Supreme Naruto

Chapter 185

The cliffs of the west bank of Konoha.

Naruto stood near the tip of the cliff, Chakra filled the whole body, punched at the foot, ten times Chakra Strength broke out!

A loud bang, the three cracks in the Naruto fist hit the whole around, and the solid stone bed broke. The rock bigger than the Level 1 building began to slow down in the rock collision. Rubbing down to do a free fall, and finally only listening to “Oh!” a sound of water, the rock fell into the river.

The river is not deep, and half of the stone surface is still on the river.

Naruto succeeded, and it was indeed ten times out of Chakra’s outbreak, and Strength was still clean and transparent, with no reluctance.

Tsunade looks at the scene in front of me, and I feel a little bit in my heart. How long did she use Strength to improve her seven times from the usual five times? One year?

That year was a year of war, even if she was young, she killed and killed.

How long did it take to increase it seven times to eight times?

She still remembers that the first punch was still so unforgettable.

Eight times up to nine times?

That is already after learning the strange power, relying on the resonance between the Attribute Chakra and the body, with the constant understanding of the body.

There are also nine times promotion to ten times…

At that time, she was already a famous doctor on the side…

“Tsunade elder sister, is this ten times?” Naruto rushed over and the expression on his face was like a dog struggling with a dead mouse in front of Elvis.

This expression is a bit awkward…

But… oh, it’s quite flattering.

Tsunade snorted on Naruto’s bald head and praised: “Yes, it is indeed ten times Chakra Strength. I originally thought that you have to practice for a year and a half to learn. I didn’t expect to use 15 days. You are really good about it. Thanks to Kakashi.”

Naruto pouted with a smile : “I have helped Kakashi connect his father’s broken knife, um… I have done some optimization.”

There is grace and revenge, and Tsunade likes Naruto very much.

Maybe this is the heart of the child?

Tsunade is satisfied with the praise: “I am so embarrassed, then I will start to teach you the strange power, you will change the ordinary Chakra into a yang Attribute Chakra and make a punch of Chakra ten times.”

Naruto hurriedly ran back to the edge of the edge of the cliff, taking a position similar to the previous distance and then slamming it down.

Ten times the Attribute Chakra Strength broke out!


Fist Under the feet, the stone surface under the foot is like the glass of the Shatter. The number of cracks is not clear, and the spider web spreads out on all sides.

The stone surface collapsed, Naruto wanted to find a place to jump out, but there was no perfect stone at the foot, and when it fell, it fell with the gravel.

There was only one scream in the air…

On the side of Tsunade’s calm look at, this scene was expected when Naruto took a punch.

“The stones are broken into powder, and they should not be subjected to damage. They will jump over a cliff. As long as they are not drunk, they will be fine.”

Tsunade said to himself.

Then suddenly thought of something, “No! Before falling a piece of boulder!”

Tsunade quickly came to the cliff, and the huge gravel that had fallen before was prominent on the riverbed.

And Naruto is herringbone on the rock…

Face landing? Will her gangsters not have a fracture?

Just as Tsunade was preparing for the rescue, “bang!”, the Naruto shot on the rock disappeared, is it a avatar?

Tsunade looked down again and finally saw the inside of the cliff. In some blind spots, a string of Naruto was pulled down.

Naruto shivered on the long ladder made up of multiple shadows: “Good luck, but I am smart.”

When the body is falling down and there is no place to stop, can you think of using multiple shadows to save yourself?

It is indeed very wit.

Tsunade is satisfied with nodded, at the same time sighed in relief.

However, just as Tsunade was preparing to call Naruto, the rock layer on the cliff under his feet trembled.

Then the sound of cracking is endless…

Naruto 瞪big eyes on the Naruto long ladder can’t help but burst into English: “Oh…No…”

Five minutes later, Naruto stood on the cliff again, but some were hungry.

“Tsunade elder sister, you can actually go to the ground to practice…” Naruto feels that his heart is a little Hollow…

Tsunade checked Naruto’s body and confirmed that Naruto’s head was not satisfied with the broken skin. “I found that you are in danger, and Strength is the fastest, so stay on top.”

Naruto can’t make a look of embarrassment this time, because even has already smoked…

Tsunade continued to comfort: “It’s okay, like a cliff, it’s used to falling.”

The muscles on Naruto’s face were pumping even more, and the expressions were distorted. He wanted to ask why he was used to this kind of thing…

However, since it is a train (ing) arranged by Tsunade, he cannot refute it.

Tsunade began to officially guide: “Just Yang Attribute ten times outbreak, you did a good job, try again, this time at the moment of the outbreak of Chakra, all the Chakra is gathered on the fist, and it bursts out instantly.”

“There is a very dangerous moment during this time, the moment you shoot, because all Chakra is concentrated on the point of the fist, so your body is undefended at this time.”

Not guarded? Naruto swallowed a mouthful of water, no defense on the cliff… Can it be stimulated again?

Naruto worries and walks to the edge of a lot of cliffs, his face is confused, his footsteps are Hollow floating, like a thin ice.

On the side of the look at, Tsunade muttered to himself: “Naruto’s heart is not enough. How can this be done? It is an imposing manner. If there is no imposing manner, it will be greatly discounted. It’s funny to punch your chest with a small fist…”

So Tsunade shouted: “Ah!”

Naruto scared the whole body and shook, full power at the foot! People are like a scorpion monkey shooting at a high altitude…

Even more ridiculous is that Naruto’s high altitude left the rock formations on the cliff…

At the foot is… abundance…

Then naturally it is the pop fall in exclamation…

“I… no… think… dead… ah… ah… ah…”

Naruto’s voice echoed in his ear, and the man plunged down.

Tsunade is hesitant to save, and it turns out that Naruto’s potential to erupt in danger is endless.

So Tsunade feels that he is saving Naruto now… delayed Naruto’s practice…

Tsunade looked down again, okay, now I don’t have to worry about it, I want to save it too late.

Self-consolation said: “Nothing, as long as he does not fall into mud, I can cure him.”

Five minutes later, Naruto trembled back and forth.

The look of horror is still on the face.

Tsunade said: “How did you save yourself?”

Naruto swallowed, Kaidō: “I sprayed Chakra of the wind Attribute as far as possible.”

Wind Attribute’s Chakra down jet? Then what about jetting?

Tsunade said curiously: “Demonstration.”

Naruto body gathers Chakra and then squirts down, because there are still some unsettled, some out of control on Strength, plus the two doors that opened the eight armor in the panic, and it is still not closed.

So in the bursting wind Attribute Chakra airflow, the Naruto took off, “Hey!”

A great giant monkey…

Then there is the scream of lose one’s head out of fear.

Five minutes later, Naruto trembled again and climbed back.

Tsunade exclaimed: “This is a good move. If you practice, you can fly.”

Naruto turned on the vibration mode…

Tsunade said: “There is this trick, falling from the sky, life is completely no problem, why are you afraid of this?”

Naruto trembled, his tongue was unclear: “I… I am afraid of height…”

Tsunade heard about his own blood sugar…

Exploratory questioning: “It is also a psychological barrier?”

Naruto got the nodded of sōu sōu.

Tsunade shines. “Did you tell me about the exposure therapy last time?”

Naruto’s brain crashed, the vibration mode was stuck in the shell, and a slight premonition came to mind, and the subconscious asked: “Ah?”

Tsunade said with a smile : “You said that you have a blood sugar, look at the blood and see how you can overcome the psychological barrier. You can fly more.”

Fly fly?

Not waiting for Naruto to be mentally prepared, Tsunade suddenly grabbed him and threw it to the sky: “Go away!”

The Naruto is taking off again!


When did you start to fear high?

Naruto remembers that he was an airship when he was a Snow Country Quest…

Um… that time he was attached to the surface of the airship because it was the body, but he didn’t look down…

So… in fact, I have always been afraid of high?

But… Is this multi-flying treatment a reliable solution?

Naruto successfully landed in thrills… Naruto took off again…

This whole day, over the west bank of the river, the sky has been screaming, the empty valley is screaming, and the sorrow is long…

New week, ask for a ticket, a monthly ticket, and a reward for the full booking~

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