Supreme Naruto

Chapter 187

Level 1 superimposed monster power, referred to by Naruto as a strange force, according to Tsunade, learned is the official entry.

However, according to Tsunade, I want to learn the fastest… It takes three months.

This is still the time when Naruto Talent has made several discounts in succession.

However, Naruto is still not satisfied.

“Ah? It will take three months… how long?”

Tsunade tries to make herself calm, originally she wants to say a year…

Then consider that Naruto took 15 days to complete the ten-fold burst of ordinary Chakra, and once completed the outbreak of Yang Attribute Chakra, and then had a three-month deadline after a few folds…

This guy is still not satisfied? Is it three months long? Does he want to go to heaven?

I want to be myself… I don’t mention myself, I feel so embarrassed…

“That Tsunade elder sister, how do you cultivate the strange form of Chakra?”

Tsunade took a deep breath and calmed down some violent emotions. He explained: “You can buy a balloon, then blow the balloon with nothing to do, experience the elasticity of the balloon, and then simulate the balloon with Yang Attribute Chakra, um… This is your first step to practice.”

Is it a balloon?

Naruto found herself and the balloon really good, after all, the practice of spiral pills is also a balloon, then Water Sphere, the ball.

Hey…Tsunade won’t let myself blow the ball until later? Or is it a blown tire?

It’s funny to think about it, but it’s impossible to blow a tire because Konoha didn’t buy it.

“Right, Tsunade elder sister, then… can I use the eight-armor armor?”

Although I don’t know how Tsunade knows that I have learned eight armor, but from the words of Tsunade, Naruto is convinced that Tsunade knows, so it is not hidden, and asked directly.

Tsunade Kaidō: “You can use it before you officially learn the blame. If you learn it, you will throw it. The trick of destroying the enemy 1000 self-destruction is not much development.”

Naruto nodded again and again, and the original plan was to learn the first three. After all, Naruto was not stupid, and did not intend to develop himself to high level cannon fodder.

Tsunade licked Naruto’s head. “Is there any other questions? If I don’t have one, I will go back and continue working on the file. Silent that guy should start talking about bad things in the back.”

Naruto thought for a moment, then thought of a question: “Tsunade elder sister said that you can’t over-squeeze the body to improve Strength, then… how do you grasp this?”

He had been practicing heavy weights in the previous days. Until recently, he began to learn the strange powers to remove them. Therefore, he was worried that he was not worried about whether his current cultivation exceeded the load of the body.

If it is over, it will be a long-term life. It is not good. He still wants to live a long life.

Tsunade continues to squint at Naruto’s brain, Kaidō: “This is clear when you comb the body with the Attribute Chakra. It’s clear that it can’t be portrayed by language, because it’s complicated.”

“As for how to sort out, you sit down first.”

Naruto sat on the floor.

Tsunade continued to guide: “Adjust your mind and body, relax your body, calm your mind, and then control the Chakra of the Attribute of the Sun.”


This Naruto is good at it because he has not given up on the practice of spirituality.

The most basic thing about spiritual surgery is meditation.

Three breaths, Naruto will adjust the body’s most relaxed posture, the so-called relaxation is not a whole group of people softly piled up, loose is the meat can not be loose, the spine is straight and unbiased, pull up and sink.

Sitting there, it is a potential invisible, extraordinary and refined.

Naruto entered the state, Tsunade opened his mouth, and the back was swallowed back.

Originally, she also wants to give pointers on how Naruto is meditation. After all, people’s minds are like a heart, but they can’t calm down.

However, Naruto went straight to the state…

So fast, there are only three possibilities, the first is that Naruto is Idiot that doesn’t want anything in his head.

Second, Naruto is really a red heart.

The so-called red heart is transparent, it is colorless, it is transparent, it is not black or white, it is neither good nor evil.

There is no standard of secular values, no moral rules, he thinks it is good, and that is good.

Because it is transparent, in the darkness, he is black, and in the light, it is white.

Third, Naruto has practiced…

The first one can rule out how a person with a monkey sperm can be a fool.

The second type of Tsunade is not certain. After all, that kind of state of mind is in her understanding, only in the theory, only the baby will have that state of mind, and is still a newborn baby.

The third… Although Chakra’s extraction also involves meditation,… Naruto’s entry is obviously deep meditation…

This made her think of her past boyfriend… broken.

When you are practicing the practice of spiritualization, you often meditate.

Can you say that Naruto has learned the same thing?

Tsunade looks at Naruto, who entered the meditation state, and the corner of the mouth tilted slightly and laughed.

Some sighed: “It’s really a little enchanting ah, um… a enchanting little monk…”

After a minute and a minute, Tsunade waited aside.

However, an hour has passed…

Two hours have passed…

Three hours have passed…

Naruto didn’t move as if he was old.

Tsunade brow raised, it stands to reason… combing the body with the Attribute Chakra should not be so long.

Tsunade came to Naruto and looked closely. Naruto’s breathing was steady and the body seemed to be still in meditation…

But Tsunade noticed that Naruto’s eyes were rolling, and the eyelashes trembled.

Tsunade’s corner of the mouth was smoked for no reason, because this sign indicates that Naruto is dreaming…

That is to say… Naruto fell asleep in meditation.

To confirm the guess, Tsunade raised his finger and clicked on Naruto’s head, so Naruto slowly fell down and lay down…

One call… one suck… the saliva flowed out from the corner of the mouth…

Naruto sleeps very sweet…

Tsunade suddenly wanted to hit someone.

It is accurate to say that if it is Jiraiya, it should have already flown.

Take a deep breath, and finally Tsunade still reluctantly called out.

This is her baby discipline, what else can she do besides didn’t know whether to cry or laugh?

Tsunade feels that Naruto is his own nemesis.

Raising his hand and picking up Naruto, Naruto is like a kitten crouching in his arms, licking it.

Naruto sleeps very sweet…

Take it home.

Tsunade went home with Naruto and placed it on his bed, and Naruto continued to fall asleep indifferently.

This completely undefended state made Tsunade not know what to say.

I have to turn around and suddenly notice a little.

Chakra, which looks like Naruto, is still flowing with the body, which is not a performance of sleeping.

Tsunade revisited Naruto and found that Naruto’s skin surface occasionally emits a faint red light.

Because it is very weak, it is not very well resolved. Originally, Tsunade thought it was normal blood rosy.

Is this in the repair of the body with the Attribute Chakra?

Tsunade continued to observe, and then she saw Naruto’s head grow a little hair root.

This little guy has actually repaired the roots of the damage? This is not a simple fix.

Can’t help but sigh, “This guy is really enchanting…”

After the hair root grows out of the furry Level 1, it doesn’t last long. Tsunade looks at Naruto from the light egg to the head of the egg, and she still thinks it looks good.

Then Tsunade made a decision.

Chakra gathered in the hands and passed over the head of Naruto, and the level 1 fluff that had just grown on Naruto’s head fell off.

Then Tsunade picked up the blank Scroll and drew it up.

It was an unknown formation, which was painted on Naruto’s head.

Tsunade hand seal, “sealing!”

The runes on Scroll spread from Scroll and spread over Naruto’s head melon, and then I took it back and shrank it into a black dot at the center of Naruto’s head.

It’s like a monk’s quits…

Tsunade took the Scroll and took a closer look at Naruto’s head. He smiled and smiled and praised himself: “Perfect!”

And then…

Naruto sleeps very sweet…

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