Supreme Naruto

Chapter 220

After condolences to Kakashi, Naruto came to the tent next to him.

This time is… spring and summer?

Surprised, they are coming too.

Telling the truth, Naruto is very touched.

As for the failure to shoot, it must have been shocked by his heroic attitude, I believe he can solve it completely.

Naruto is not narcissistic and will die seriously…

Spring and summer are prostitutes in front of Naruto, saying what is it, not talking back, usually Naruto asks, and then perfect.

Therefore, Naruto’s dialogue with spring and summer is unusually harmonious.

This makes Hairata, which is observed in the darkness of Byakugan (roll eyes), hairy, and feels that there is absolutely a problem in spring and summer.

It is necessary to tell Naruto the true face of both of them.

Byakugan (roll eyes) Under the visual, Hinata can clearly see that the expressions of spring and summer are just the expressions made by the muscles, which is not the real emotion at all.

Because people’s emotional changes are not just facial expressions, but also the beat of heartbeat, the speed of blood flow, the relaxation of pores, etc., and even affect the state of Chakra.

But these are not felt by Hinata on these two people.

The breath of two people seems to be still. The heartbeat is a beat from beginning to end. No matter whether it is a smile or a spoiled change, there is no other performance. The pores seem to have not been moved.

Chakra… no ups and downs…

Terrifying ……

And such people are still talking and laughing with Naruto…

Hinata feels cold throughout.

The camp was just a few glances, so she couldn’t breathe.

Inside the camp.

Naruto start to talk said: “Since you are here, then all of my things should be kept by you?”

Xia Yuqiao’s nodded, then triggers the storage harness on the hand.

The blue-sleeve sword, two storage guards, a pile of Scrolls, and… a broken pocket… Chakra armor brought from the country of snow.

Seeing the armor… Naruto liver hurts…

Once it was adopted, it was scrapped… When he returned, he had to study one himself.

Xia Duan’s mouth: “It’s all here. If the clothes are destroyed, they will be thrown away.”

Naruto saw two of the Scrolls sighed in relief, one with Danzo’s right hand and one Shisui’s Sharingan.

These are all things that Tsunade can’t know.

And… a black Scroll that records the experience of Edo Tensei.

And… the body of Yakushi Kabuto…

Naruto sincerely thanked: “Fortunately, you are there.”

Say, take a blank Scroll from inside, and the pen and ink used to write the character array.

“The rest is still in your hands, you have to save it.”

Xia Lianlian nodded: “Well! Summer will definitely swear to protect the owner’s property.”

At the same time Naruto and the summer established the Spirit link: “These things didn’t let other people touch before you put it in?”

Summer with Naruto, Spirit links the dual-pass status.

“Except for the owner’s sword, no one else touched it. The ones who touched the sword were several shinobi of Konoha Anbu. Did the master kill them?”

A glimpse of Naruto.

Have you asked for dessert in the summer? Ask him today to kill them?

Is it… I have developed a new Attribute for this pair of sisters?

But just touching the sword, naturally there is no need to kill.

Naruto Kaidō: “No, I don’t have to touch other Scrolls.”

By cutting off the Spirit link, Naruto lifted the special ink on the brush and wrote the dragon snake on the Scroll.

This is a small sensory barrier.

He wants to find Hinata in this way.

The symbolic representation of the barrier is good, and the hand seal triggers. Naruto’s Spiritual Force and the array successfully connect, and then Naruto is the center of the ball, and a circle of 200 meters in diameter spreads out.


Naruto saw the scene in the other two camps, one lying with two shinobi wrapped in mummies.

And take care of the two mummies of Yamato.

The other is Muni.

Tsunade’s camp has a shield perception.

Hinata…not in the scope of perception…

Where did this girl go? Naruto feels that his liver hurts more…

I made up my mind that I will have to study the perception barrier of the cow B when I go back next time.

If you don’t want to hide in the future, it’s funny.

But … more rigorously requires a more rigorous base, at least Scroll is not enough … there are a lot of Chakra.

Um… a lot of Chakra, he is not lacking.

As you think about it, Naruto takes back the procedure and rolls up the Scroll.

Then follow the message that I just learned about the barrier and walk into the camp where Muni is located.

Although Muni has not made a heroic sacrifice, thanks for it.

Into the tent where Muni is located, Xiaoniuni is playing with the Lai Snake and Big Fat.

大咕尼looks at 小咕尼玩…

Muni is always in a wheelchair…

Naruto’s thoughts moved and thought of a way of gratitude. “Muni, have you said that you have upgraded your wheelchair last time?”

When Muni listened to the eyes, it was instantly bright, and he said, “Master, you are the best.”

Naruto ignored the monks and nuns, and said to Xiao Ni Ni: “What do you want for a little monk?”

Xiaonioni’s eyes are also lit up, and some awkward words: “What wishes are you?”

Although it was a small monk, Naruto left a mind and did not answer. “You can do it with Naruto big brother.”

Because of the unpretentious monks and nuns, Naruto now has some feelings of being a soldier.

Xiaonioni’s eyes sparkled: “I want more pets, and the bad guys don’t let me raise them in that place.”

This wish… looks like a good job.

Naruto thought of the roll, and promised: “Okay, I will bring you a special cute when I go home.”

Then Naruto looked at Dazzini.

Dazzini’s impression of Naruto is the most stable and mature.

“What do you want for Datuni?”

Datuni seriously thought for a moment and raised his hand. “This boss hands broke a part when the arm was on the road. Now it is not good enough. Let me fix it for me.”

It’s a simple wish…

Naruto decided… promised her.

Then Naruto’s avatar took Kaid into Tsunade’s camp, handed the Scroll to the body, and then disengaged.

Hinata sees this scene in her eyes, and her heart is very tangled.

How did Naruto lift the avatar like this?

Shouldn’t Naruto come to her?

She is ready to hide a few times to come out…

Will Naruto be sent out again?

Definitely will be sent!

Hinata told herself so.

However, after five minutes, Naruto lying down again slept very sweet…

Hinata grinned her mouth.

“Naruto didn’t come to me… I decided… I decided not to ignore him anymore!”

After he finished speaking, he hesitated and changed his mind: “No… I decided to ignore Naruto this month!”

I thought about it again, “Well… still this week…”

Finally unsure: “Or… today?”

“Well… maybe Naruto Jun is uncomfortable today and can’t use Clone Jutsu for a long time…”

Hinata’s poor look at Naruto, who is asleep, has a higher mouth.

I am full of faces, come find me, I am here to find me.

Unfortunately, Naruto Jun slept very sweetly…

Hinata staring at the camp did not notice that a brown-black snake was lying on a branch not far away, with her tail licking the gang to look at her.

And listened to her words.

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