Supreme Naruto

Chapter 186

Overcoming fear of heights, this is a sudden addition of Tsunade to Naruto.

It finally succeeded until the fifth day.

Naruto was calmly thrown away, then landed steadily…

Being so calm, the ghost knows what he has experienced in these five days.

However, it does prove that the exposure method is effective.

At the same time also allowed Tsunade to use the exposure method to treat blood sugar, and the supervisor was designated Naruto, who had been abused for five days.

“Tsunade elder sister Are you really talking?” You want me to supervise your use of blood to stimulate your blood sugar?

Tsunade looks at Naruto, who wants to copy his knife and wants to go to his body, hesitating…

After thinking about it, “I am not in a hurry to treat the blood sugar, wait until you master the power.”

Um… mainly after you calm down… The character of your death is estimated to be the beginning of the game, you should be able to kill the teacher…

“Don’t learn now…”

Naruto sighed with disappointment and looked at the Tsunade feeling behind the cold wind sōu sōu.

Some Heart Hollow’s transfer topic: “Now, do what I said before.”

“I changed the ordinary Chakra to Yang Attribute Chakra and issued Attack. At the moment of Attack, I concentrated the cation Chakra on my body on the fist that initiated Attack, and made an instant burst.”

Naruto nodded, go back to the stone platform, took a deep breath.

Breathing… inhaling…

When the mood stabilized, the conscious mind began to transform Chakra, and the Attribute Chakra was spread all over the body.

Then stimulate the body amplification Strength with Chakra, ten times? Ordinary Chakra is ten times, and now Naruto doesn’t know how many times.

Lifting gas and accumulating power.

With this at the same time, the whole body yang Attribute Chakra is in the moment of accumulating power, and gathers in the right fist.

In an instant, a nameless painful feeling filled the whole fist, and the converged Chakra scatters out of the fist, giving out a red glow.

Tsunade elder sister doesn’t bring a halo when it’s awesome?

Can’t think of Naruto, Chakra, which has accumulated on the fist, has reached the point where it doesn’t spit.

Naruto no longer hesitated, punching his fist on the cliff below him.

“hōng lòng !”

The cliff burst, like a firecracker, splashing!

Naruto’s hands are steaming.

At the same time, because the reaction force body throws a distance and then directly switches the wind Attribute Chakra property change, the airflow is smoothly jetted, and Naruto hangs in the air.

Right now, the cliff that was squatting to the sky was finally dead… hangs.

It’s spectacular, it’s smashing, the gravel is rolling, and the smoke is lingering.

“Is this hit… a hundred times?”

Naruto was stunned and shocked by the power of this punch.

Then the airflow was slower and the person glided past the location where Tsunade was.

“Tsunade elder sister, I am right? Is this the strange power?”

To tell the truth, Tsunade is also a bit shocked by the power, how much has it been compressed by Chakra?

Chakra of Yang Attribute is not easy to transform… In a moment, Naruto can transform Chakra on his body into Chakra of so many positive Attributes? A little enchanting.

Tsunade’s pertinent comment: “The power is good, but most of the power comes from the amount of cation Chakra. The skill is still a lot worse, first…”

Tsunade raised his hand and gathered Chakra. Tsunade’s hand also started to glow, but it was different from Naruto’s red light, but white, explaining: “This effect shows that your Chakra is not concise, and Chakra is out of the body. ”

Speaking that Tsunade is pointing a finger on a tree.

The tree was like a sniper’s headshot, and the entire canopy was blown up, leaving only one section on the ground.

Then Tsunade’s hand disappeared and flicked on another tree again. This time it was not an explosion, the trees were directly pierced, and the tree trunk around it was deformed and twisted, which seemed to be backlogged by hydraulic presses.

“This is the effect of the same amount of Chakra. After Chakra’s condensing, the effect produced is not as spectacular as before, but the power is substantially greater.”

Naruto nodded in teaching.

Gathered a little Chakra and tried it.

If… there is a steel ball in the hand… This one… The power should be able to catch the rifle, right?

Naruto took a stone and tried it.

“bang!” The stone broke out and penetrated the big tree in the distance.

Naruto began to like the blame.

Tsunade looks at Naruto The stone that was shot out was nodded, this time Naruto’s hand did not shine.

Explain that Chakra is well controlled.

For ordinary people, controlling Chakra is a long-term practice, Naruto…

If you don’t want him, then the young Talent now won’t be so good?

Do you want to stop receiving a discipline?

This discipline teaches it too easily, so that Tsunade can’t help but get another idea.

Recently, she was also observing a little girl, Naruto recommended her spring wild cherry.

Look at Naruto and shoot a dozen stones, playing it, and Tsunade seems to be able to talk a little more.

Then start to talk, “Now you are officially exposed to the power of the strange force, but this is just an introduction. At this stage, you can use the Attribute Chakra to stimulate the body, regulate the body’s metabolism, enhance the vitality of the body, and strengthen the bones. Hardness, muscle strength.”

Naruto’s eyes are bright, he wants this, so he can improve Strength as soon as possible, and then open the third door of the eight armor!

Tsunade smiled as if seeing Naruto’s thoughts and continued: “There is one thing to tell you about the enhancement of the body. The strength of the body is not the more the formidable, the stronger the body means the body. Strong crush, but at the same time also means stronger consumption, and the number of cell divisions is limited, which means … dying earlier.”

When I heard this, Naruto suddenly became cold.

Longevity? Which is important for Strength and lifespan?

Without Strength protection can’t protect yourself, but there is no lifespan to Strength fart?

Then open the third door?

Naruto thought for a long time, looked up and found that Tsunade was laughing at him at him.

At this moment, Naruto suddenly had a…opposite side to know the secret of his own.

Tsunade’s eyes are like saying that the sample is still in front of me? I already knew it.

Is this an illusion?

Tsunade’s next sentence tells him that this is not an illusion.

Tsunade continued: “Take the eight armor as an example.”

At this moment, Naruto’s brain only felt awkward.

Wait, maybe I think more, actually…Tsunade just wants to lift a chestnut?

Tsunade: “The eight-door armor, by removing the eight-door restriction on the body, and thus obtaining a short-term Strength explosion, the existence of this technique is only a matter of killing the enemy, even if the jade is burned, it will kill the enemy.”

“If the user’s body reaches the standard before the operation, then there will be no side effects. It is just that a reservoir opens a little larger water, but from the fourth door, it is not as simple as pouring a little water. The huge uncontrolled water flow constantly hits the dam in the rushing, and it is inevitable that the dam is damaged. This damage can be repaired well. The fourth door is in the area where it can be repaired. After the fifth door, it is impossible. Recover dangerous areas.”

“These are for the ordinary person. For those who use strange power, the third door like yours is your repairable area, the fourth is the dangerous area, and the fifth is the dead area.”

“When you really learn to blame and do it, when you overlay Level 1 Yang Attribute Chakra, the repairable area will be reduced to the second.”

“Level 2 overlay, the first door is the repairable area.”

“Level 3, Level 3, as long as you use it, it is equal to death.”

“As for the reason, it is very simple. It will not open a state of eight doors, such as a good balloon. After the eight doors are lifted, the balloon is opened.”

“The moment when the strange force erupts is equivalent to the sudden expansion of the balloon. Then at this time you open a hole in the upper side, and the balloon must be blown up.”

“Understand?” Tsunade looks at Naruto.

Naruto chick nodded like a glutinous rice.

Tsunade is satisfied with the nodded, and the hand begins to lick Naruto’s head: “You are enough.”

Comfortably enjoying the thrill of being shackled for a while, Naruto asked: “So what is the level of 1 that is really superimposed?”

Tsunade explained: “There will be a change in the form of Chakra. The Chakra of the Yang Attribute is merged into a Level 1 film, wrapped in itself, with a stronger power and a more explosive explosion.”

“Into this stage, I told you before, at the moment of the explosion, the other parts of the body are in danger of being undefended, and this layer of film will not only break out of strength, but also the same time.”

Naruto listened to the light, and it seems that the future is great.

It’s just that… there’s no such thing as a dynamic vision.

It seems that the study of other outlets, or … … Sasuke Sharingan out?


But by contrast… Byakugan (roll eyes) seems to be more suitable for him…

Even if you buckle Hinata… Hanabi… It’s a bit cruel…

Do you want to detain the old father-in-law when the old father-in-law hangs?

When will it wait?

To the old father-in-law to poison the old father-in-law?

Naruto’s thoughts are entering dangerous areas…

Do you want to learn the sensory array of Sensor Type Ninja from Jiraiya?

Uh… I have to study and research… After all, eyes are equal to the initiative.

2800 word ~ ​​(Today looks like three more ~ ​​ah, continue to four more tomorrow) Ask for a ticket, monthly ticket, reward, full order 喽~

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