fixed for the prosthetic.

The Chakra line simply connects the meridians to the prosthetic, and at the same time, the spells of the characters help the flow of Chakra.

This is the general situation of prosthetics at this stage.

“Installed, Naruto, have you been studying new things lately? Why don’t I stay with you for a while? Don’t worry, I will bring my own food!”

Food costs? What stem?

Oh… I remembered it. Last time they came to the store manager’s house, Naruto said that he didn’t accept other people. At that time, he seemed to have said that he had a meal.

Naruto waved his hand again and again: “How can I collect your food?”

“There is agreement?”

Naruto smiles at the wind and flowers. When Naruto studied new things, the wind and flowers were very interesting, but they were not interested in boarding to Naruto.

Then… the only possibility now is to hide Kakashi.

“Hua Yue teacher, although I don’t like Kakashi guy, after all, the guy always uses power for me, but… Kakashi is still a good destination.”

It was said by Naruto that the heart was broken and the face of the wind was red.

It’s rare to show the daughter state, and Tsunade is saying that… Is it… she and Kakashi really match?

Not worthy! She hates shinobi most!

The wind between the wind and the moon smashed the doubts in my heart, but the idea couldn’t help but popped out…

Naruto can’t see the wind and the moon is hesitating, so full power assists: “Hua Yue teacher, I ask you, Kakashi looks pretty good, although there is a long face on the face, but it is not ugly right? ”

The wind between the moon and the moon recalled, nodded said: “I feel so good… I have no special requirements for the appearance…”

A woman who has no requirements for appearance? Really a good woman!

Naruto remembers that some people say that 85% is a visual creature, and 14% has to succumb to the condition, only the last 1% is true love.

Rare than the giant panda.

Kakashi is really worthy of the teacher.

Naruto continued to help: “Kakashi has a huge advantage. Huayue teacher wants to hear it. I promise you can laugh after listening. If you laugh, it will be recognized. It means it is really worthy.”

The curiosity of the wind and the moon was attracted and asked: “What?”

Naruto laughed: “Man is stupid and more parents are dead.”

“pū!” The windy month smiled.

Datuni wants to laugh, but she resists it.

Naruto secretly gave David a big thumbs up.

Then I left with a big monk: “Hua Yue teacher, think about it again, I will go first.”

Leaving the hospital, the big surprise at the sights at Naruto said: “I didn’t expect you to be a matchmaker.”

Naruto proudly said: “With my IQ and emotional intelligence, there is nothing I can’t do.”

Datuni replied: “You can’t conceive and can’t have children.”

Naruto’s little face was blackened by the thunder, and he said: “This is really…can’t do it, but I can make others pregnant.”

Then I am proud of it again.

This time it was Datun’s turn to be thunder.

The two returned to the store manager’s home, and Naruto played with the new prosthetic, which would be the next thing to do.

Continue to optimize the combat type prosthetic, and then experiment, after the experiment is passed, it is to upgrade the prosthetic limbs of the three men.

It is a reward for three people in the true sense.

However, before that, he still needs to find a good medical shinobi. Originally, Fenghuahuayue is a very good candidate, but it can only be ruled out at the crucial moment of Kakashi’s development.


It’s absolutely a matter of letting Hokage give it to himself. Naruto believes that Tsunade will agree, but… Because of the death of Danzo, Tsunade has a lot of things to do recently, or don’t mess up.


Naruto shook the shook head and finally thought of a good candidate, his little Junior Sister Haruno Sakura.

I don’t know what happened to the hammer wheel recently.

If it’s good… Haruno Sakura seems to help you hit the iron and cast some parts or something.

Thinking about this, Naruto thought of another thing. Since you can use seals by controlling someone else’s body, then… Can you use Edo Tensei through someone else’s body?

Naruto’s eyes looked at the girls in the room.

Little Muni has nothing to do with rolling, little Muni is not suitable, after all… Edo Tensei is still more evil, little Muni is still small.

Datuni… Datuni is mature and steady, but… the arm is a prosthetic and cannot be hand seal.

Muni… This girl is more relaxed, and the psychological tolerance of the Ability should be explosive. It seems to be feasible.

As for Sakuriya Spring and Sakura Valley Summer, it is impossible to stay at their side, so although trust, but Ninjutsu like Edo Tensei, the less people know the better.

Thinking of Edo Tensei, I thought of Kato and the rope tree, and I don’t know what Tsunade’s choice would be.

Will be resurrected…

If you are resurrected, you need two living people.

If Danzo’s secret supporters jump out at this time, it is not difficult to get together two living people.

Or does Tsunade use the people in the Konoha dungeon?

Thinking about it, Naruto still thinks that Tsunade and Jiraiya match.

Unfortunately, Jiraiya is not in the village…

If Jiraiya comes back before Tsunade resurrects the two guys… he can find a way to help and try to change the mind of Tsunade…

It’s a pity… maybe this is destiny.

Destined Jiraiya no one loves.

At this same time, Naruto didn’t know, Jiraiya was rushing to Konoha.

“蛤蟆忠! Run faster!”

Yu Zhong, a big sister with a necklace of “loyalty”.

A blue-colored pattern with a bandage on the body, the movement is very healthy, “received!”

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